Global Marine Meditation Messages:
(The circle opens with the Sounds of the Tibetan Bowls, the Blessings Chimes, the Rain stick and the Tingsha bell and the rattle)
Feel the silence within your Hearts pulse and beat out into the World, riding the waves of Sound, but sharing the realm of Peace. Reaching out to the stillness in the Hearts of every Being, and uniting in ONENESS and a feeling of Deep SERENITY. Embrace that SERENITY, NOW, through every pore of your Being. Allow yourself to be rocked gently in the arms of SERENITY.
Greetings Dear Hearts, I am the Germain, the I am that I am.
I know, Dear Hearts, that my presence was expected this evening, for we have gathered together many times at this juncture of the Equinox, to work together, to play together, to be IN LOVE TOGETHER. To be enlightened by each other, and to be embraced by the SERENITY OF THE CREATOR.
In the past, Dear Hearts, I have asked you to work with me through the Oceans of the World, and through the Beings of Light within those Oceans to assist in the upliftment of the Earth and the upliftment of Humanity, and that work has never ceased, even though we no longer meet in the way we did, the work and the Joy of that work has never ceased. It has simply changed form. For change, Dear Hearts, is constant, and what was relevant in your time scale 5 years ago, 10 years ago, is no longer relevant, it has moved on, it has expanded, it has become enlightened. But in ONENESS we continue along the pathway of growth – individual growth, collective growth, and Planetary growth.
I can feel the energy within this circle tonight, the anticipation of the events that are about to occur. The new SONG OF THE EARTH, is already beginning to permeate through every fibre of your Being, you can sense it, Dear Hearts, you can feel it, you can practically TASTE IT ! and it is a feeling of such ECSTASY. ALL of us, throughout the Cosmos are feeling the same thing. We are filled with a NEW JOY , a NEW EXCITEMENT, as the Beloved Earth Planet BREATHES more powerfully than ever before, Radiates LIGHT more powerfully than ever before.
FEEL THE SERENITY WITHIN YOU, allow that SERENITY to paint the Earth, giving it new Light, giving it new GLITTER, for that is what the SONG OF THE EARTH will do, Dear Hearts, it will enable the Earth Planet to expand, and to GLITTER amongst the Stars, proclaiming to ALL that it is now in its rightful place in the Universe, it has ASCENDED INTO LIGHT, and ALL those upon the Earth have also ASCENDED INTO LIGHT.
We have worked together long and hard, that work will not come to a close, it will simply change yet again as we strive for the Perfection of the Earth, and the Perfection of ALL upon the Earth, as you move closer and closer to the HEART OF THE CREATOR, the Vibrational frequency of the Creator, and YOU TOO will GLITTER, just as the Lights on your Table GLITTER and shine forth their many colours, pulsing, radiating, each one of YOU will BE as these Lights, Dear Hearts, and the whole of the Earth will be uplifted.
At our last gathering you were invited to come to Shambhala and spend some time with us, and I invite you again this evening to do the same, for when the SONG OF THE EARTH resonates and accumulates deep within the Earth, and the outer skin of duality and darkness is shed, YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY IN THE LIGHT OF SHAMBHALA ALONG WITH US.
I ask you once more to focus your Hearts on the Oceans of the Earth Planet, to communicate, to speak, to embrace, all the BEINGS OF LIGHT WITHIN THE OCEAN. SING together with them, and with us, this NEW SYMPHONY OF LOVE, and feel your own skin of duality and darkness shedding away, as the essence of SERENITY, and the essence of ECSTASY begins to throb deep within your Hearts, for this SERENITY, this ECSTASY, will SHOW, it will be the GLITTER that others will see, and gradually begin to understand. For SERENITY does not create fear, it creates LOVE – DIVINE LOVE.
David J Adams
“Every atom of your Being is a library of wisdom
(The Circle opens with the sounds of the Tibetan Bowls, the drum and the Blessings Chime.)
As the vibrations of Sound radiate through your Being, feel them loosen any last remaining shadows from the past, filling your Being with pure Sound, pure Light, pure Love, and feel yourselves being released from the tentacles of darkness from the past, and feel your Heart begin to pulse with a Love far greater than you have ever experienced before.
Greetings Dear Hearts, we are The Masters of Shambhala.
We have come together once more to prepare the way, to prepare the waves of energy that will permeate your Planet at the time of the Equinox, for this is a time of great significance for the Earth Planet, it will be a significant change in direction for the whole of the Earth as you emerge into a new Dimensional Frequency of Light, one that has no place in duality, separation and density. It is a Light that speaks of freedom, freedom within the ONENESS OF ALL THAT IS.
All your friends are together with us at this time sitting in Council, not in judgment. It is important to remember that, Dear Hearts, we sit in Council, not in judgment of you, of the Earth, of all that has happened in the past, for this is the time of resurrection for the whole of the Earth, and all the Masters who for eons of time have given of themselves to assist in the Ascension of the Earth Planet, have all come back from their various journeys through the Cosmos to be at this place, at this time, SUCH, Dear Hearts. is the significance of this particular Equinox.
