( Created through David J Adams March 24/25th 2010 )
The ‘LABYRINTH OF INNER VISION’ is the eighth – and final – Labyrinth that we have been gifted to work with during our Marine Meditation ceremonies. This one is for working with, and walking, in the years of 2011 AND 2012. At the Marine Meditation Ceremonies in those years as well as at any other time possible or desirable. We were gifted our first Labyrinth to work with in 2003, one each year until 2009, when we were instructed to work with the Labyrinth of Divine Peace for 2 years, 2009 and 2010. Once again we are being asked to work with a Labyrinth for a 2 year period, so it is important that you hold this Labyrinth in your Hearts and your minds for both 2011 and 2012.
This Labyrinth holds the Harmonic Note of EAGLE.
This Labyrinth is probably the simplest Sacred Geometric pattern that we have been given as Labyrinths, yet it is probably the most powerful, as it is designed to move Humanity – and the Earth Planet – forward into Higher Dimensions at a very speedy rate.
The Labyrinth is comprised of 5 “Stations” joined by ‘Tubes’ or ‘Tunnels of LIGHT’. Each “Station” represents a ‘DIMENSIONAL PORTAL’.
This Labyrinth begins where the ‘Labyrinth of Divine Peace’ (walked in 2009 and 2010) concludes, having brought the Earth Planet and Humanity to the New Earth 5th Dimensional frequency of Divine Love and Divine Peace.
Thus the first ‘Station’ of the ‘Labyrinth of Inner Vision’, is the 5th Dimension frequency and is represented visually by a circle containing a Heart overlaid by the Peace symbol.
Then one passes through this Dimensional frequency Portal, and moves through the tunnel of Light to the next ‘Station’, representing the 6th Dimension frequency, this is the Frequency of “AWAKENING” and is represented visually by a circle containing a rising sun, a new dawn for Humanity and the Earth.
Then one passes through this Dimensional frequency Portal, and moves through the tunnel of Light to the next ‘Station’, representing the 7th Dimension frequency, this is the frequency of “TRANSFORMATION”, the movement into ‘knowing’ and ‘understanding’, and is represented visually by a circle containing a Butterfly.
Then one passes through this Dimensional frequency Portal, and moves through the tunnel of Light to the next ‘Station’, representing the 8th Dimension frequency, this is the frequency of “ENLIGHTENMENT”, or ‘Illumination’ and is represented visually by a circle containing a white candle shedding its light to drive away the darkness of ‘Fear’ and ‘Ignorance’.
Finally one passes through this Dimensional frequency Portal, and moves through the tunnel of Light to the Heart of the Labyrinth, to the next ‘Station’ representing the 9th Dimension frequency, this is the frequency of “INNER VISION”, and is represented visually by a circle containing the ‘Eye of Horus’, enabling one to ‘SEE ALL’ within and without one’s own Being.
Personal Note: My initial understanding of this Labyrinth is that through 2011 and 2012 we will be moving through a number of Dimensional Doorways, so that when the great Shift arrives at the end of 2012 we will be prepared by being within and working within the 9th Dimension frequency. Each of the four Marine Meditation Ceremonies during these two years will ‘Activate’ just one of the Dimensional Doorways, beginning with the “Awakening” Doorway at the March 2011 Ceremony – even though we will be walking all the Doorways each time. This Labyrinth will empower the changes we will need to go through in this powerful lead up time. Exciting times ahead. I hope this will be of assistance to you all.
My special thanks to Kaye Ogilvie from Mackay in Queensland, Australia, who once again has done a beautiful job in painting the vision of the labyrinth that was gifted to me by our Spirit Friends. I encourage you to print it out and blow it up as large as possible to gain the most from its simple beauty.
David J Adams
Labyrinth of Inner Vision
Dearest Friends
For 2009 we have been given a seventh Labyrinth to walk during the Marine Meditation ceremonies, and throughout the year.
This is called the Labyrinth of DIVINE PEACE, and is in the form of three crystals coming together at their base to form a triangle (all Cosmic creating begins with a Trinity). From the sides of this triangle three more crystals emerge, each one containing an energy necessary for the Creation of PEACE, these energies are the “Twin Soul Balance” energy, the “Love” energy, and the “Joy” energy. The colours of the Chakras are again prominent.
This Labyrinth carries the HARMONIC NOTE OF THE “DUGONG”, and below is an explanation of Dugong from the Australian Animal Cards of Ann Williams Fitzgerald, which shows their relevance to the energy of Peace which the Labyrinth seeks to create within all of us.
“DUGONGS, also know as sea cows (similar to Manatees in the USA ) have a beautiful, gentle energy that radiates out from them. They are soft, rounded, without anything ‘sharp’ to them, and this appearance just appeals to the HEART energy of PEACE and LOVE. And this is the wisdom of Dugong.
ANGELS OF THE DEEP. That is the term that has been used to describe these graceful, gentle mammals. DUGONGS have been nearly hunted to extinction, and yet they bear no malice to their hunters, and they place their trust in the Universe to provide for them as long as they live. This is the magic that they are wanting to share with humanity.
When we open the HEART CHAKRA and its energy, we open up to the PEACE in our life. With this PEACE we begin to understand the ways of the Universe, and know that we are being provided for by Spirit and the Universe and we are not alone.
DUGONG encourages us to be PEACEFUL with everyone. Do not judge their actions or situation, but offer them LOVE, and if you can help them in any way, do so with LOVE and acceptance, knowing that Spirit does for you what you do for others. Share and you will always be provided for.
Be GENTLE, and PEACE will grace your life.
(Ann Williams Fitzgerald)”
Labyrinth of Divine Peace
Dearest Friends
For 2008 we have been given a sixth Labyrinth to walk during the Marine Meditations, and throughout the year.
