What Would You Do to Make the World a Better Place?
Often on Facebook and other forms of social media someone will post a question saying something like “If you could change one thing, what would it be?” Or, “If you could get rid of one thing, what would it be?” Or, “How can we make the world a better place?
After meditation this morning, these were the words I heard in my head:
“If I was in charge, to make the world a better place I would …
- bring kindness, compassion, and inner peace to every person and part of the world.
- remove the 7 deadly sins entirely (pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth).
- remove the 9 Veils of Illusion(TM) (fear, limiting beliefs, judgments, expectations, attachments to outcomes, guilt, shame, blame, and victimhood).
- end poverty, hunger, disease, and other suffering.
- take my magic wand and shatter the illusions that keep people from seeing just how magnificent they truly are, how loved by the Divine, how wonderful and magical they have the potential to be.
- whisper the magical words in their ear that make them wake up from their slumber and drop all the veils so they can remember their unique gifts and talents, their Divine abilities, their purpose, passion, and creative expression, and that joy is their Divine birthright.
- give everyone a magical elixir that allowed them to clearly see truth vs. lies, distortion, and manipulation.
- clean up the pollution, reseed the world with healthy plants, provide an endless supply of the perfect food for all the people, animals and other critters, and the world would be lush and beautiful once more.”
But, of course, I’m not in charge. And I don’t have a magical wand, elixir, or words that can heal all the world’s ills.
What can I, and you, and everyone else do to make the world a better place?
- We can do our best to be kind and compassionate in every moment and situation.
- We can do the necessary inner work to remove the 7 deadly sins and 9 Veils of Illusion(TM) from ourselves.
- We can do what’s necessary to raise our self esteem, increase our confidence, remember the love of the Divine, and work to become our highest potential personally and spiritually.
- We can reach out and help others whenever possible.
- And we can take a stand against injustice and harm toward others and the environment.
Personally, I can continue to:
- create “magical” elixirs (Dancing Dolphin Essences) that help people grow and evolve personally and spiritually and help navigate the sacred journey that is earthly life.
- write books (including the newest one coming out about finding courage)
- work with people one on one, and
- teach group classes that help people awaken their gifts and move beyond their veils of illusion so they can achieve their greatest potential.
How can you make the world a better place?
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