Awaken Activate Diamond Higher Self Within

You are a multi-faceted diamond. The facets (aspects of self) you show the world (and even yourself) are only a small part of the truth of the totality of you. It’s time to awaken the Higher Self, the Diamond Self, and all the rest and blaze that forth for the whole world to see.

I often tell clients that “We are all multi-faceted diamonds. You are just used to only seeing one or two of those faces shined up and part of your personality and skill set. As you grow and evolve, more and more of the faces become clearer and part of the totality of you that you are aware of consciously.”

When you have awakened, you realize … we are all polymaths – with many interests, skills, and superpowers that we can choose to pursue and enjoy.

For example, I’m an author success coach, spiritual advisor, business and personal empowerment mentor, speaker/teacher, group leader, manager, engineer, bestselling author, homeschool mom, dolphin, ocean, and travel loving kind of gal. And that just scratches the surface.

How about you … how aware are you of your various interests and superpowers?

Awaken dear ones into your true Magnificent Higher Self!

When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone?

That is what is often required to awaken new aspects of self. Through challenge, adventure, meeting new people and doing new things, we experience new aspects of self.

As you rise in consciousness and awareness, you awaken and become aware of aspects of self that you never knew were part of you.

Through these initiatory deeply-transformational type events, you become an entirely new person.

Sometimes the shift is gradual, almost imperceptible day to day. Other times, an intense moment happens, and you suddenly see with new eyes and hear with new ears. That’s what happened to me when I was 14. I share that story in Peering Through the Veil and some of my other books.

If you’ve read my ebook 7 Secrets to Discovering Your Inner Treasure! then you know the various steps to rise in consciousness and awareness, to grow and evolve. If you haven’t read it, or you haven’t read it in awhile, you might want to check it out.

As I work with private clients, often we awaken those higher aspects of self and activate the “codes” that turn them on – shining up that face on the diamond. We also do a great deal of work clearing, balancing, harmonizing, and returning to pristine the ones that are already active. Sometimes it’s like a “tune up.” Other times it’s like laying in and activating a whole new operating system.

Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature
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Takara Shelor
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