There was a debate going on recently on Facebook about whether a person wanting quality essential oils (EO’s) for aromatherapy should choose Young Living or DoTerra. I jumped into the mix and said, “Neither.”
Dancing Dolphin Oils & Mists Are Available Here
Actually, this is what I said:
“I vote neither. I’m sure there are people here who won’t like that answer. Sorry about that.
I was formally trained in the medicinal use of essential oils by world renowned aromatherapy expert, Dr Jane Buckle. I got involved briefly with Young Living many years ago. I left because I discovered that you can get extraordinary oils from very reputable distillers through several excellent companies in the U.S. without the cost involved with network marketing.
I was also horrified that they were suggesting that people use oils “neat” (undiluted) on the skin and even internally. Essential oils are so concentrated that they all should be diluted before use and ingesting them is a HIGHLY dangerous practice that should only be recommended by professionals (doctors, etc.). Anyone using, and especially selling, essential oils should read about essential oil safety from the Tisserand Institute. They are on the forefront of EO safety and publish their findings often.
Both companies have good oil, but in some cases, the non-MLM oils are actually superior.
Some how these MLM companies have successfully convinced their people that the only way to get pure medicinal quality oils is to purchase them through their companies. That is not at all the case. They even made up a term to market them called “therapeutic grade.” That is not an actual designation used by essential oil professionals or suppliers.
Many reputable essential oil retailers can supply gas chronographs from the distillers for each batch to prove purity and effectiveness. Anyone interested in excellent oil knows they need to be distilled under low pressure and low temperature without chemicals. There are TONS of oils available like that.
These MLM companies are getting much of their oil from distillers throughout the world the same as the other oil retailers are.
Each MLM has some good blends. But those same exact blends are available elsewhere online for much less. There are at least 8 different lavender varieties and the most beneficial typically comes from France ~ not grown in the U.S. I only use European Lavender and Rose Oil.
Europeans use essential oils in their hospitals instead of harsh cleaning chemicals in many cases. They look at everything from a medical perspective.
Before jumping on the MLM bandwagon, I suggest you determine why you want to work with oils. Is it to add an income stream or to use oils for your own healing purposes.”
Several people write to me privately thanking me for the insight and then asked what oils I use. Since lots of people were interested, I thought I would share a few of my suppliers here.
Some of the essential oil vendors I use online are:
Nature’s Gift – I love this place. Don’t let the old-looking website fool you. There is magic within those pages. I don’t purchase all my oil there, but I have them create the spice blend that I use for some of my products. Check out their sandalwood or frankincense and see what they say about each variety. Of course those two oils are quite expensive no matter where you get them. I just love the care and detail they share at Nature’s Gift. And Dr. Jane Buckle has used their oils in her training programs. If she is willing to use the oils, you can be quite confident that they are the best available. She is freaking picky about the quality of the oil she uses since she is training nurses and other health professionals to use them in clinics and hospitals.
Marge, the owner of Nature’s Gift, has written a book called Essential Oils and Aromatics. It is currently out of print. I’m kicking myself because I didn’t buy one when it first came out. However, it is available here on Kindle.
Essential Wholesale is another vendor I use for a few essential oils and carrier oils.
If you really like the blends, but not the price: offers practically every blend that Young Living and DoTerra have at a price that is much more affordable.
There is nothing wrong with multi-level marketing products or companies. But when you can get the same quality products for less, then I choose to do so.
There are certain nutritional and cleaning products that I purchase through network marketing companies, but that is because those formulas are only available that way. I’m a distributor for a few different MLM companies and I’m quite passionate about how good the products are.
The Dancing Dolphin Difference:
Having shared all of that, its now time to say that essential oils alone offer great benefit, but Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Oils & Mists offer so much more!
What I create with Dancing Dolphin are not aromatherapy blends, they are synergistic alchemical masterpieces. O.K. that’s obviously an exaggeration, but not by as much as you might think.
“Takara is a true alchemist.” ~ Daniel Jacob, Voice of the Reconnections
I had been using essential oils and aromatherapy for a few years when I was introduced to flower essences. Wow were they a powerful new tool. I was living on a sacred mountain in Southern California pregnant with my son, Jess, and had an inner “knowing” that I needed to take a weekend training program in Santa Barbara to learn more about flower essences.
