Do you ever feel scattered or confused? Or do you sometimes feel like you can’t seem to figure out what to do next?
The energies lately have left many people feeling scattered, confused, and like they are swimming around in circles but going nowhere.
It was particularly bad a day or 2 ago. Then suddenly it seemed to break free and there was forward momentum once more.
Even if you are not being battered around by astrological influences, you might experience these same sensations at other times.
Since its my job to figure this stuff out and help you deal with it, I’ve been “inspired” with several possible causes and some great techniques to clear up the problem.
When I use the word “inspired,” what I mean is that I suddenly have the realization or an inner knowing that came directly from Higher Wisdom. Much of what I share with you comes from that place. Practically all of my writing does.
There are three fairly common causes of the confusion, lack of focus, and even tiredness that sometimes happens. There are many other causes, of course, but these three I find most often. They are not in any particular order.
1) The first cause is that you have picked up energy from someone else. It may be a person that you’ve been intimate with – a sure way to pick up their fears, beliefs, and issues. It could be someone you are connected to or communicate with often. It can often be someone that you get emotional about – whether they make you feel euphoric or furious.
The way to remedy this situation is to simply ask, “Is this mine?” whenever you are feeling off, out of balance, or not quite like yourself. If you dowse, you can ask the simple yes-no question and get your answer. If it is not yours, then just ask that it be returned to whomever it belongs to. I often ask that it be put through a violet filter so that when it returns it has already been cleaned up.
2) The second cause is often that you are “off somewhere” trying to help or understand something. When I say off somewhere what I mean is that you are physically here, but your awareness, a part of your consciousness, is off somewhere else trying to solve a problem or assist someone else with theirs.
How many healers and other spiritually minded people wake up in the morning completely exhausted? They’ve been out all night working or learning new things.
As an Industrial Engineer and spiritual teacher, much of my focus is on discovering and healing the root cause of issues.
If I’m in the middle of a conversation and a topic comes up that I have not discovered the root cause of, part of my consciousness often immediately leaves and is out there trying to figure it out.
That’s the reason that an hour, a day, maybe even a week or more later, I suddenly have the answer. Boom. It seems to come out of nowhere.
If I’m feeling tired or mentally foggy, I often dowse with one of my favorite charts and ask. “What percentage of my consciousness is with me here right now?” I find that if the number is less than about 80%, I don’t have the clarity I desire.
The next question I ask is, “Is whatever my consciousness is out there doing something critical?” If the answer is no, then I simply say, “Please return all my conscious awareness back to me right here right now. Thanks.”
If whatever I’m doing out there is critical, then I find the best course of action is simply to take a nap.
If you are not a dowser, when you are feeling overly tired or mentally foggy, just say these words, “Please return any energy that does not belong to me to whomever it belongs to. And please return all of my consciousness to me right here right not. Thanks.”
You will be absolutely amazed at the difference when you’ve done this. You will immediately feel lighter, less stressed, have more mental clarity, and often your tiredness will lift.
3) The third cause of some of these same symptoms is your level of sensitivity to energy, particularly negativity and electromagnetics. If you walk in a room and can immediately feel that it feels good to be there or that there is something not quite right in this room, then you are highly sensitive to energy.
If you feel tired after spending time with people who are negative, always complaining, criticizing others, always telling you their problems, then you are sensitive to subtle energy.
If you feel tired or mentally foggy after spend time shopping at the mall, riding on a plane, or sitting in front of your computer, then it is highly likely that you are sensitive to electromagnetics.
The more you raise you vibration, consciousness, and awareness, the more refined and sensitive your sixth sense becomes. As that happens, you will become more aware and often more affected by negative energy and electromagnetics.
That is why I wear a BioElectric Shield every day. It keeps me and my energy field clear of this energy. I’m not tired from being using my cell phone or computer, and I don’t get thrown off by other people’s negativity.
I’ve been wearing a BioElectric Shield since the early 90’s.
Have a deLightful Day,
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