Not everyone is sensitive to negative, detrimental, or disharmonious energy. But everyone can benefit from negative energy protection.
I read somewhere that a medical study done in a German hospital indicated that 85% of cancer can be directly linked to where Hartmann (or ley) lines cross the person’s body in their bed while they sleep. 85% is a huge number. Does that mean that we could prevent 85% of cancer issues by simply moving a person’s bed? The study seems to indicate that there is a strong argument for that.
Being in a location where ley lines cross is only one of numerous negative energetics that can cause humans and all living things a great deal of real trouble.
The whole energetic science of Feng Shui is devoted to working with and “curing” these problem energies in your home, office, store, and other locations.
I was delighted to meet Jami Lin. She has written several wonderful and highly acclaimed books about Feng Shui including The Essence of Feng Shui. Her newest work is called Color Alchemy: Self Mastery with Color.
There are numerous potential causes of detrimental energetics:
From the seemingly harmless act of someone being angry with you and throwing negative thoughts your way all the way up to elaborate curses put on you or even your ancestors, other people can seriously screw you up. Disincarnate entities or ghosts do exist. You can pick up the negative emotions of another simply by looking them in the eye or reacting emotionally to anything they say.
The more you work on yourself personally and spiritually, raising your own vibration and connecting more with Divinity, the greater your sensitivity will become to both beneficial and detrimental energetics.
Regardless of your sensitivity, clearing out the negative can hugely improve your health and your life.
Specific Questions About Negative Energy Protection
One of my Seed of Divine Restoration clients emailed asking a few questions concerning negative energy protection. I felt that the topics she was asking about could assist others. So I got permission from her to share the questions and responses with you.
Brenda writes: “Hi! I don’t know if you remember me, but I had a most wonderful session with you last November, the week before Thanksgiving. Thank you, again, it was most awesome and when I reflect on it, I feel this most incredible, loving, peaceful feeling!!
I need some guidance on how to handle a particular situation. I have a life partner that tends to be on the negative side. I have found the more spiritually in tune I become, the more sensitive I am to negative energy.”
Takara’s response: “You are correct in those statements and I think it will only increase.”
Brenda writes: “So, I have two questions. #1: What can I do to be stronger and not be affected by negative energy?”
Takara’s response: “Clear and seal your energy field twice a day.
To Help With Negative Energy Protection:
I highly recommend using:
- The free Daily Harmony meditation that not only helps you clear and seal your field but also helps repair any tears or rebuild an energy field that has been shattered.
- Clear yourself and your space with dowsing. It is extremely simple, fast, and effective. Also, dowsing is the fastest way I know to fine-tune and enhance your intuition. That way, you can receive insights, inspirations, and wisdom from within. It is a deeply empowering practice.
- A BioElectric Shield – I wear a gold one every single day.”
Brenda Writes: “And #2: What can I do in our home environment that clears and keeps away negative energy? She likes to watch Court TV and other TV shows that are filled with negative energy–I swear I can feel it coming right out of the TV into our home. Most of the time, she will watch these shows with headphones on so I can’t hear anything, but it doesn’t seem to matter, I still feel it. I explained to her that I don’t want my home filled with negative energy. She says she understands, but I think she thinks I’m crazy and/or weak and she continues to watch those shows. I realize it’s not fair of me to ask her not to watch them, so what can I do to protect myself and to clear the energy in our home?”
Takara’s response: “As a former police officer, Raven (my ex.) used to greatly enjoy watching Law and Order and I had the same thing going on. I could literally feel the negative energy in the room as if it was a physical negative presence.
Here is something you can do. See a giant funnel above your entire house. Like a cone with the wide end just above your roof and the point way up higher in the air. Ask that this clearing device be placed there permanently. It is like a great cosmic vacuum cleaner. It takes away negativity and transforms it with a full spectrum of light and frequency. Also, ask for (and imagine) a giant rainbow filter (rainbow light about 2 inches thick) to be placed in front of the television screen – as big as the screen. That should take care of anything being emitted. Redo those at least once a week. I think you will see a huge difference.”
If you have a hard time imagining the rainbow, then use any color that comes to mind – from white light to violet to gold to mint green. You will know the perfect color. And feel free to change it as you are guided to. Violet is always a good choice as the violet ray is powerful at clearing.
Daily Harmony by Debbie “Takara” Shelor
Just a reminder that the Daily Harmony meditation is a truly powerful way to start your day, keep your body and energy field clear of harmful, detrimental, or disharmonious energies, and to stay centered and at peace. Best of all – it is a free gift from me to you.
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