Discovering the Keys to the Empowered Self, the Magnificent You
“If you want your life to change … then it is YOU that must change.” I started learning that lesson the hard way over 30 years ago.
I was a stressed out mess … highly successful with a career and lifestyle many would envy … but terribly unhappy and stressed. And then everything began to crash and burn. The company I worked for restructured. I went from the job of my dreams to one that felt like a major demotion. I was put in a position I had repeatedly turned down whenever it was offered … because I knew it wasn’t for me. Then, to add insult to injury, I woke up one morning remembering I’d been raped 15 years before.
All of my time and energy had been spent obsessing over my job … how could I do it better? Was I doing it good enough? Childhood trauma left me with the need to be perfect. It is impossible to be healthy, happy or have any sense of fulfillment with that much unhealed trauma, limiting beliefs, and stress going on. In the middle of all the trauma drama I was facing, many would call it “the dark night of the soul,” I had a spiritual awakening and felt a “calling” to reconnect with the Divine. I discovered that I mattered and that stress was not my friend.
And I discovered what I really wanted most was to feel happy and have a sense of freedom … from the past, from limiting beliefs, from the sense of restriction I felt most of the time. I wanted to get to know my empowered self.
Diving head long into New Age teachings, spirituality, New Thought mindset shifts, and energy healing, I read over 300 books, took boatloads of courses, began a daily practice of deep theta level meditation, and got ongoing help from a fabulous energy healer/intuitive.
I began to feel much happier and the empowered self began to emerge.
Spirit Guides in the form of dolphin-angels began to appear in my meditations and they guided me gently and lovingly down a beautiful empowering spiritual path to reclaim my joy, passion, divine gifts, intuitive and healing abilities, and so much more. I took a radical turn with my career and mindset. And the sense of fulfillment and freedom I craved began to become more of a reality.
I began channeling energy from the multiverse in 1993 and transformational information and meditations in 1998. Since that time, I’ve been “downloading from the Universe” insights, energy healing techniques, tools, and systems to help others go through the same transformation I’ve been through … at a much more accelerated and graceful pace.
These tools, insights, and techniques help you go from a life of struggle to one of flowing with the Universe. From unhappiness and stress to joy and a sense of freedom and empowerment. They help you discovered your own empowered self.
It has taken until now to be shown how everything I’ve ever created and channeled fits together in a way I can teach to benefit others the most.
The result is KEYS TO THE MAGNIFICENT U (powerful teachings to transform your life) and the advanced energy healing system HARMONIC RESTORATION(TM): THE DIVINE ALCHEMY OF BECOMING (a holistic approach to individualized energy healing for precisely what a person needs in the moment to heal the past and accelerate their personal empowerment and spiritual evolution). It includes multiple modalities and a step-by-step system to know exactly when and how to use each one.
Join the Sacred Circle to experience the transformation.
If you have challenges in your own life that you would like to overcome, or you feel called to help others, this is for you!
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