Assists with calming down, chilling out, relaxing. Experience tranquility in a chaotic world.
Relaxing is one of the primary reasons people visit a spa or massage therapist. Very powerful and deeply relaxing. Experience complete tranquility.
Don’t try to drive while using this one.
Takara’s son, Jess, actually prefers this essence for helping to fall asleep. Exceedingly relaxing.
From famous Oracle, Cyndie Lepori, “Stress is the enemy of ascension, and damages your energy field on every level right down to the physical DNA. This essence promotes the healing of fear and resistance to outside forces that prevent you from relaxing and being at peace. It can be applied directly to the muscles and area over the adrenal glands to decrease stress responses. It decreases panic attacks and adrenal overload and burnout. Use with the meditation essence to enhance its effects. This essence creates a sense of safety, peace, serenity, and if used at night, promotes deep restful sleep.”
Contains Healing the Past, Three Fold Flame, Transcendence, Inner Peace, Passion is Creation as well as the alchemical frequencies Takara channels into it.
Sandalwood aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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