A fabulous healing oil for protection and enhancement of your Divine connection. Diamond / Sapphire protection for the upper chakras. It helps to activate, balance, harmonize, and protect the higher chakras. You’ve seen the halo’s on paintings of ascended masters and others. This essence is designed to assist you with your own halo.
The ultimate protection and enhancement for higher chakras. Also enhances the connection with the Divine. Like turning on a giant spotlight from heaven on the crown chakra and then guarding it with brilliant diamonds and blue sapphires. This is an extremely powerful energetic.
From famous Oracle Cynde Lepori, “This essence works directly with the crown chakra to create a “Crown of Glory” that will act as a spiritual beacon to all like-minded high spiritual beings. It is somewhat like a halo round your head that tunes into higher spiritual information. It will create a line of clear communication with the higher realms. Use with clear channeling essence to really bump up your readings for yourself and others. It clears the crown chakra, creates a link between your higher self, Star self and God Self to bring higher frequencies into your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.”
Crown of Glory is placed on the top 4 chakras (heart through crown). This essence not only places a powerful protection around the higher chakras, particularly the crown, to ensure a clear and pristine connection to Higher Wisdom, but it also assists in making and enhancing that connection.
Contains #22, Amethyst, Diamonds, #3, #33, Essence of Camelot, Intuition, Blue Sapphire as well as the alchemical frequencies Takara channels into it.
Spice blend aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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