Stop throwing your money away on self-improvement products and programs that make big promises, but fail to deliver . . .
And for a very limited time,
The Diamond Dolphin WayTM
of Dolphin Healing Energy and EnLightenment
by Takara
A Truly Deep Dive Into Healing, Personal Empowerment, Wholeness, & Life Mastery
with Bestselling Author D. Takara Shelor!
Contains a virtual powerhouse of wisdom along with simple and effective Divinely-inspired techniques to free yourself
from the limitations of your past and
create the future that you desire.
“….an intriguing and insightful journey of self-exploration into light and consciousness. A must experience for all those seeking inner peace and unlocking the door to their inner wisdom.” – Andi and Jonathan Goldman, Award-winning authors of Tantra of Sound: Frequencies of Healing (pictured here with Takara)
Are You Seeking
When you have those things, life just works better!
The Dancing Dolphin WayTM dolphin energy healing course contains wisdom teachings along with extremely powerful, yet easy to use, effective tools and techniques to free yourself from the limitations of your past and create the future that you desire. You will not find these exercises, tools, or teachings anywhere else. And they have been arranged so that you get the most benefit from each one.
It took me nearly 30 diligent years of meditation, deep personal and spiritual work, and many mentors along the way, to be able to master and bring forth these teachings and transformational tools in a format that is useful for both novice and seasoned seeker or teacher. With the help of dolphin-angels and the multi-dimensional beings of Light that act as my guides, I have developed a totally unique, highly effective, Divinely inspired series of teachings and technologies.
And to help you out even more, I literally lift you up vibrationally while you are doing the program with Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy oils and the frequencies that come through the recordings.
With each successive exercise, life begins to unfold more and more into the life you desire – what you want to experience.
Many people have had dramatic results simply using the first healing exercise. In fact, I get emails all the time about what a huge difference the first exercise/process alone has made.
(About reading Freeway to Freedom – part of the Dancing Dolphin WayTM program) “I’m in the process of reading Freeway to Freedom and I love it so very much – a godsend! . . . I feel subtle and not so subtle changes happening already and all I am doing is reading. Also, I wanted to tell you that before I received … it, I could already feel something in motion. The energy and power is so incredibly awesome. Thank you for your writing and for doing what you do. Thank you, thank you so very much!!”
“It is definitely a useful and valuable tool to greater freedom for all who choose to apply the releasing and infusing exercises … the workbook pages … are an extremely helpful guide.”
Most Self Improvement Programs Are Full of Crap
Aren’t you tired of the gimmicks, the hype, and the empty promises?
How much money have you already spent on workshops, books, and courses – all promising that:
- your life will mystically and magically improve,
- Prince or Princess Charming will be arriving on their white horse,
- you’ll soon be living in a palace,
- your bank account will be overflowing, and
- suddenly life will be a glorious joy-filled experience?
99.9% of those promises are simply untrue.
Because they aren’t addressing the reason your life is not like that already!
Those products and programs aren’t addressing the Root Cause of the problem. They aren’t creating a fundamental shift. They are simply exciting your emotions, making you temporarily feel good, and addressing your logical mind.
That isn’t enough.
That doesn’t even begin to address what is really needed in order for your life to work.
What Typically Happens When You Read a Book or Attend a Workshop
During the workshop experience, you are elated, almost euphoric. And at the time, you are convinced that things will now change, your life will turn around, you’ll find the key to happiness, success, romance, popularity, better health, or whatever you were looking for. The person bringing the message seems to have their life together – surely they can illuminate the way for you too.
And then a month, two months, six months down the road, what has really changed?
- Do you enjoy anything any more than you did before?
- Have you improved in any of the areas you were seeking improvement in?
- How’s your health, your job, your bank account, your love life?
- Or does life still look pretty much the way that it always has?
Before “receiving” the technologies and dolphin healing energies in the Dancing Dolphin Way, I had that experience far too many times!
I Was Living the American Dream
I had all the things the American Dreamers strive for. I was attractive, intelligent, and hard working. I put myself through college and became an Industrial Engineer. I had a great home, a great job title, a little red sports car, a very attractive boyfriend with a prestigious career, and I spent many a day wining and dining in the finest restaurants, lounging on cruise ships, and enjoying all the places that tons of frequent flyer miles can take you.
But along with the realization of the American Dream, came a lot of unwanted baggage.
I had stress and worry off the Richter scale. My health was heading in a very dangerous direction. I was no longer enjoying my job. The boyfriend was becoming high maintenance to be around. My bills were larger than I was comfortable with. And I had stopped laughing and enjoying life.
Maybe you resemble some of those statements?
As if things weren’t bad enough . . .
The intense stress caused me to pop the lid off a deeply buried memory of being raped when I was 18. I was now 33 and hadn’t even shed a tear or experienced any emotion about the event. The flashbacks were so real, it was as if it had only happened the day before.
I was suddenly going through the worst emotional experience of my life and someone suggested I learn to meditate. As soon as I did, I started to see and feel dolphins, waves of healing energy, and an extraordinary level of bliss. I was completely bathed in Divine healing light with wave upon wave of healing energy coming my way that was healing, transforming, nurturing, balancing, awakening, activating, harmonizing everything about me on all levels.
