I’ve never been to a holiday gathering with family or friends where there was anything but harmony for the holidays … ever … my entire life. I’m talking about never witnessing first hand a family gathering full of discord. It doesn’t matter if it was with immediate or extended family, the family of a boyfriend, fiance, or husband, or a gathering in my own home of friends who didn’t all know one another before the gathering … harmony and delight at being in one another’s presence has always been pervasive at these events.

It begins within.

And it begins with the parents. If the parents love, honor, accept, and appreciate themselves, they also love, honor, accept, and appreciate their own parents, their siblings, their children, etc.

Each child needs to be taught to love, honor, accept, and appreciate themselves and then to extend that to others as well.

The result of such loving and honoring is harmony within all the relationships.

I can’t even imagine doing life any other way.

Harmony for the Holidays

Does that mean I’ve never encountered disharmony?


I went from being highly popular and enjoying so many delightful friends in schools both in New Jersey and Texas … to being severely bullied, rejected, and having only a few friends in a small town in Virginia. High school was hell … there’s no other more pleasant way to put it. The bullying was so bad that for at least a year or more I came home and cried every single day. I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong, why I didn’t fit in, why people didn’t like me. I was in such foreign territory.

I’d also never been anywhere that people pretended to like you to your face and then talked badly about you behind your back. Being an empath, you can pick up on the incongruence immediately. You can literally “feel” when someone doesn’t like you. Trust me, it doesn’t feel good.

Once I was no longer in high school (being forced to be around people who didn’t like me and, therefore, whom I didn’t like in return) I began to thrive. I quickly developed a network of friends at work and at college. I began taking a leadership role in professional organizations and that has continued to this day. I am deeply deeply blessed to have so many friends.

But that didn’t happen by accident or because I’m more special than anyone else. It happened because I got very clear that I wanted a wonderful group of friends. You might have seen other articles where I talk about the affirmations I used to say about friendship. It goes something like this, “I want interesting, fun, uplifting friends all over the world who are making a positive difference.” And now, after many years of “receiving” teachings that have helped me formulate my own teachings, I would add: “We each love, honor, accept, and appreciate one another and are deLighted to be in one another’s presence and feel blessed to have each other in our lives.”

I highly recommend you do something similar when it comes to all your relationships … romance, friendships, business partnerships, with co-workers, committee members, and everything else you participate in. Intend harmony. Intend peace. Intend cooperation, admiration, appreciation, acknowledgement, friendship, and yes, even love (not the romantic kind, the Divine unconditional kind).

When people seek my advice about romance, I help them get crystal clear about what they are looking for in both a partner and in the relationship itself. I help them form a picture in their own mind and words to describe exactly what they are seeking. And I often suggest that they add something about it being a “mutual admiration society” where you each feel truly blessed to have the other in your life.  The best relationships involve partners who continue to feel that way over time. I’m not talking about living with rosy colored glasses, not seeing the truth or flaws in the other. I’m talking about seeing them even more clearly than most and loving, honoring, accepting, and appreciating them for exactly who they are … warts and all. Both partners have to feel that way though. Honesty and integrity are key.

But just like developing harmony around the table at the holidays, you have to love yourself first. You have to see your value, your gifts, your unique magnificent glorious self with all its fabulous talents and all its spectacular flaws and love yourself, appreciate yourself, be OK with yourself when you screw up, and delight in yourself when you succeed regardless. You aren’t perfect. You are human. It just comes with the territory.

The more you learn to love, honor, accept, and appreciate you, the easier it is to do the same for others … and the more often others offer the same to you.

Back to harmony at the holidays ….

You can intend a different outcome within your home, around the table, watching the game or whatever rituals your family follows when they gather. Before people arrive you can set your intention (not being attached to it going that way) for harmony, love, happiness, laughter, joy, and fun – or whatever joyful things you wish to experience for yourself and those you love enough to invite into your home.

[bctt tweet=”Harmony 4 the Holidays – Before people arrive you can set your intention for harmony, love, happiness, laughter, joy, and fun – or whatever joyful things you wish to experience for yourself and those you love.” username=”TakaraShelor”]

Fear screws it all up of course. If you are afraid that there will be disharmony … guess what will happen?

You already know the answer.

You get more of what you focus on … so you must divert your attention AWAY from the things you do not want and TOWARD the things you do.

  • Focus on peace and feel it throughout your body and your home.
  • Focus on love and feel it throughout your body and your home.
  • Focus on harmony and feel it throughout your body and your home.
  • Focus on joy and feel it throughout your body and your home.
  • Focus on compassion and feel it throughout your body and your home.
  • Focus on deep, meaningful, conversations and feel it throughout your body and your home.
  • You get the idea … decide what you want to experience and imagine it real.
  • Tip – It is a lot easier to feel something if you close your eyes.

LOA Imagine it real

Bring In Harmony for the Holidays

Imagine a giant bubble of light surrounding the table where you will eat and calling in your Higher Self and Guides asking that the bubble of light be infused with love, joy, laughter, delight, companionship, harmony, peace, etc. etc.

See a similar bubble around your entire home and again ask your support team to infuse it with harmony, peace, joy, and love. Add the other words that have great meaning to you and that you wish to have in your home.

See a giant block of violet flame or light (like the purple image above only less dense) over a foot thick in front of your entire front door – or whatever door people enter. Everyone who enters will be cleansed of any icky sticky disharmonious, noxious, disempowering, or negative energy as they enter. It’s like taking a beautiful violet light bath. It brightens the mood and feels totally glorious.

Tip – you don’t have to wait for the holidays to do these things. You can do it anytime you desire.

I recommend you energetically clear and infuse your conscious intention into your home, your vehicle, and other places you frequently visit. And I suggest that you do it often. To learn extraordinarily effective clearing and infusing techniques (much more powerful than simple intention), take my online dowsing course or my new Dancing Dolphin Way of Healing and Enlightenment training once I get the sales page up.

Have a delightful day today and every day,


“Thanksgiving table” cc license by Jameson Fink,
Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature
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