Completion Mist is perfect for practitioners and anyone doing “sessions” for themselves or others to assist in completing things when the session is finished. Takara created this essence at the request of a hands-on healer. This energy mist helps to anchor in the changes and integrate them fully.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This essence can work 2 fold. If you have a big project that doesn’t seem like it will ever end, this essence will assist you in the easier completion of the project. It will create flow and mental focus to bring the steps to completion in a very divine way. The second way this essence can assist you in your life is if you have issues in your life that never seem to get resolved or healed in order for you to move forward in your life, this will bring the issues to completion. Weather it is in a relationship, emotional, or mental issue that seemingly haunts you, use this essence to fianally bring resolution and peace to the situation. It can put the final puzzle piece into place to give you an overview of the entire situation and the steps to take for resolution of issues in your life.”
Contains Garnet, Development, Harmony, Integration, and Holy Harmony as well as the alchemical frequencies Takara channels into it.
Rose aromatherapy.
MISTS can only be shipped in warmer weather. Because of the water content, mists can potentially freeze (and break) if the temperature is below freezing. Keep that in mind while ordering.Â
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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