So …
I Walked Away from it All
I said good-bye to the boyfriend, quit the job, sold most of my stuff, packed my bags, changed my name, and moved to the San Juan Islands. And, like Thoreau gazing over Walden pond, I contemplated the meaning of life as I spent time in nature.
I Devoted Almost 30 Years and Countless Hours to Study, Transformation, & Meditation with the Intent to Discover the Secret to Happiness & Life-Long Fulfillment
I inner reflected. sat in silence watching the Orcas swim past, the bald eagles soar overhead, and the deer lazily munching on grass. I asked deeply meaningful questions.
Industrial Engineers are tenacious and we refuse to stop searching until we find the root cause of problems along with the fastest and most effective ways to fix them.
I had a problem that needed to be solved. Far too much of humanity is unhappy … like I had been.
So, I looked at my own experiences and the great American Dream.
When the lid came off my buried emotions and trauma drama from the past, it also was lifted off my intuition. I suddenly “knew” things, places to go, phone calls to make.
Following this suddenly heightened inner wisdom, I studied numerous philosophies, attended many seminars, read over 400 books, became certified in many techniques, and kept tenaciously after the answers to my pressing questions about happiness and fulfillment. After ten years of meditation/prayer, observing human nature, reading piles of books, receiving inner guidance and insight, I was suddenly given the keys to the kingdom.
I’m not interested in theories and schemes. I only want to know what works, why it works, and how to apply it easy and fast. And that is exactly what I “received.”
I was intuitively guided to go away for a weekend to write at a sacred location high in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico. And write I did – for 3 solid days and nights while in a trance state. What I “brought in” were concepts, technologies, energies, and meditations that revolutionize the healing process. They allow you to reprogram the subconscious mind back to its original divine blueprint all the way to the cellular memory, DNA, and adamantine particle levels.
Using these technologies radically shifted my world for the better and I discovered how to teach all this to others. I found my joy and the inner peace I’d been seeking. I spent several years creating the text, simplifying the concepts so they were more easily understood, and using this powerful technology with clients and friends.
Since that time many years ago, I’ve been healing and growing, evolving personally & spiritually, and “downloading” (receiving directly from the Divine) additional wisdom, insights, healing energies, tools and technologies so you can experience that same transformational healing power that I have been so blessed to receive.
Channels have called me “The Dolphin Queen” and “Chalice of Divine Frequencies.” I embody and “bring in,” mixing and mingling (alchemically creating) the precise energies needed to help people transform physically, mentally/emotionally, and spiritually/energetically … all the areas that must change for true transformation to occur.
The end result is a totally unique, highly effective, Divinely-inspired series of technologies that cause:
When you purchase The Dancing Dolphin WayTM
you’ll learn concepts you’ve probably never contemplated previously.
And you will have the tools and dolphin healing energy you need to correct the issues that are blocking your success in every area of life.
… Not just right now,
but also as new things arise in the future!
You Create Your Reality
Sad. But true!
And I can hear you scream, “But, I would never choose this!”
And I reply, “Of course you, your personality, your logical mind, would not choose the life you are currently living. I realize that at least some of it is probably not to your liking.”
But it isn’t the logical mind that is running the show and making these choices for you after all. That part of your brain only gets about 20% of the whole mental stage. It is the subconscious 80% you need to take a look at and most people don’t even know it exists.
True happiness isn’t based on outer circumstances. It comes from within. And lasting happiness is only available when there have been radical changes to the 80% that is your subconscious mind, to your personal vibration, and your perceptions.
Now here, and in the course, I’m not going to bore you with a bunch of yawn-some scientific terms or endless theories and concepts that it would take a degree in astrophysics to understand.
I’m offering truth, simply explained, easily understood, and exhilarating to comprehend how quickly and often dramatically your life can change when you apply the principles and technologies.
Each week, and with each successive exercise, life has the potential to unfold more and more into the life you desire … what you want to experience.
Many people have had dramatic results simply using the first exercise. In fact, I get emails all the time about what a huge difference the first exercise/process alone has made.
The Power of This New Program
Initially this program was called Freeway to Freedom and it included 12 powerful transformation mediational technologies that I “downloaded” from the Universe while in a trance state at a sacred location in northern New Mexico. Lots of my followers, clients, and customers from across the globe had extraordinary experiences and life transformations occur by working with the technologies.
Over the years, I kept receiving guidance that it needed to be so much more.
Since that time, I have continued to rise in vibration, expand in consciousness and awareness, and access greater levels of energy and information from multiple dimensions. As I have grown and evolved, the words and frequencies used in the technologies have evolved as well. Currently, much of this information and energy is coming from the 44th dimension.
Recently, I “downloaded” 37 additional Dancing Dolphin WayTM processes for healing and transformation … so that you can truly become free of the past … in order to step boldly into your future.
To get the most out of the technology, a person really needs to be fully immersed in the Dancing Dolphin healing energies that I receive and transmit from the dolphin-angel consciousness that I work with. And, you can transform on much deeper levels when I guide you through the exercises with my voice … which is encoded with specific multi-dimensional healing frequencies.
