Magnificent Clearing Mist is hands down the best method I’ve ever experienced for clearing disharmonious and negative energy. And I should know. I’m so sensitive energetically that I can tell when a person is even having a negative thought. The subtle disharmonies that most people are completely unaware of, I experience like neon signs shouting their discord into the room. This mist works!
Its great for keeping your own energy field, your home, and your office clear of “icky” energy. Practitioners love to use it to clear clients before starting a session.
It’s wonderful to use as you walk in the front door after interacting with various people, situations, and places all day. It works beautifully to clear crystals.
Designed to be vastly more thorough when clearing things energetically and burning sage. It’s also the perfect choice when you are in an environment where the burning of sage or incense is not permitted.
“(Magnificent Clearing Mist) . . . this is a wonderful product! it’s already selling here at Chrysalis! great feedback from customers as well!” – Suzanne, Owner of The Chrysalis
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This essence is for use in clearing the mist from unclear situations in your life, great for use with clarity essence to bring clear understandings of confusing communications, and situations. It can clear brain fog. It works on the mental body and can assist with brain issues such as dementia. It can assist with problems waking up in the morning and low blood sugar issues that affect thinking. It enhances presence and focus. Use with Mental Clarity essence.»
MISTS can only be shipped in warmer weather. Because of the water content, mists can potentially freeze (and break) if the temperature is below freezing. Keep that in mind while ordering.
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