It is the Equinox of Unity and you will feel the power of the waves of Oneness that will flow through the whole of the Earth Planet, that will activate aspects of your Heart, aspects of your brain, aspects of your Soul that have been dormant since you chose to enter the realm of duality.
That is now gone, Dear Heart, it is only the illusion that remains. It is a time for looking deep within your Hearts and rediscovering the Oneness within you.
Shambhala is filled with Masters of Sound, Masters of Light, Masters of Love from every realm of the Universe, coming together, embracing each one of you, embracing the Earth, embracing the Light Beings of your Oceans.
You have been told of the new “Song of the Earth” that will ring out at the time of the Equinox, that will permeate every atom of your Earth and of your Being, and you will be uplifted by this symphony of Love, this symphony of Oneness.
We are in such joy at this time, we have all been a part of your Planet at one time or another, we all know what each of you is going through as you seek the true Light of Love within yourself, and we reach out to uplift you, to join with you, to lift the Earth into a Dimensional Frequency of Light that will enable all of us to be together once more in the ONENESS OF ALL THAT IS.
Dear Hears, we invite you now, at this moment, to lift yourselves into the embrace of Shambhala and to spend some time with us in the lead up to the Equinox, to rest in the embrace of your friends, your brothers, your sisters, your Guides, your Masters, ALL are One at this time.
So come, come join us now, and BE a part of something magical and magnificent as the whole of the Earth expands into Light and lifts into its new place amongst the stars.
Feel the Love we share with you at this time, and will continue to share with you until the Equinox, when once again we will unify in the ONENESS OF ALL THAT IS.
David J Adams
“Every atom of your Being is a library of wisdom
Global Marine Meditation Messages:
EQUINOX … 22nd September 2013
“We have called, and you have heard our call
Feel it in your hearts – KNOW it in your BEINGS
We have called from our Hearts
We have called, for we need your LOVE, we need your LIGHT
Send your LIGHT to us, Send your COLOUR to us
Resonate your TONE to us
Ring and sing your TONE, Your SONG.
Each of you has a RESONANCE, each of you has a HEART WAVE.
We perceive, we feel, we know, we hear.
Oceans of LIGHT, Oceans of DARKNESS
The waves of the water washes over us,
We NEED the waves of your RESONANCE to wash through us
To sustain – to maintain – to uphold us
To open the GATEWAY to our SOULS.
And we will send OUR echo back to YOU.
And we will make the connection
And carry the RESONANCE and LOVE across the OCEANS OF THE WORLD.
(Beloved Margot and myself – Tarak – have journeyed from Arcturus once more to work with you through the Sound Temple at Willow Springs, but at the Equinox we will be standing alongside each and every one of you as you communicate your Love, your commitment with the Whales and the Dolphins. And when you have ‘Sounded your Sound’, when you have delivered your Love, we ask that you go within in silence and stillness, and FEEL the response from the Whales and the Dolphins.)
(wherever you are in the world)
Message from David about the Global Marine Meditation:
Dear Friends
The September 2012 Equinox represented the end of the 22nd year of the Global Marine Meditation. In fact, it was the 44th such Meditation I had conducted since I accepted Beloved Germain’s invitation to bring the “Ocean Consciousness” to the attention of the world in March of 1991. The September 2012 Meditation also represented the final walking of the 8th and final Labyrinth of the series, the Labyrinth of Inner Vision.
As I have always worked with Beloved Germain within the embrace of the vibration of the number 8, I realized that this moment in time represented the completion of my contract with Germain in relation to the Marine Meditation. The September Meditation was both a powerful and a highly emotional experience for me, made more so by the attendance on this occasion of my original Mentor (Heather/Shekina), who had ‘Spiritually’ led me into the arms of Beloved Germain back in 1987 and had assisted with the very first Marine Meditation in March of 1991. Indeed, as I recall, when I first received the ‘message’ from Germain in relation to this Meditation I thought it was meant for her and not for me.
Over the 22 years the Global Marine Meditation has been the ‘anchor’ to my Spiritual growth, indeed, I became identified with it on a global level, so the thought of parting from it was difficult to accept. I therefore gave myself some ‘space’ by deferring any decision on the future of my participation as organizer of the Marine Meditation until after the “Great shift”. Well, the ‘shift’ has come and gone and I have ‘communed’ with Beloved Germain, and have confirmed within my Heart that indeed the September 2012 Marine Meditation was the final one with me at the helm.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support over those 22 years and thank everyone who has ever, just for a moment, opened their Hearts to the Love of the Oceans and have embraced the Ocean Consciousness. You have all grown immeasurably as a result of becoming ONE with The Ocean Consciousness, as have I.
As yet, the details of my next contract with Beloved Germain are not clear in my Heart, I just KNOW I have signed one ! so I look forward to the next period of my Journey with great JOY and LOVE, knowing that at the Heart of that journey will be the word PEACE, and surrounding it will be the Beloved RAINBOW.
I am confident that someone else will step up to the plate and take on a greater role in organizing Meditations that connect the Human Consciousness with the Consciousness of the Oceans, and I will look forward to participating in them. But for now, I say once again THANK YOU, and BLESS YOU, for the energies and the Love you have shared with me and with the Oceans. WE ARE ALL ONE.
