Cyndie Lepori says, «Suppose you have issues with the spiritual hierarchy and trust in your connection with your God and Goddess energies. In that case, this will strengthen your divine ties and resolve any issues with worthiness in your soul mission. It will bring back your mission with drive and focus. It works on the service to others aspects of your mission here on the planet. It strengthens your ability to connect to your higher guides and angels and helps heal and resolve trust issues with your higher power. It creates an energetic link connected to your crown chakra that serves as your divine right to orient your life and mission of divine purpose on this planet. It dissolves any blocks to the truth of who you are and how to create heaven on earth for yourself and others. It establishes the sure knowledge of the truth of who you really are in alignment with your soul mission. It creates a higher path of learning and trust in yourself and your higher powers and guidance. »
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: How can I transform my feelings of unworthiness?
- Keywords: emPOWERment, ability to respond, centering, strength
- Affirmation: “I accept my abilities and capabilities, expanding them into total wholeness. I am emPOWERed.”
- Hierophant – King
Assists in answering the question: “Can I Live my truth?” Opens connection and communication with Creator with a focus on tapping into your souls purpose and mission. Helps to find and journey on your path of service to humanity. Helps you own up to who you are and what you came here to do. Wherever you have beliefs that are out of alignment with the Truth of God, this essence assists you in alleviating any God related issues: Lack of Trust in God and yourself, the lack of worthiness to be of service, lack of faith and belief in yourself and God. Once you are through these God issues, you suddenly feel “ordained” in doing your mission. You step into your service, your path, your mission, and your purpose. It gives you the foundation and confidence to stand in your Truth and go forward in your mission. Confidence in God. Confidence in yourself. An inner knowing that what you are doing is right on. (Sacred Mountain Essence)
As you continue to evolve – Deeper understanding and knowing of God’s presence and co-creating with God. Allows you to step more fully into the presence of what God has ordained you to do this lifetime.
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – Expands and allows you to feel more deeply the knowing and embodiment of your mission.
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