While at the workshop, we had the opportunity to make a flower essence ourselves. David Jonas, a gifted energy healer who became a life-long friend after our meeting at this event, was asked to hold the bowl while the rest of us each picked a bloom from the plant who’s flower essence we were making that day.
We were asked to “tune in” to the plant and ask which bloom wanted to be chosen for this purpose. When I opened my eyes after making this request, I literally could see one of the flower blooms glowing. I was the last person in the group to cut one of the blooms. I kept looking at the glowing bloom and I couldn’t believe none of the other people had cut that one when it was so freaking obvious that it was “the bloom.”
When it was finally my turn, I cut the bloom, it dropped into the bowl, and David says he felt the energy literally shoot out in all directions the instant the bloom hit the water. He had traveled all over the globe and made many flower essences. He had never seen or experienced anything like that ever before. Obviously, I got very excited about making flower essences when he shared with me his experience.
Suddenly not only did I work with aromatherapy, but now I apparently had a knack for flower essences.
“I love the Violet Flame Mist.” ~ Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, Co-Founder of New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
On the way home from the workshop, I received insight about how to upgrade the flower essences to be even more vibrationally potent than they already are. (Receiving an immediate upgrade to something is not that unusual for me. When I first learned to meditate, dolphins spontaneously began to show up and brought with them an outrageous amount of healing energy. When I learned Reiki, on the way home I received lots of new ways to use and enhance it.)
Flower and gem essences offer a significantly broader and higher vibrational spectrum than essential oils. According to Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D. as compared to EVERY other form of vibrational medicine, “… flower essences may strongly influence all levels of the multidimensional human system, from the physical/biomolecular levels on up to the higher subtle and soul levels.”
Flower essences are a very powerful form of assistance. Now I was being asked to take them even higher. The new upgrade system I was given involved sound and a whole lot more.
“Takara’s Essences are Outstanding!” ~ Jonathan Goldman, world renowned Sound Healing Pioneer
I am a “keeper” and transmitter of energies – from earth energies to magnificent healing frequencies, cosmic energies, and beyond.
I create alchemical blends with the hundreds of flower essences, gem essences, and other vibrational essences that I have made over the years. As I hold each bottle, I channel into it the dolphin healing frequencies that literally changed my life, as well as any other frequencies needed. It then undergoes the upgrade process I’ve developed. Finally, essential oils add their unique healing properties and frequencies to the synergy. They then sit on “the grid” created with hundreds of crystals, gems, feathers, etc. overnight and in some cases for many days.
They are truly powerful and completely unique in the healing support they offer.
If you aren’t sure where to start, I always recommend a custom blend.
Get Your Dancing Dolphin Sacred Healing Oils & Mists Here
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This is Pat Moon. I cannot log into anything other than anonymous. At first I was upset with your words about MLM companies. However later you qualified that there are companies who provide quality products not available any where else in the market place. That is exactly the reason I have stuck with the MLM company I am with for nutritional supplements, skin care and home cleaning. I did join Young Living for a short time but soon realized their nutritional products were not up to my standard. Now it seems that DoTerra is all the rage. I am sticking with my MLM company I’ve been with for over 29 years. (We do not have essential oils except for the ones in food sources as supplements.) Thanks for providing your explanation and alternative sources for essential oils.
Hi Pat: There are DEFINITELY some great MLM / Networking marketing companies out there. I just feel that that business structure works best, and is best utilized, when they offer completely unique products to the marketplace. I’ve been around essential oils for almost 20 years and I did do a short stint with Young Living as well. But, like you, I found that their nutritional and body care products were not up to my standards either. I was pretty disappointing with both lines. And then I discovered superior oils from other suppliers. As a flower essence creator, I’ve found that a rose is not a rose is not a rose. I made an essences from morning glories growing wild in three different locations – the high desert in New Mexico, a sacred mountain in southern California and the Canadian side of Lake Ontario. The vibration of those plants was so different because of where they were grown, the primary purpose of them actually changed. The same is definitely true of many essential oils. Lavender, one of YL’s flagship oils, is just not that great grown in the U.S. The organic lavender grown in France or Bulgaria is extraordinary and once you’ve smelled it and worked with it, nothing else will do. And, even more amazing, you can get the same amount of organic lavender (lavendula angustifolia) from Bulgaria for less than half what it costs retail with YL. That’s just crazy. Essential oils are only a small part of what makes a Dancing Dolphin Essence a Dancing Dolphin Essence. Thanks for stopping by Pat.