BioElectric Shield for EMF Protection

BioElectric Shield for Electromagnetic Radiation Protection

Does sitting in front of your computer make you tired?

Electromagnetic Radiation Protection with the BioElectric Shield – EMF Protection

A BioElectric Shield is a powerful energy protection device medically proven to be effective. They protect the wearer from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and other people’s negative energy.

Takara has been wearing a BioElectric Shield since 1995. Her first shield was silver. She upgraded from that shield to one that was silver with gold tabs. Eventually, she upgraded to an all white gold shield. And most recently a gold with diamond Bioelectric Shield for electromagnetic protection (EMF protection).

BioElectric Shields are available for purchase here. This link takes you to a quiz to determine the best BioElectric Shield for electromagnetic protection for you and your energetic needs.

BioElectric Shield electromagnetic protection EMF protection

Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of 8 Weeks to Optimum Health Spontaneous Healing “Electromagnetic pollution (EMF) may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Marcie and I both love our Shields. I wear my BioElectric Shield on all flights and I’ve noticed a significant shift in my energy, particularly after long periods of time on airplanes.” Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Internationally renowned author of best selling books including The Power of Intention

Marcie Dyer Dr Wayne Dyer BioElectric Shield

“I absolutely love it. If I’m in a car or use a cell phone I make sure I have it on. Previously as I was using the cell phone, my hands would get a very uncomfortable tingling sensation. When I put on the Shield, I’m protected and I no longer have this feeling. It’s proof of its effectiveness. I believe in them absolutely.”Marcie Dyer, Co-Author with Wayne Dyer, A Promise is a Promise

The EMF Crisis (and the Need for Electromagnetic Frequency Protection)

You need the BioElectric Shield for Electromagnetic Radiation Protection. Protect yourself from the effects of electromagnetic radiation coming from computers, cell phones, all electrical devices. Protect yourself from other people’s negative energy!

The BioElectric Shield is an alternative health care product medically proven to improve men’s, women’s, and children’s health. It can protect you from the detrimental effects of electromagnetic radiation. What a great gift for your family, your friends, your co-workers – even your self!

One of the tools I offer and highly recommend to help you make your life work is the BioElectric Shield. I’ve been wearing one every day since 1996. They have made a huge difference in my life – in my ability to:

  • stay calm and centered,
  • think more clearly,
  • not get sucked into other people’s dramas, and
  • not become extremely fatigued and irritated when being bombarded by electromagnetics and other negative energy.

These days with cell phones, computer screens, fluorescent lights, the electrical field created inside an airplane and large buildings, getting away from the influence of electromagnetics is virtually impossible.

Who Wears a BioElectric Shield?

Olimpic Diane Golden BioElectric Shield EMF protection

You’ve heard of Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of England? Well, his wife wears one. So did Dr. Wayne Dyer, a very famous author you may have heard of. Dannion Brinkley, the guy struck by lightening, also wears a BioElectric Shield. Olympic Gold Medalist, Dianne Golden – she wears one too! (This is an image of Dianne Golden, winner of several Olympic Gold medals, wearing her Shield.)

Musicians love it – particularly if they spend much time in the recording studio. Why? Just think about all the electronics they have to deal with.

From housewives to CEOs and everything in between, BioElectric Shields are used by thousands of people from around the globe to protect people and their loved ones from the disharmonious energy coming off of electronic devices.

The detrimental effects of electromagnetics are medically and scientifically verifiable.

What the studies prove is that exposure to electromagnetics has a negative impact on:

  • your immune system,
  • your muscle strength,
  • your heart rhythm, and
  • much more.

All Bioelectric Shields come with a 90-day full money back guarantee.

So you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

“I’ve been wearing a BioElectric Shield since 1996. I wouldn’t work in front of a computer, talk on a cell phone, travel by airplane, or live in a major metropolitan area without one! I noticed a marked difference in my energy level as soon as I got my first shield. I was working in a huge building with computers, manufacturing equipment, and fluorescent lights everywhere. I previously experienced incredible fatigue at work, shopping at a mall, or traveling by plane. I’m no longer tired now that I wear my BioElectric Shield. Now I’m completely unaffected by the electromagnetic fields and negative energy in those and other places. I had tried other devices on the market and felt no difference with or without their use. As the studies show, practically everyone is adversely affected by electromagnetic radiation. The BioElectric Shield is the only device I recommend – because I wear one myself and I know it works!” – Debbie “Takara” Shelor, Bestselling author

Most people feel that there are times when they just need to get away and relax. The Shield is designed to take the stress, the rush, the pressure . . . out of your energy field.

Is This You?

  • Do you work around computers, electrical equipment, fluorescent lighting or in an office or school environment? (all sources of electromagnetic radiation)
  • Are you impacted by other people’s energy, stress, or moods?
  • Do you experience low energy, irritability, or stress?
  • Does traveling tire you?

All the above can be considered “invisible energy drains.” If you answered yes to just one of these questions, you could benefit from wearing a BioElectric Shield.

“When I wear the Shield, I have more energy, greater clarity of thought and better perception.” Dannion Brinkley, New York Times Best Seller, Saved By the Light

Shield Description and How it Works

Each Shield is 1-1/8 inch in diameter. It weighs 1/2 oz. and is handcrafted in Montana. Each shield is made using carefully designed standards that insure quality, durability and lasting use.

The BioElectric Shield is composed of a matrix of precision cut quartz (and other) crystals designed to balance and strengthen your natural energy field.