The Dancing Dolphin Way Healing TechnologyTM that includes audios, videos, and specific Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Oils make that immersion possible. These things amplify and alchemically enhance one another. With the addition of the audios and energy healing oils, it is as if you are in my presence, or the presence of dolphin-angels, as you undergo these healing practices. Since I can’t sit in everyone’s living room to assist, this is the next best thing and what I was inspired to create to help facilitate your healing journey.
Each meditational exercise is 20x more (not 20% more, 20 times more) effective when you use the Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Oil along with it. The oil is infused with the sacred healing dolphin-angel energy being invoked with each process. The oil acts as an amplifier and activator of the energies and intention of each meditation. The vibration literally “calls in” the dolphin-angels to assist you.
Having me guide you through the exercises is 15x more effective than if I just had you reading the words and doing it all on your own. The audios gently guide you into a deep theta brainwave state, which is fertile ground for profound transformational shifts. It literally took me 10 years to find the right brainwave music to go along with my voice. These recordings are so fabulous because they include real ocean and whale song, beautiful music, and binaural beat brainwave technology to guide you into theta.
You will receive even more amplification in bonus #2!
If You Want Your Life to Change and Don’t Like to Wait
Then You Will Love This . . .
Once you get through the preliminary teaching, most of the exercises take less than 10 minutes. Each one, all by itself, can radically change your life in wonderful and profound ways.
This is multi-dimensional mind-body-spirit technology. It wasn’t created in some laboratory or think tank by a bunch of theorizing intellectuals. This is Divinely inspired, real-world applied, and proven.
The transformational value of the course and bonus gifts is priceless.
As you work with the energies and technologies you will be completely bathed in Divine healing light with wave upon wave of healing energy coming your way that is transforming, nurturing, balancing, awakening, activating, harmonizing everything about you on all levels.
What you get with the Diamond Dolphin WayTM dolphin energy healing course:
- Weekly lessons
- Audio
- Video
- Reading materials
- Workbook pages
- Guided meditations
- Dancing Dolphin Way Transformational Healing Technologies
- Facebook Group for community support
It’s easy. It’s fun. It facilitates change. And . . .
These are the Bonus Gifts You Will Receive If You Order the Dancing Dolphin Way(TM) Dolphin Energy Healing Course Right Now!
Bonus #1 (S144.00 Value) Dowsing for Diving Direction!by Takara This is one of my most popular online and live classes. With the online course, you not only get my ebook about dowsing, but hours of video taking you step by step through how to dowse, when to dowse, how to choose a pendulum, how to pose questions, how to use charts, how to program your pendulum and much much more. Knowing how to dowse with a pendulum will greatly assist you in doing the Dancing Dolphin WayTM transformational technologies. And pendulum dowsing is the fastest way I know to activate, fine-tune, and enhance your intuitive abilities. |
Bonus #2 (S88.00 Value) The Seed of Divine Restoration with TakaraI was reading one of the numerous testimonials I have received about the Dolphin Spiral Technologies you will be learning in The Dancing Dolphin Way. The person was talking about how she had received the Seed of Divine Restoration and had read the ebook and what a profound difference it had made in her life. That’s when I realized that the Seed of Divine Restoration would be the perfect thing to include as a bonus with your Dancing Dolphin Way program. The Seed of Divine Restoration is a Divine activation/initiation I received while on a vision quest in the Sangre de Christo Mountains of New Mexico. After doing a thorough clearing of your energy field and environment, I then have my “team” of transformational dolphin-angel helpers prepare your body and energy field to receive the seed. I then place the Seed of Light, a tiny star, into the core of your being. It then begins to radiate Divine Light out into your body, energy field, and life. It begins gently and its power grows over time. It helps restore the memory of who you are and what you are here to do. Healing . . . clearing . . . transmuting . . . Divine. |
Bonus #3 (S89.75 Value) 5 Dancing Dolphin Essences!by Takara Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Oils (also called Essences) are extremely high vibration. They envelop you in a loving, dolphin healing energy embrace or cocoon of light from the Divine Feminine and the multi-dimensional dolphin-angel healers Takara works with. Being in this “field” is uplifting, nurturing, and makes transformation easier to accomplish. The essences that come with this program are: Sacred Space, Repatterning, Point of Origin, After Care, and ______. |
Are you ready for your life to change for the better?
Are you prepared to experience lasting happiness, fulfillment, and the other things you’ve longed for – but failed to manifest?
Then What Are You Waiting For?
Buy the eCourse Online Right Now for only $888.00 and get all three great bonus gifts.
You are getting two (2) powerful, life-changing programs PLUS the multi-dimensional frequencies of Dancing Dolphin Essences PLUS an powerful transformational private session for one great price!
Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll be signed up for the program and will receive a welcome package and bonuses. I’m sending these manually (not automated), so it won’t be instantaneous.
I know you will enjoy the program!
Don’t delay your decision because as more and more people join the program, I won’t be able to continue offering Bonus #2!
Payment Options
1 Payment – $888 one time payment (save $48 by choosing this option)