This is called the “Motherland of MU” Labyrinth, which once again radiates with many colours and Sound frequencies. This beautiful, and slightly unusual Labyrinth, resonates with the energy of “ONENESS” and represents the HARMONIC NOTE OF “THE MUSE”. The Resonance of “ONENESS” is represented by the fact that you walk 10 sections (10 comes back to a 1) to the entrance of the Heart of the Labyrinth. The Heart itself is step 11, and represents two individual “Ones”, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine portrayed in the Yin Yang symbol at the Heart of the Heart. The year of 2008 is, of course, a ‘ONE” year ! The first day of 2008 will be a 1:1:1 — perhaps a powerful day to walk, or work with this Labyrinth for the first time !
What makes this Labyrinth slightly unusual is that for the first time in any Labyrinth we have been given, there is a section that can not be walked ! This section, directly to the right of the Heart as you look at it, is in the shape of the figure 1. This section represents the ultimate merging into “ONENESS” with the CREATOR SOURCE, that we are on the path towards, but not yet ready to achieve.
The “Cosmic Tree of Life” Labyrinth in 2007 led us to a “NEW RELATIONSHIP” with the “CREATOR ASPECT OF SELF”, and the energies of the whole of 2007 worked to bring together the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within ourselves. The “Motherland of MU” Labyrinth of 2008 affirms that we have reached this amalgamation and are ready for the next step into true “ONENESS WITH ALL THAT IS”
Motherland of Mu Labyrinth
For 2007 we have been given a fifth Labyrinth to walk during the Marine Meditation and to work with throughout the year.
This is the “Cosmic Tree of Life Labyrinth” which once again contains within it a variety of COLOURS, and therefore, SOUND frequencies. This Beautiful labyrinth represents the HARMONIC NOTE OF ZADKIEL AND THE ANGELIC REALMS. As you walk this Labyrinth, you are walking the 7 Major Chakras of the ‘Body Human’, the ‘Body Earth’ and the ‘Body Cosmos’ to the ‘GREAT CENTRAL SUN’ …. Within that the ‘GREAT CENTRAL SUN’ is a Spiral Symbol of great power and significance that draws you into a NEW RELATIONSHIP with the “SOURCE CREATOR ASPECT OF SELF”
2007 Will be a year of ‘COMMUNING WITH THE ANGELS AS EQUALS’, so open your Hearts and Minds and embrace the True Essence of YOUR DIVINE SELF.”
Cosmic Tree of Life Labyrinth
For 2006 we were given a fourth Labyrinth to walk during the Marine Meditation and to work with throughout the year.
This is the ‘8 POINTED STAR SPIRAL, LABYRINTH OF CREATION’ which once again contains within it a variety of COLOURS, and therefore, SOUND frequencies. We have been told by our Spirit Guides that this labyrinth is a Sacred geometric representation of one of the ‘HARMONIC NOTES’ holding the Earth in Balance. On this occasion the ‘Harmonic Note’ is that of DRAGON. Interestingly Dragon Energy has often been associated with the number 8 and ‘As above, so below’
2006 will be a year of “CREATING” the future of the Earth Planet, so always think UPLIFTING thoughts when working with this Labyrinth.
8 Pointed Star Spiral Labyrinth of Creation
For 2005 we were given a third Labyrinth to walk during the Marine Meditation and to work with throughout the year. This is the Diamond Labyrinth of Transcendence. It is composed of the five Elements, and you traverse each Element to reach a state of Higher Consciousness. Beginning on the outside, you move through the Fire Element (Orange), then the Air Element (Blue), then the Earth Element (Green), then the Water Element (Lavender), to arrive at the Ether/ Spirit Element (Yellow/Gold). This Labyrinth is also a sacred geometric representation of one of the “Harmonic Notes” holding the Earth in Balance. On this occasion the Harmonic note is held by beloved Whale, so as you work with it you can connect with and communicate with these Beautiful creatures that help to hold the earth in Balance through the oceans of the world.
Diamond Labyrinth of Transcendence
In 2004 we were given a second Labyrinth to walk during the Marine Meditation celebrations, and to work with for the rest of the year. This was the Octagonal Labyrinth of Manifestation. This Labyrinth was also a sacred geometric representation of one of the “Harmonic Notes” holding the Earth in balance. On this occasion the Harmonic note is held by the Unicorn as a representative of all those Beings who came to assist the earth but found themselves persecuted and hunted because of their ‘differences’, they are often referred to now as ‘Mythical creatures’, but are in reality beautiful Beings of Light. This Labyrinth came to us through our beloved friend Kaye Ogilvie who is an incarnate member of the Unicorn race of Beings.
Octagonal Labyrinth of Manifestation
In 2003 we were given a special Labyrinth to walk at the two Marine Meditation celebrations, and to work with throughout the rest of the year. This was the Trinity Labyrinth of Purification. The Labyrinth was also a sacred geometric representation of one of the “Harmonic Notes” that hold the Earth in Balance. This particular Harmonic note is held by our beloved friend Krista Sonnen who is an incarnate Harmonic. As I believe I have explained in earlier communications, the Harmonics are a group of Cosmic Beings that came to this Planet at the beginning of time to hold it in Balance with their sound. They do this for all Planets and Planetary systems throughout the Cosmos.
Trinity Labyrinth of Purification
I invite you to take each of them into your heart and work and play with them as often as you feel moved to do so. Remember, as you walk each labyrinth or play with each Labyrinth, you empower the appropriate Harmonic note to help the Earth remain in Balance.
Blessings and Love
Bishop David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
(If you would like to receive updates directly from David about the meditations, the crystal activations, the labyrinths, the new earth song, and other planetary earth healing, send him an email and ask him to add you to his list.)
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Copyright (c) David J. Adams