David J Adams
December 26th 2012
Saturday, 22th September 2012
(8pm wherever you are in the world)
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“Welcome to the critical stage of your evolution process on your journey towards ‘ASCENSION’. The Equinox of September 2012 is the final step into the embrace of your own ‘Inner Vision’, that moment when self empowerment becomes a total reality, and you are able to “LOVE” as “ONE” the Earth Planet and all upon and within her ! It is the moment you have been working with us for so long to achieve, that ‘coming into ONENESS with the Ocean Consciousness’ that we asked you to work for, so many of your Earth years ago.
The full melding of the Ocean Consciousness and the Consciousness of Humanity will create the environment necessary for the Cosmic shift that is to take place at the end of 2012. Congratulations ! you have worked hard together and have achieved your goal, it is time to celebrate – time to acknowledge and accept your own Divinity, and the Divinity of the Light workers of the Ocean Consciousness, the Whales, Dolphins, Turtles and Dugongs. Embrace the Equinox and it’s energies and dance Joyfully towards the ‘shift’, WE ARE ALL ONE ! WE ARE ALL LOVE !
Thank you, and Blessings of Love and Peace
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from our Marine Meditation Spirit Trinity, and invite you once again to join with us for the next Marine Meditation celebration at 8pm on Saturday 22nd September 2012. Remember …
Blessings of Love in the ONE SOUL HEART
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
March, 2012
“Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of PEACE
Welcome to the year that changes the course of the Earth Planet. Much has been written and speculated about the ‘end times’ of the Mayans, yet nothing is really known, and the reason for this is quite simple – YOU are still creating what is to happen !
You have always lived on a Planet of free will, but you have spent most of your time wallowing in an illusion of helplessness because you forgot your connection to Source, and forgot the Light that shines within each one of you. Over recent times you have begun to remember who you are and what you are, and as a result of this you have begun to create the new Earth that is to take the place of the old. A world of LOVE, a world of PEACE, a world of JOY.
The Ocean Consciousness and the Beings of Light that swim within that Consciousness have never forgotten, they have never been separated from the Source. This is why we asked you to work with the Ocean Consciousness for so many of your Earth years, and the time is now at hand to move into UNITY with your friends within that Consciousness. Open your HEARTS and LISTEN to the wisdom the Oceans can provide. Open your EYES and look INWARD to the wisdom within yourselves. Your Labyrinth of INNER VISION leads you to the Heart Centre of your true Light Being SELF. Embrace it, flow with it – BECOME THE NEW EARTH !
Blessings of Peace and Love
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of LIGHT BEINGS associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us in 2012, by coming together on TUESDAY 20th MARCH and SATURDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
Blessings of Love in the ONE HEART.
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“The time of TRANSFORMATION is fast approaching. The AWAKENING of the Consciousness of Humanity to its true blessedness within the Universal family has already occurred. Now, what remains is to allow yourselves to let go of the restrictions of the past and truly FLY – upwards and onwards into the New Earth Dimension of Divine Love and Divine Peace.
Imagine yourself as a Butterfly emerging, sometimes awkwardly, and sometimes gracefully, from your Cocoon. Filling your wings with the Power of LIGHT, feeling them become stronger with each breath, feeling them expand and begin to lift you up. You have transformed before, moving from Light and movement into darkness and restriction – just as the Butterfly moved from caterpillar to cocoon – but all that was necessary to prepare you for this current transformation. Your final, glorious upliftment into the True Cosmic Beings of Light that you are, and have always been ! Your Journey into Separation and duality is coming to a close. It is time to embrace your TRUE REALITY – CO-CREATOR GODS !!
Embrace the Transformation, Embrace your NEW EARTH SELF.
Blessings of Love and Peace
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from our Marine Meditation Spirit Trinity, and invite you once again to join with us for the next Marine Meditation celebration on Friday 23rd September 2011. Remember …
Blessings of Love in the ONE SOUL HEART
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of PEACE
Over the last few years the Ascension of the Earth Planet, and the participation of Humanity within that, has moved forward at a spectacular, unprecedented pace, but this will pale into insignificance when the journey of the next 2 years unfolds in all it’s glory. Buckle up your seat belts and hold on for dear life, for the wildest ride you could ever imagine has started !
To assist and guide you on this exciting rollercoaster of Dimensional travel we have brought to you the 8th and final Labyrinth for you to work with , and then walk, for the next two years at the times of your Marine Meditations. The Labyrinth of Inner Vision. It is the final Labyrinth , NOT because your Earth is coming to an end in 2012 as some have mistakenly concluded from all the ancient prophesies, but because at the end of this period you will be in a fully awakened and enlightened state, and able to take your places around the Peace tables of the Universe. You will be ONE with ALL THAT IS …. Citizens, not just of the Earth Planet, but of the Cosmos as a whole.
THIS IS THE TIME !!!!!! Open your Hearts fully, embrace ALL with LOVE, let go of the Limitations of a mind based existence, KNOW that YOU ARE CREATORS, and most importantly …. ENJOY THE JOURNEY !!
