Inner Peace – alpine smelowskia. Assists in answering the question: “How can I live in truth versus drama?” It is very calming and centering. Take it regularly to maintain balance. Brings in calmness, tranquility, knowing that everything is in right order, that you are on track.
Aids when there is a death of a person or of some part of yourself or way of life and you wish to be reborn. Anyone who is energetically shifting quickly, it helps them keep their feet on the ground. Helps maintain balance and connectedness. Helps with mood swings including Bi-polar. Also helps for those who are depressed. Assists in calming down mood swings due to moving between 3rd and higher dimensions.
It helps the Indigo and Crystal Children with the idea that its O.K. to be here. They can be at peace that they are here. They still may not fit in, but it helps them be O.K. with that. It calms them down enough that they can center and focus their energy instead of having it so scattered.(Sacred Mountain Essence)
The one essence we wouldn’t go anywhere without. Regardless of the circumstance, this essence assists you in staying centered, balanced, and at peace.
Perfect for crisis or stress for adults and children.
Lavender aromatherapy.
MISTS can only be shipped in warmer weather. Because of the water content, mists can potentially freeze (and break) if the temperature is below freezing. Keep that in mind while ordering.Â
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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Takara is a 4-time bestselling author, award-winning speaker, engineer, and mystic. Channels call her the Chalice of Divine Frequencies and Queen of the Dolphins. She's known as The Spiritual Treasure Hunter and for three decades, she's helped thousands of people from over 100 countries discover their diamonds and gold within. That means their unique gifts and talents, their intuitive and healing abilities, their passion, purpose, and joy. Experience powerful healing energies and deep relaxation with 2 free transformational meditations as her gift to you!
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