Sacred Circle Membership
It’s Time to Awaken
the Sacred Within
Is your soul longing for:
the mystical,
the meaningful,
the magical, &
the Divine …
Then we invite you to become part of the Sacred Circle.
EnJoy monthly “tune ups” of transformational guided energy healing meditations, energetic clearing, Divine activations, teachings on numerous topics, Q&A & community. PLUS enJOY some of Takara’s online programs as part of your membership!
Sign up for the yearly membership and get a Seed of Divine Restoration Session ($88 value) and a one on one Private Breakthrough Session with Takara ($222 value) as a bonus. (Total value $310)
Want to attend a Sacred Circle Women’s Goddess Group session just to check it out, visit this link to purchase. Pay $22 for a single session.
A group of spiritual seekers learning advanced energy healing and manifesting techniques; experiencing multiple dimensions, realities, and realms; finding their unique gifts, power, & purpose; learning to trust themselves and the Divine wisdom they receive; discovering how to express their true authentic selves; becoming the radiant Light Bringers that they are!
The Sacred Beckons
If reading the Mists of Avalon awakens something deep within your soul,
Or the pyramids & other temples in Egypt whisper your name,
Or the volcanic power of Pele quickens the beating within your chest …
You are being called to the Sacred Circle.
If you long to commune with trees, animals, nature spirits, & the sea,
Or the sound of native drums pulses through your very veins,
Or moonlight, stars, sacred wells, and faerie glens make you giddy with glee …
You are being called to the Sacred Circle.
If Loreena McKennitt’s haunting Celtic vocals bring a tear to your eye,
Or you are intrigued by dragons and standing stones,
Or the thought of a circle of robe-clad people in a sacred grove stirs something deep within …
You are being called to the Sacred Circle.
If the scene in Outlander with women dancing and spinning near standing stones makes you stop everything and throw your hands up in the air, dance, sing, or even weep …
You are being called by the Great Mystery to the Sacred Circle.
I asked some of the Sacred Circle members why they participate. This video is the result. One of the members mentioned that she had been invited by someone else (Trena). And during her part of sharing, Trena jumped in to explain the changes she has seen in her friend over time.
Up Your Vibe Every Month
With Bestselling Author Takara Shelor
Grow and evolve personally and spiritually
Return to the sacred garden that is your true Divine nature
Find balance and harmony within
Transform Your Life
” I am so grateful to Takara for all the love and wisdom that she shares in her healing, her meditations and her products! She holds us as a group and encourages our prayers and dreams in every way possible. Her wisdom and compassion encompass all dimensions, and create gateways and pathways to help shift our lives if we are willing. I have become so much more conscious, so much more aware … I don’t really feel like the same person any more. I’m a lot more connected to Source Energy, to my Higher Self. The meditations that you’ve done with us are incredibly deep and incredibly transformative. Thank you for all that you’ve done for us.” – Aliza Musleah,
” I really appreciate your mentoring/guidance through your comments and group. I actually look forward to seeing your name pop up … because I always know I’m going to learn something.” – Kate Buck Jr., CEO & Social Media Strategist, KBJOnline
“Thank you so much for all you do for us all!!! I am forever grateful for the changes in my life through your teachings.” – Misty Gregg, The Sage Soapbox
“Because of my struggle with ADHD I have never been able to meditate. I didn’t even think it was possible. I attended your guided meditation group and for the first time in my life was able to completely clear my mind and find complete peace. For the first time I had stillness! That led me to being able to meditate on my own and that in itself is amazing!” – Kristiane Lester
Meet Takara, Your Sacred Circle Facilitator
Takara has helped thousands of people all over the globe step into their true empowerment, discover their unique gifts and talents, learn to align more fully with the Divine, and get into perpetual flow with the Universe. She is the bestselling author of numerous books, has been “bringing in” guided healing meditations, insights, transformational energies and methodologies from multiple dimensions, and facilitated numerous women’s circles for over two decades. She began feeling “called by the Goddess” when she was 14. Through numerous synchronicities and an assortment of initiatory experiences related to the Divine Feminine and Avalon in particular, she has returned again and again to the sacred heart of the Goddess.
What You Get Inside the Sacred Circle
When you join, you get training and support to help you come into harmony and rise in vibration.
When you join the monthly membership, you get access (over time) to several of Takara’s fabulous transformational online programs:
- The Heart of the Goddess at Magnificent U Learning Library (100’s of audios, videos, and articles – some available ONLY at Magnificent U – it’s impossible to put a price on this!)
- The Sacred Circle Archive (100+ hours of training – $1,100 value)
- Magnificent U Meditation Program ($97 value)
- Magnificent U Pendulum Dowsing Program ($144 value)
- Magnificent U Manifesting Program ($997 value)
- and others
- Total Value $2,338
The longer you are a member of the Sacred Circle, the more programs you gain access to over time. The Learning Library, the Sacred Circle Archive, and the Magnificent U Meditation Program are available to you immediately upon joining.
“Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. I’ve only just discovered your work, but already I want to spend the whole day reading. Your words help me to get past my own fears, and I know I’m not the only one.” – Caroline McGraw, creator, The Confidence Course Series, writer, A Wish Come Clear
“I am actually feeling odd but definitely in a great way…..a little younger at heart, a little less ‘weighted’ if that makes sense. Not taking things so seriously and I’m noticing how rushed the world seems. It’s refreshing …” – Kimberly Olah
” I just wanted to let you know that I have been feeling great since our group meditation. The synergy between the oils and your amazing guidance Takara, have created a much needed shift in my mind and body. Thank you so much.” – Patricia Kasik-Therriault, Albuquerque, NM
Participation in the Sacred Circle is Only $44 per month.
Or, pay for the membership for the entire year and get a Seed of Divine Restoration Session ($88 value) and a one on one Private Breakthrough Session with Takara ($222 value) as a bonus.