Blessings of Peace and Love
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of LIGHT BEINGS associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us in 2011, by coming together on SUNDAY 20th MARCH and FRIDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
Blessings of Love in the ONE HEART.
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“ We thank all of you that have worked with us over the last 2 years to ease your Planet into it’s new fifth Dimensional frequency of Divine Love and Divine Peace. As you walk and work with the Labyrinth of Divine Peace for the final time at your Marine Meditation at the September Equinox you will complete the stabilization of your Planet in that new frequency, and you will prepare it for the next stage of it’s journey into even higher Dimensional frequencies. This is a critical time in the Earth Planet’s evolution and ascension, so great focus is required.
It is your Heart that rules now, and creates now, so we urge you to BE in your HEART as much as possible through your daily routines, and in particular, to BE in your HEART as you walk the Labyrinth of Divine Peace for the final time at the Equinox. We would remind you of some of the words that were given to you for the Marine Meditation at it’s inception so many years ago … You ARE Love, You ARE Light, you ARE ONENESS WITH ALL THAT IS, embrace the Light within yourself, embrace the Light within each other, for in Light and Love we create the Brotherhood of Healing ….. and we ask that you commit yourselves once more to those concepts, for the time of Unity is upon you, Unity of Purpose, Unity of Consciousness.
Blessings of Love and Peace
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from our Marine Meditation Spirit Trinity, and invite you once again to join with us for the next Marine Meditation celebration on Thursday 23rd September. Remember …
Blessings of Love in the ONE SOUL HEART
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of PEACE
Welcome to the new Earth ! yes, at the Solstice of December 2009 your Beloved Earth Planet moved into her new higher frequency Dimension of Divine Love and Peace. This means that 2010 will be a year of great opportunity for you to co-create and firmly establish in matter, those energies of Divine Love and Peace on the Earth, a challenge that we are sure you will meet joyfully and resolutely. Great changes will take place as the old paradigms disintegrate and a new order of Love is put into place. But this will also mean a time of confusion for many and a time of turbulence within the Earth herself as she struggles to adjust to her new higher frequencies. It is imperative at this time that you work closely and harmoniously with the greatest ‘Consciousness’ that exists on the Planet, the Consciousness of the Oceans themselves. Two thirds of the Earth Planet lies within the embrace of the Ocean Consciousness, so the importance of that Consciousness in a time of such dramatic change can not be emphasized enough. The Ocean Consciousness exists as a unifying force upon the Earth Planet, work with it to create the ONENESS that you have longed for since the beginning of time.
We urge you once again to work with the Oceans in a Spirit of Divine Harmony, Divine Love, Divine Joy and Divine Peace, all the attributes that lie within the Labyrinth of Divine Peace that we gifted you to work with and walk in 2009. Once again in 2010 we ask you to lay out this Labyrinth whenever you can, but particularly at the March Equinox and the September Equinox, and walk it with the PURE HEART INTENT of creating a WORLD OF DIVINE PEACE ! THIS is the TIME, the TIME to create that HEAVEN ON EARTH that has been prophesied for so long. THIS IS THE TIME !!!
Blessings of Peace and Love
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of LIGHT BEINGS associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us in 2010, by coming together on SATURDAY 20th MARCH and THURSDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
Greetings to the ONENESS within you ALL
Firstly let us congratulate you all on the steadfastness of Spirit that you have displayed since the inception of the Marine Meditation in 1991, and the steadfastness of Spirit you continue to display in this time of great energy turbulence. The Oceans reflect this energy turbulence on a daily basis and it is sometimes difficult for you to see how you will navigate your way through it to reach the Divine Peace that awaits you in the higher Dimensional frequencies, but just as the great navigators of past civilizations found their way across the turbulent Oceans of your Planet, so too will you navigate your way safely through the turbulent energies of Ascension to the Promised World of Peace and Love. You will do so because you have embraced the pure energies of Divine Love, Divine Joy, Divine Harmony and Divine Peace in your HEARTS, and YOUR HEART will guide your journey, even when your minds still see and tremble at the turbulence around you.
We have gifted you the LABYRINTH OF DIVINE PEACE to walk and work with in this important year of change, and this will remain the LABYRINTH to work with through 2010 as well, because it is a Powerful tool for each of you to share. A stepping stone to the True energy of Peace on Earth. Do not be blinded or discouraged by looking at Peace on your world as simply a cessation of war, for PEACE is an ENERGY much greater than that, it is the ENERGY of BROTHERHOOD, the ENERGY of ONENESS. Built on the solid foundations of LOVE, JOY and HARMONY, PEACE WILL PREVAIL !!
