All Is Well Mist, when things are just going awry and you are really “off,” this one helps you to re-center and know that all is as it should be. Like a bit of tranquility just washing over you.
Assists with knowing that everything is going to be all right.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “Peace be with you as you use the all is well essence. It will help to balance stress, regain presence, and restore safety after an anxiety attack, ptsd, or trauma. Best used at night for the gentle restorative sleep needed after a crisis. It is very useful with profound grief in dealing with the stages of anger, shock and returning to the new normal of loss. It calms and sooths the emotional body and allows you to gently reintegrate your soul with your body. »
When things are just going awry and you are really “off,” this one helps you to re-center and know that all is as it should be. Like a bit of tranquility just washing over you.
Lavender and Rosemary aromatherapy.
MISTS can only be shipped in warmer weather. Because of the water content, mists can potentially freeze (and break) if the temperature is below freezing. Keep that in mind while ordering.Â
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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