Free guided meditation by Debbie “Takara” Shelor
Daily Harmony – Free Guided Meditation
Takara received through Divine revelation a very powerful exercise called “Daily Harmony” – a free guided meditation that she wishes to share with you. Numerous people have been using the Daily Harmony guided meditation exercise each day and report profound shifts in insight, clarity, and spiritual growth.
“I appreciate your offering of the Daily Harmony in printed form. I have begun using this very beautiful and powerful prayer in the mornings, and the energy I feel around it is LOVELY! My pendulum loves the energy as well. It circles and swings with such delight as I move through the prayer. Your connection with Dolphins is wonderful! I have passed the Daily Harmony and your website to other friends who resonate with Dolphin energy so we may all benefit and experience the beauty they bring to the world. Again, thank you for the gifts you offer with love. ” – Kathy Atwater “. . . thank you for the daily harmony meditation, it has been fantastic for reenergizing my whole being and bringing my mind into focus.” – Natalie
Daily Harmony Free Guided Meditation
This is a very powerful exercise to begin each new day. It is significantly enhanced with the use of the Magnificent Roll-ons suggested. In fact, it is 300% more effective with them.
The details about pendulum use are only there for people who regularly use a pendulum. If you don’t know how to use dowsing for personal empowerment and fine-tuning intuition, visit this link to purchase Takara’s ecourse about dowsing. Takara’s ecourse on dowsing will soon be available. You can do the meditation without dowsing, simply read the words and wait a little bit before going to the next section.
Say the words in quotation marks (” “) out loud.
“I call upon my Higher Self and my guides. I invoke the Divine Presence (God) and the Harmonics. I Am that I Am.”
(Dancing Dolphin Roll-On Clearing, – back of neck, or Magnificent Clearing Mist) “Please clear and cleanse my self and my life. Clear each of my chakras and my entire energy system. Clear my home and property, vehicles, computers and electronics. Clear and cleanse the crystals, plants, pets, and other beings that share space with me. Clear all aspects of my businesses, bank accounts, projects, finances, taxes, relationships, opportunities, dreams, all the places I frequently visit. I call on the Warriors of Light and the dragons to clear out anything requiring their assistance. I call on the dolphins and the violet flame to transform all noxious, disempowering, distorting, harmful, or non-beneficial energies and thought forms. Please dissolve all cords, attachments, projections, & curses. I ask my Higher Wisdom to orchestrate the removal of anything else that I have forgotten that limits me from being and living my Divine Truth, from being and living Divine Opulent Flow.” (Optional – Do the same for my spouse and family.) (Pendulum – counterclockwise spin until complete.)
(The Chakra Kit or the Magnificent Roll-On Harmonize – 7 main energy centers (chakras)) “I Am that I Am. I harmonize my self and my life. I harmonize all:
- anxiety & anger into acceptance
- chaos into clarity
- competition into camaraderie
- conflict into cooperation
- corruption into caring
- dis-ease & depression into delight
- envy into enthusiasm
- fear into faith
- greed into grace
- gluttony into gratitude
- hatred into harmony & hope
- illusion into illumination
- jealousy into joy
- judgment into jubilation
- lack into lavish living
- lust into love
- opposition into opulence
- pain into pleasure
- pessimism into optimism
- pride into passion
- resistance into receptivity
- worry into wonder
I harmonize any other distortions into Divine Truth. Restore my energy field to pristine perfection, repairing any tears, rebuilding as required. Flood the fields with love. (Optional – Do the same for my spouse and family.)” (Pendulum – clockwise spin until complete.)
(Magnificent Roll-On Surrender – on the thymus – high heart) “I surrender my self and my life to my Higher Wisdom beyond the confines of my 3rd-dimensional mind, body, and experience. (Optional – Do the same for my spouse and family.)” (Pendulum – swings “yes.”)
(Magnificent Roll-On Holy Harmony – back of neck, anywhere else desired) “I am divinely sealed and protected. Give me a perimeter.” (Optional – Do the same for my spouse and family.)” “Please keep me clear and protected throughout the day.” (Pendulum – swings “yes.”)
Thank all those that assisted.
Smile and enjoy your day!
(You may repeat the meditation again before bed.)
Scroll down to download the one-page pdf version of the meditation that you see in the below picture to print out.
Get the Daily Harmony Kit at the Dancing Dolphin Store
Download the PDF
Right click on the link below and “save target as” to your desktop.
Download a suitable for laminating or framing pdf version of the Daily Harmony Exercise by Debbie “Takara” Shelor requires adobe acrobat software.
To stay updated about Dancing Dolphin, Magnificent Aromatherapy Roll-Ons, and other products, sign up for Takara’s “Here’s to Your Magnificence” Newsletter
Sending you love and gratitude my Magnificent Friend!