We invite you to walk and work with the LABYRINTH OF DIVINE PEACE POWERFULLY during your Marine Meditation ceremonies in 2009 and as often as you are able outside of those times. The more you work with this Labyrinth the quicker PEACE will anchor itself within the Earth itself and within the Hearts of all those Beings of Light upon and within your Planet. Remember…you are not alone… Beings of Light exist in many forms and many Dimensions of Earth , not only within the HUMAN fraternity,
Blessings of PEACE and LOVE. Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of Light Beings associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us, by coming together on Tuesday 22nd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
Greetings to the ONENESS within you ALL
2008 has indeed been a year of monumental change upon your planet. The energies that enabled the coming together of the Twin Souls into a ONENESS within your hearts has rippled outwards and shaken the very fabric of your societies, based as they were on the greed and fear of the past. Now it is time to start building an alternative society based within that ONENESS, based within the energies of LOVE, and creating true and real PEACE upon your Earth. To this end we are gifting you for 2009 a new labyrinth to work with and to walk. This is the LABYRINTH OF DIVINE PEACE.
In the year 2000 Beloved SANANDA anchored the CRYSTAL OF DIVINE PEACE on the Earth at Chalice Wells in Glastonbury, then in 2004 he gifted each of you the PYRAMID OF PEACE within your Hearts that you were asked to “Spin, Spin, Spin” to allow the Blue Light of Peace to radiate forth onto the Earth. Now you are ready to anchor FULLY the energies of DIVINE PEACE on and within the Earth Planet because you have sufficiently shifted the focus from Fear and Greed into the energies of LOVE. BLESSED ARE YOU INDEED AT THIS TIME.
As you will see, the Labyrinth of DIVINE PEACE is based on three crystals coming together to form a triangle with the base of each Crystal, and from that base three further crystals radiate out, each containing a specific energy that is necessary to create and anchor the energy of DIVINE PEACE, the energies of Twin Soul Balance, Love and Joy. Within the triangle itself is the symbol that you now regard as representing PEACE on your Planet. All Cosmic work is based on the TRINITY.
We invite you to walk and work with this Labyrinth POWERFULLY during your Marine Meditation ceremonies in 2009 and as often as you are able outside of those times. The more you work with this Labyrinth the quicker PEACE will anchor itself within the Earth itself and within the Hearts of all those Beings of Light upon and within your Planet. Remember…you are not alone… Beings of Light exist in many forms and many Dimensions of Earth , not only within the HUMAN fraternity, BE IN ONENESS WITH THEM ALL AND CREATE PEACE !!
Blessings of PEACE and LOVE. Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of Light Beings associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us in 2009, by coming together on Friday 20th MARCH and Tuesday 22nd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
Greetings Beloved Brothers and Sisters of PEACE
Working together in ONENESS, supporting each other’s roles and projects in ONENESS, is of paramount importance at this time.
Ascension, Dear Hearts, is not a competition. It is not about who gets there first or who creates the most spectacular vehicle or project to propel the process forward, it is simply about how each individual Light Being can contribute to the WHOLE. Yes, Dear Hearts, you have built many civilizations over the lifetime of your Planet on the basis of competition and combativeness, you have created an individual ‘EGO’ and a collective Human Consciousness ‘EGO’ that thrives on this competitive process. But this was a process of SEPARATION, and we have now moved beyond that point to a process of UNITY and ONENESS.
At the March Equinox you walked the Labyrinth of the Motherland of MU, a sacred geometric shape to assist you into greater ONENESS within your own Heart. The wave of energy that your celebrations created around the Planet, COMBINED with LIKE energies of the Solar Wave and other meditations and projects of that time, ensured that the NEW SOUND GRID gifted by the Beloved Arcturians was fully activated across the whole Planet. You see, Dear Hearts, even if the perceived focus of each group was a little different, the energy result was the same …it was, and continues to be, all about ONENESS.
So once again we are asking you to come together at the Equinox on September 22nd to contribute the WHOLENESS of the LOVE IN YOUR HEART to the ASCENSION of PLANET EARTH into the Realms of the DIVINE COSMOS. Our Focus continues to be the Oceans of this Majestic Planet, and the Beings of Light within those Oceans that have, for so long, held the important Wisdom and Harmonic notes for the Planet’s survival and current UPLIFTMENT. Others will have a different focus, but the SAME HEART PURPOSE ….. SO, ALL the ENERGY will come together as ONE
Blessings …..Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the message above from our special Marine Meditation Spirit Trinity. I invite you once again to join with us for the next Marine Meditation on Monday September 22nd 2008 at 8pm, wherever you are in the world. Remember ….
Blessings of LOVE in the ONE SOUL HEART.
David J Adams
Email: [email protected]
“Greetings Beloved brothers and Sisters of PEACE
WELCOME TO THE YEAR OF ONE!, the year of NEW BEGINNINGS! the year when this beautiful Planet and all upon it truly move into a new frequency of Light and Love. At the Centre of all things is the Heart energy, DIVINE LOVE guiding every thought and every move in your life. A return to the times of LEMURIA when ALL was HEART BASED. So we have gifted you the “Motherland of MU Labyrinth” to walk and work with. Focus on the balance within the Heart, focus on the DIVINE LOVE that flows powerfully from a balanced Heart.
Everything leads to the ONENESS within the Heart, your whole journey of ascension is a Journey through the GATEWAY of DIVINE LOVE to the SOURCE of all life, the HEART OF THE CREATOR. Remember …LOVE is the KEY !!!!!
