Cyndie Lepori says, «If your goal is to reach your highest potential in abundance, love, and a greater connection to your divine being and true spiritual path, this essence can help you to achieve those goals quickly and with passion, drive, and focus. It works on dissolving blocks that could prevent you from reaching your highest potential in every area of your life. It is light and joyful and puts you on the path of creating through fun and play. It heals judgment and the need to compare your life to any others you feel you may not measure up to. Creating self-acceptance and valuing what you uniquely offer in the world without the inner critic stopping you. It helps you see and open up your unique talents and value them to create the life you always wanted. It helps with self-acceptance and the maturity to go forward with grace and loves onto your path of ascension that is uniquely you. It develops pathways to your highest guides and intuition to show you the way. Use Hearts passion to jump-start your journey and dissolve judging yourself and others that could hold you back and block your spiritual path to reaching your highest spiritual potential and life of joy. »
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: How do I balance my inner male and inner female?
- Keywords: being on a see-saw, releasing blockages, unity
- Affirmation: “As I breathe in the beauty of the world, all polarities are balanced within me. In harmony, I celebrate wholeness.”
- Companion Essence: Reclaiming Power”
Helps to release blocks and stagnations in the mental and emotional bodies that limit spiritual growth. Aids in releasing toxins in the body especially excretory organs.
Great for lightening up and viewing the world through the eyes of a playful child and God consciousness. (Seeing ourselves and the world as God see us – already perfect). Helps to release judgments of self and others, where you are in life, and what you do. Helps to get over what you think you should have done, accomplished, experienced, etc. Assists someone with self-doubt and aids in self-acceptance. Helps to forgive self and others. After releasing and forgiving, you are able to achieve your highest potential. Brings joy. (Sacred Mountain Essence)
As you continue to evolve – Helps to step into Spiritual Maturity. Learn to be more responsible with energy, more discerning of people and situations. You understand divine timing and divine order. An acceptance and embodiment of Universal Laws.
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – You step further into your mastery. You interact with ascended beings, ascended masters, with God. You are in total co-creation and play with the Universe.
Made with Fleabane.
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