There's Only Plan A . . . Creation

(c) Michael Brill


In a previous column, I wrote about having the courage to allow it to happen, to trust it will happen, and then experience it happening. This month, I want to write about the original Plan A . . . Creation.

The reason most of us fail to believe there’s only Plan A, is we haven’t quite resolved our “cosmic and 3D abandonment issues.” We have difficulty remembering that we are part of the original creation energy. We have occasional lightening bolts of remembrances that illuminate our higher Self for a few brief seconds and then dissolve into the illusion of separateness.

What I would like to write about is how we can all learn to raise our consciousness by developing the courage to participate in creation by doing what we love, not to be loved or to maintain control (both connected with abandonment issues). We all consciously chose who we were going to be, what we were going to do, and how we intended to do it. We’ve encoded this information in many ways (numerology, astrology, palmistry, etc.) knowing that, as we began the process of individuation, we would forget who we are and why we were traveling to this strange place. These choices were selected while in direct “conversations” with the GOD energies.

I see GOD as a Gathering Of Deities. These “deities” are represented by what we call numbers. There are 9 numbers (1 – 9) each with a unique and harmonious frequency. The tenth number is “0” and contains all the energies of the other 9. We can reduce every thing in our universe to a number. That number will reflect the energy being emitted. In unlimited combinations, these numbers generate the patterns and matter of creation.

Imagine standing in a room that is always dark except when the sun shines through a slit high on the wall. Standing in the darkness, you can’t see a thing. NOthing seems to exist. Yet, when the late afternoon light enters through the slit, its beam illuminates thousands of dust particles. This is how creation begins; pure beams of energy (the numbers) blending with each other to initiate the life, death, and transformation of all matter. In time, the individual particles of dust will be attracted to other particles of dust and ultimately form a dust-ball. At first glance, the dust-ball appears to be a uniform grey.

However, looked at through a magnifying glass, you’ll see that the dust-ball is composed of many colored particles. The numbers do the same; they combine to form creations. The numeric string for the word creation equals 40. Four is a number for building solid foundations; the 0 represents direct spiritual assistance. The combination implies that with direct spiritual assistance (0) creation (4) begins. This was the original Plan A . . . be a creator. Each time we interact with something else, we are presented with an opportunity to be a co-creator. Encoded in the letters of our name and birthday are our emotional and psychological characteristics, our choices for this lifetime, our reaction patterns, and our soulutions.

Our personal numbers are pebbles of potential dropped into a sea of creation that create ripples of expanding consciousness. Are we going to “hang 10” and allow the wave to carry us towards our destiny or are we going to bail out because we think we can’t do it or don’t deserve success? That’s the difference between allowing Plan A (faith based) to manifest or prematurely switching to Plan B (fear based) because of a perceived lack of support.

Plan A is about creation. When we work in harmony with Spirit; when we learn to surrender our will to the Divine Plan, when we release our agenda’s and embrace our preferences, when we become who we were meant to be, our Plan A’s will be fulfilled. Our lives will become cornucopias from which our Plan A’s will tumble out.

For years I was frustrated that none of my plans were coming to fruition. I always had to go to Plan B. I spent 10 years doing what I thought Spirit wanted me to do when in actuality I had a hidden agenda. It was so hidden, even I couldn’t see it. I wanted to be validated for my knowledge, expertise, and loving nature. If I was validated, I would be welcomed into everyone’s circle. I would not be abandoned or betrayed.

Then one day it hit me: I was doing to be loved; I was trying to control the events in my life. I was living in illusion, not divine guidance. I asked Spirit for guidance and was told to let go of my FEARs (Failures, Excuses, Avoidance, Repetition of old patterns) and embrace FAITH (Fervor for my mission, Acceptance of my divine self, use my Intuition, Trust in divine rightness, see the Humor in life.) I consciously committed to this change in 2003.

It was rough at first, trusting that GOD knew more than me, and that everything that occurred in my life was for my highest good and spiritual growth. But I finally reconciled my ego’s (Easing God Out) abandonment anxieties with my higher Self’s determination to fulfill its mission. I’ve learned to balance my ego’s emotional and physical needs with my higher Self’s desire to strengthen its connection with divine will. How? …By ordering what I desire from life like I would order from a restaurant’s menu. I state my preferences with no emotional attachment and expect them to arrive – and they do! This is why I see life as a continuous fulfillment of our Plan A where we co-create with Spirit and allow ourselves to be guided by what feels right in our heart.

Michael is the author of Numerology for Healing and Decoding Behavior Patterns with Numerology both by Inner Traditions/Bear & CO. He has also written a textbook Know Your Numbers, Know Your Self: Discovering the Solutions to Your Life’s Challenges that describes his system of Cosmic Numerology. Michael is available for consultations and presentations; he can be reached via email at [email protected].

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