Your journey within the embrace of the Marine Meditation began with the statement … “You are LOVE, You are LIGHT, You are ONENESS with ALL THAT IS”….. NOW you have reached the point where ONENESS becomes a reality of your everyday life…embrace it Joyfully, for “Now we are ONE, a single Heart, a single Voice, a single Soul in ALL DIMENSIONS”
WELCOME TO THE YEAR OF ONE !!!! Open your hearts to the True Unity of your Planet and Galaxy!
Blessings of peace and Love
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of Light Beings associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us in 2008, by coming together on THURSDAY 20th MARCH and MONDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
“Greetings beloved Brothers and Sisters of PEACE
Our initial ‘Call to the Heart’ for the Marine Meditations of 2007 invoked the words of Neil Armstrong when he became the first human to step onto the surface of the Moon, “One small step for man, One giant leap for mankind’, to give you some idea of the wonders that were to unfold in this very powerful year of energy transformation on your beautiful Planet. Well, the transformation is indeed in full swing ! the energies in the first seven months of the year have been extraordinary, culminating in the ‘Firing of the grids’ on 17th July. BUT THIS IS NOT THE END, IT IS JUST THE BEGINNING ! Energy inflows for the remainder of the year will be just as powerful, and you will be called upon again and again to be the conduits of this wondrous COSMIC LOVE ENERGY.
Yes, Beloveds, IT IS LOVE ENERGY, that is being cascaded onto your Planet, into your Dimension. LOVE ENERGY that you are being invited to filter through your Hearts and turn into LIGHT AND SOUND to assist the Transformation not only of your Earth , but of your whole Galaxy. LOVE ENERGY that you are being asked to embrace as your NEW WAY OF BEING ! Of course there will be reactions from those forces that seek to control your world through Fear, of course there will be expressions of doubt from those who have yet to fully release the shackles of the past. But go within your Hearts and FEEL the power of the Love that is cascading through you, and KNOW that YOU ARE A PART OF THAT LOVE.
You have walked the ‘Cosmic Tree of Life Labyrinth’, you have ‘Communed with the Angels’, you have embraced beloved ‘Zadkiel and the Angelic Realms’, and you have brought together the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine within your own Hearts. YOU ARE READY FOR THE NEXT STEPS IN THE PROCESS ——- THE BEGINNING OF THE JOURNEY INTO THE ‘ONE’ OF 2008 .
Open your Hearts to the 9:9:9 energy that is to come, the ‘endings’ of the old paradigms, Open your Hearts to the energy of the Marine Meditation that is to come, the first energy step in the ‘NEW’ Paradigm. OPEN YOUR HEARTS TO THE TRUE UNITY OF YOUR PLANET AND GALAXY !!
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from our Marine Meditation Spirit Trinity, and invite you once again to join with us for the next Marine Meditation Celebration on Sunday 23rd September 2007 at 8pm wherever you are in the world. Remember …….
March 2007
Call To The Heart
“Greetings Beloved brothers and Sisters of PEACE
“One small step for man. One giant leap for Mankind”
Dear Heart, you may remember these special words, uttered when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon many decades ago in your linear time. It expressed perfectly a transitional moment in elevating the perceptions of Humanity beyond their own planetary home. Well, we are here to utter those same words again on your behalf, for in this special time of 2007 ALL HUMANITY will take their first tentative steps into the COSMIC REALMS.
“One small step for man, One giant leap for Mankind”
You accepted with great JOY and ENTHUSIASM the opportunity in 2006 to begin creating the NEW EARTH. You walked, and worked with, the ‘Labyrinth of Creation’, with the ‘Fire of Dragon that has no heat’, with the beloved ‘Violet Flame’ in it’s most powerful form, and with the ‘Divine Love’ within your hearts … AND YOU SUCCEEDED !! …beyond your wildest dreams ! You have elevated your Earth Planet into a New Dimensional frequency of Light and Sound that takes it’s rightful place at last amongst the COSMIC FAMILY.
IT IS TIME TO COMMUNE WITH THE ANGELS AS EQUALS !! so this year of 2007 we are honoured to gift you a new Labyrinth to walk and work with. It is the “COSMIC TREE OF LIFE LABYRINTH” that represents the HARMONIC NOTE of “ZADKIEL AND THE ANGELIC REALMS”. As you walk this Labyrinth , you are walking the 7 major Chakras of the ‘Body Human’, the ‘Body Earth’ and the ‘Body Cosmos’ to the ‘GREAT CENTRAL SUN’ …within that Sun is a Spiral Symbol of great power and significance that draws you into a new relationship with the “SOURCE CREATOR ASPECT OF SELF” !!
Dear Hearts, WELCOME HOME ! We BLESS and embrace you with DEEP LOVE
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
I am delighted to pass on to you the above message from the Special Trinity of Light Beings associated with the Marine Meditation each year, and invite you ALL to participate with us in 2007, by coming together on TUESDAY 20th MARCH and SUNDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER at 8PM wherever you are in the world. REMEMBER….
