Dancing Dolphin Mists
Allow you to shower yourself with exquisite vibrations that uplift empower, protect, and come back into spiritual alignment with your truth. They are perfect for clearing your energy field after a day at work, preparing participants for a workshop, or sealing the field after a powerful energy session. Takara loves to use them with groups. Healing professionals enjoy using them with clients.
Some of my customers are healing professionals – acupuncturists, naturopathic physicians, chiropractors, flower essence practitioners, Reiki and other hands-on healers, massage therapists, stress management consultants, etc. I began creating a few mists for them to use with clients. They loved them so much, I created a few more.
“We recently began carrying Dancing Dolphin Essences (at the Chrysalis) and I can tell you as a Holistic Health Practitioner Facilitator, Takara’s Essences are a beautiful combination of sacred ingredients and her own form of energy work to promote healing and growth. I have seen the essences help cleanse and center the mind and purify the spirit and aura. As an energy worker, I find these tools to be essential to help clients feel empowered in their own healing process. In fact, I believe in her line of products so much that I use them myself! Even just sometimes smelling the essences or holding them can be enough to open the mind and body to healing and when rolled on, they can have an even longer lasting effect. We all have that sacred journey that we must go on in life and I am proud to say that I am definitely taking her essences along with me!”
– Rev. Andrea Teague, SPD, Life Spiritual Life Coach, Massage Bodywork Practitioner, [email protected]
When your energy field is healthy and functioning properly, it looks like an egg surrounding your body. The outer boundary reminds me of the membrane of a balloon. Most people have tears in their field. Some fields have jagged edges. Some are full of dark icky sticky energetics. Some have been completely shattered, so they have no contained field whatsoever. Dancing Dolphin Mists help restore them all to pristine. Particularly Magnificent Clearing Mist, Magnificent Protection Mist, Violet Flame Mist, Holy Harmony Mist, and Completion Mist. Like I said, most of the mists were made with energy and other healers in mind to use with clients.
They are wonderful 2 oz. aromatherapy / energy healing sprays that you can use anywhere. They are made up of sacred water infused with a host of Dancing Dolphin healing frequencies and other powerful energetics, plus the wonderful light aroma of the finest quality essential oils. Uplift the energy in your own energy field or your home. They are also great in the car or at work.
Spray around your house or into the air right above your head. You are then “showered” with a very subtle aroma and the “energetics” necessary to perform the function of the mist – clearing, energizing, and so forth. (Not recommended on things that can experience damage from water or essential oils.)
MISTS can only be shipped in warmer weather. Because of the water content, mists can potentially freeze (and break) if the temperature is below freezing. Keep that in mind while ordering.
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