The Shield strengthens your energy field in two ways:

  1. by deflecting and redirecting energies that impinge on you from your environment,
  2. by reinforcing your own natural energies so they are much less susceptible to outside disturbances.

“My life has changed! I am so much more relaxed at work, in my relationships and at home. I’m calmer and less stressed out.” A Guildford, London

EMF Protection Proven Effective by Independent Research

Alternative Medicine Magazine did an article about the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. The article states that “Of the people tested by Brown, 98% showed muscle weakness simply from holding a cell phone. However, according to Brown’s study, within minutes of wearing the Shield, subjects’ strength returned to normal and in many cases improved. After three weeks of wearing the device, Brown observed, test subjects showed anywhere from 108% to 400% improvements in immune function, allergy points and liver, kidney, gall bladder and stomach function.”

“I do not have the fatigue at the end of the day that I used to, particularly during tax season.” M. McNea, C.P.A.

Get Your BioElectric Shield here.

The Inventor

The inventor of the BioElectric Shield is Dr. Charles W. Brown, a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist practicing in Billings, Montana as a Pain Specialist. He has studied nutrition for over 21 years. He is certified in Applied Kinesiology.

Drawing from his extensive education, knowledge of physics and years of working with the human body and mind, Dr. Brown created the BioElectric Shield in 1990.

More Comments from Wearers

“After working with computers all day, I was exhausted. Now I am alert and able to enjoy my evenings! Difficult situations bother me much less . . . it’s as if the negativity passes over me.” J. Rand, Video Tape Editor

“I love my Shield. I never leave home without it! I feel my positive energies are even more anchored in, enhancing my already positive outlook. Negativity can be dealt with in a clear, balanced way.” Phyllis Aroner, Artist

“I thought I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but since wearing a Shield my energy level is remarkable. I feel rejuvenated. Thank You.” E. Orozco, computer user

The BioElectric Shield is the ONLY product that balances, strengthens, AND protects your energy field all in one product!

The BioElectric Shield IS:

  • Unique in its effects, yet often copied and imitated. Ask for documented research both on physical and stress testing for competitors making claims.
  • Hand-crafted by artisans in Montana and made from the finest NATURAL materials from the earth, crystals, sterling silver, brass, and 14k gold
  • A configuration of natural, living crystals that resonate with you, change and grow with you, protecting, balancing, and strengthening your natural energy field
  • Charged in our own Crystal Room prior to shipping. NO other process can Activate the Shield. Sunlight can maintain it once it is activated
    Compatible with other crystals, gems, magnets, energy balancing devices
  • Is much stronger than magnets, but will enhance their effects
    Research proven by standard medical devices such as EMG’s (electromyograph muscle graphing similar to electrocardiograms (EKG)), used by physicians, and other health professionals to combat stress and electromagnetic health effects
  • Research has been done by independent clinicians who have no financial or any kind of profit motivated interest in the results
    Completely waterproof

The BioElectric Shield IS NOT:

  • Plastic, mass-produced, machine made, a magnet, or containing a battery or computer chip
  • Generating any artificially created frequency (as in a computer chip or battery)
  • Like wearing one crystal, where negative energy is absorbed
  • Does not “fix” or lock in your energy at one frequency
  • Ground-up crystals or one single crystal
  • Does not need “clearing” or to be sent in for recharging

I have evaluated the BioElectric Shield and am extremely impressed with the results. It is an excellent tool not only for improving one’s sense of well being, but also providing substantially more energy. To prove their claims to myself I used advanced electro-acupuncture equipment that did clearly show the Shields protects against the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF’s). In my 22 years of practice as a Chiropractic physician, I have not been as excited about something that successfully not only improved one’s overall feeling of health and energy but even reduced pain. As a faculty member at Palmer College of Chiropractic West, I will recommend the Shield to students to broaden their base of health management modalities in addition to anyone who wishes to increase their level of energy and also reduce the effects of Stress.” Ronald S. Dunn, D.C., Faculty, Palmer College of Chiropractic West

Not Everyone Can Feel a Difference

In the 10 research studies done with the Shield, only some people consciously felt substantially different wearing a Shield. Many people are unaware of the status of their immune system, muscles and other body functions. In many cases only the research tools were able to detect these changes. All the research on the Shield was done not only to prove the power of the Shield, but also so that you can have peace of mind. Unquestionably the Shield does strengthen and protect the human body. More than 12,000 people have proven it. So when you purchase a Shield, remember that much of the “work” is being done below your normal level of consciousness. You can wear it with confidence thanks to the modern technology that has shown what it can do for you.


The Mission of the BioElectric Shield Company is to make the world a better place. When you wear a Shield, you can be more balanced, and bring your balance and well-being to the world around you.

North American and International BioElectric Shields

I’ve been assisting others in choosing BioElectric Shields for over 15 years. Each person is unique and therefore may have different needs. I suggest that if at all possible, you, or someone you know, use applied kinesiology (muscle testing) or a pendulum to assist in choosing the appropriate model for you and your family. There are several types of BioElectric Shields.

All shields are powerful and effective. The choice of metals give it more or less strength with brass being the weakest and gold being the strongest.

The choice of satin (brushed) or polished (shiny) finish as no effect on strength. It is simply an aesthetic preference.

Visit the links below to brass, sterling, sterling with gold, and all gold to find out more about each one and to purchase.