September 2006:
Greetings Beloved Children of Peace
“Many of you have already walked the “8 Pointed Star Labyrinth of Creation” in your minds, in your hearts or in a physical way, and have begun the process within yourselves to Create the energies and structures of your new Earth. Special transformative energies will be suffusing your Planet in increasing amounts in the time leading up to your next Marine Meditation celebrations, energies that will be specifically harmonized to the needs of your Planet by the Beloved “Violet Flame” and the “Fire of Dragon that has no Heat” that you have called into Being through the 8 Pointed Star Labyrinth of Creation ( Harmonic Note of Dragon), to assist you through this time of great change.
It is all too easy to focus your attention on the Cosmic sources of these new energies and your own personal struggle to assimilate them within your Physical Bodies, and to forget the wider ramifications of them. These energies are lifting EVERYTHING and EVERYONE into higher vibrational frequencies, so it is important to acknowledge and embrace the true reality of the expression “ALL IS ONE”. In particular, it is important at this time to embrace your TRUE CONNECTEDNESS WITH MOTHER EARTH ! We urge you to pay more attention to the Planet itself, to “BECOME ONE” with the Earth. In all your thoughts, prayers, meditations or visualizations, see and feel yourself and the Planet always as ONE. It is time to enter a new relationship with Earth Mother, a relationship that is more caring, more loving, more all-embracing. IT IS TIME TO RETURN TO THE DAWN OF TIME AND GENUINELY FEEL YOURSELF A PART OF THE EARTH PLANET ! there is no place for separation in the NEW EARTH, everything is coming into ONENESS.
We BLESS and embrace you with DEEP LOVE.
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
March 2006:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters of PEACE
“WELCOME TO YOUR NEW WORLD !! Yes, Dear Ones, your work with the Diamond Labyrinth of Transcendence in 2005, in alignment with the Cosmic energies that have embraced and suffused your entire Planet over the same period, has moved you all into a new phase of existence, a NEW WORLD. Many of you have seen and felt the old ways crumbling and moving from your lives, found yourselves unexpectedly changing the alignment of your life both Spiritually and physically. Many of you have experienced confusion and fear as changes have rolled through, yet ALL is in DIVINE ORDER ! so let go of the fear and embrace the NEW WORLD with LOVE IN YOUR HEARTS.
When you move to a new phase of BEING, those elements of your past that do not support and empower that new phase are left behind, and for humans this is always a stressful occurrence, for LETTING GO is often an emotional experience. Be assured that we are with you at this difficult time, as are all your Cosmic and Spiritual Friends, call on us to lift you up and we will do so, for as you have Transcended into your NEW WORLD we have moved with you, supporting you and loving you in every way. Move beyond thoughts of what you are leaving behind and begin to embrace the new opportunities that are being presented to you in this NEW WORLD. Opportunities to CREATE a beautiful, Peaceful world filled with LOVE !!!!!! isn’t that EXCITING !!!!!!
Beloved Ones, we have come to support you once again with a Labyrinth to walk and work with throughout the year, and in particular in your Marine Meditation celebrations, for it is important in this new phase to continue to work powerfully with the oceans and the beloved Beings within that realm. This Labyrinth is called the 8 POINTED STAR SPIRAL LABYRINTH OF CREATION, and we are sure you will find it a powerful tool with which to work in creating the LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HARMONY within your own lives as well as within the NEW WORLD that your Beloved Planet has entered into.
We BLESS and embrace you with DEEP LOVE
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
September 2005:
Greetings brothers and sisters of Peace
“Once again we send out the clarion call to your Hearts to join with us in ceremony and embrace the oceans of the world with LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY and JOY. Your work in March was most powerful and paved the way for the ‘awakening’ of the Crystal Temple at Arkaroola. This in turn opened the way for the return of the Beloved Unicorns to your planet to assist with the ongoing Ascension process. You will find that you are connecting more and more with these beautiful Beings, as well as working more powerfully with the Crystal Dimension. We ask you to work again with the Diamond Labyrinth of Transcendence in the forthcoming ceremony, as this will empower the Harmonic Note of Whale at a time when these beautiful Cosmic Beings are under renewed threat from the darker energies of mankind. Do not focus on these darker energies, for that will empower them, focus instead on the Whale Beings and empower THEM with your Divine LOVE, and the JOY in your Hearts.
The time now is not for tears and fears, but for LOVE and JOY. Give this positive energy to your Earth, to your Whales and to your Unicorns, but just as importantly give this energy to yourselves and each other. Transcendence NEEDS the energies of LOVE and JOY, Ascension NEEDS the energies of LOVE and JOY, the Oceans NEED the energies of LOVE and JOY.
Everything begins within your own Heart, so as you Walk the Labyrinth, focus on your OWN Transcendence. Focus on the upliftment of your OWN Heart and your OWN Spirit, for as you take that ‘one step beyond’ within yourself, the Beloved Earth Planet moves with you.
We bless you and embrace you for the wonderful work you are all doing.
