One of my favorite realms is Camelot / Avalon. I LOVE basking in that vibration and feeling the enchantment of the mystical magical isle of Avalon and the community, nobleness, and commitment to something greater than one’s self that is Camelot.
 This is one of my personal favorites for starting a group. It uplifts everyone and begins a harmony among the participants. It helps things to flow. It makes everything work in a more magical synchronistic way. It assists participants in having faith and trust in each other and in you. The Blue Calcinega crystal used in this blend greatly assists in understanding the Great Mystery.
 The Essence of Camelot gem essence – it makes every day feel as magical as Camelot and Avalon.
This oil and mist are made with Blue Calcinega and infused with the mystical sounds of Richard Shulman’s Camelot Reawakened. The dream of Heaven on Earth, that flowered for a time in Camelot and has continued to grow in the hearts and minds of many. That is the music Richard Shulman brought forth in Camelot Reawakened – a Vision Fulfilled. That same energy is now infused into, and enhanced by, this precious essence which also includes the mystical crystal Blue Calcinega making Avalon more accessible.
Assists in accessing the mystical, magical realm of Camelot / Avalon. Makes everything easier and more magical. A sweet uplifted feeling.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “Camelot represents a world that functions ideally as a utopian society that functions in greatest harmony for the greatest good of all its members. This essence will tune you into a very high vision and manifestation of what the ascension process that the earth is working toward. It will assist earth empaths to manifest this ascension to higher consciousness in a more harmonious and visionary way. »
Spice Blend aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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