Germain, Hilarian and Djwahl Khul”
March 2005
Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“It is time to step beyond the limited and limiting perspectives and perceptions of your previous Earthly incarnations. It is time to move on from seeking mental understanding, and step into the realm of automatic Heart based reactions. You exist now within the Heart Zone, you have connected to – and work with – the Chalice of the Open Soul Heart. There is no place any longer for deliberating on the ‘why’ of happenings within your Dimension, for you KNOW that all is as it should be, all is in Perfect Divine Order. It is time to step beyond ‘Why’, it is time to respond from your open Heart. It is time to TRANSCEND !!! The Divine Feminine has returned, the heart of the Earth and the heart of humanity are now fully open in LOVE and COMPASSION, allow that energy to guide your every move, allow it to light your path, allow it to be the ESSENCE OF WHO YOU ARE.
We have given you the Diamond Labyrinth of Transcendence to walk , and work with, in 2005. Do so with your Soul Heart fully open and your mind in acceptance mode instead of questioning mode, and the path of your journey to enlightenment will be smooth and swift. As you walk the Labyrinth you traverse and embrace each of the 5 Elements of your Dimension, and within each Element you find Illumination, and Illumination transcends mere understanding. Through Illumination you are able to walk the open heart path of life and embrace fully as your Soul Family all Beings in all Dimensions.
There are adjustments to be made by the Earth, and by each of you, to stabilize the energies that have been gifted to you in recent times. Do not allow these adjustments to draw you back into the ‘fear’ perspectives of the past. Move One Step beyond ! embrace the LOVE ENERGY at all times. Be firm in your open hearted commitment to each other and to the Planet itself.
We Bless and embrace you with deep LOVE.
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
September 2004
“At the beginning of this year we alerted you to the fact that you were entering the ‘Heart Zone’, that part of your Journey overlighted by the Divine Feminine aspect of your ‘SOUL’. You felt this most strongly during and after the Venus Alignment of 8th June 2004 as the beautiful Goddess energies flowed powerfully to the Earth from the far reaches of the Cosmos through the powerful combination of the Venus and the Sun working as ONE.
Indeed, it is this very aspect of ONENESS within the individual and within the whole of the Cosmos that is being amplified and brought into reality at this time. Many of you have taken the opportunity to re-integrate the two aspects of your own Soul, by calling into yourself the energies of what you have always referred to as your Twin Soul. You have finally realised that it is not necessary to ‘meet’ your Twin Soul within the physical in this lifetime, but only to call in and embrace those other energies of your total BEING. Many of you have also taken the opportunity to re-integrate with your Home Cosmic Trinities during ceremonies at the time of the Solstice on 21st June. This is another important aspect of coming into ONENESS, and we Bless you for the steps you have taken, for it is only as ONENESS grows in each of your lives, that it can grow within the Earth Planet and within the greater Cosmos itself.
But this is only the beginning ! Your connectedness with your Cosmic Home Trinity will flood YOU – and through you, your immediate environment – with such brilliance of Colour and light that you will feel the ‘UPLIFTMENT OF BLISS ‘! Some may perceive this as not being ‘grounded’, but it is in reality your NEW NATURAL STATE ! embrace it, allow yourself to FEEL your new enlightenment, allow yourself to LIVE and conduct your lives within this new ‘UPLIFTMENT OF BLISS’ …… For this is what happens when you embrace your ‘OPEN SOUL HEART’, and you have been doing this since our message earlier this year.
PLEASE CONTINUE !!!!! FILL YOURSELF FROM THE ‘CHALICE OF YOUR OPEN SOUL HEART’….for this is your FOCUS for the Marine Meditation this year.
Blessings of Love in the ONE SOUL HEART
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
March 2004:
Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“Ascension is not a destination, Ascension is a Journey. This applies as much to each of you as it does to the Earth Planet itself. We are all on this journey as individual aspects of the Great Creator, but we are also important contributors to each other’s journey. Your personal enlightenment becomes a beam of sunlight for someone else. No one is ‘in front’, no one is ‘higher’, each of us moves to the beat of our own drum, and each enhances and empowers the other.
We are so delighted to be walking this pathway of the Earth Planet’s Ascension with you. It has been an interesting journey so far, and it promises to become ever more interesting as we all enter the ‘HEART ZONE’
The ‘HEART ZONE’ is that part of the journey overlighted by the Divine Feminine aspect of each Being’s ‘SOUL’. It is the time of true nurturing, of true Blessing. The time of true connection to the individual and collective Divine Plan. The veils between Dimensions no longer exist as barriers, but as invitations to explore the many aspects of your Divine Self.
We applaud your commitment to holding the Light for your beloved Planet Earth. As you ‘Feel’ the melody of her new Song cascading within you, your ‘SOUL HEART’ will open wider, for from this time forth you can only hold the Light for the Earth in the ‘CHALICE’ of your ‘OPEN SOUL HEART’.
So this is the FOCUS for the MARINE MEDITATIONS of 2004:
Let your joy filled song cascade from it to bathe yourself and others in its radiant Light.
Blessings be with each and every one of you.
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
September 2003:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“On the day of the March Marine Meditation hostilities commenced in Iraq. Tragic though this seemed, it had the immediate effect of asking everyone on the Planet to look into their Hearts and determine what kind of world they really wanted. Millions of people from all walks of life determined that they wanted a world of Peace ! They walked out onto the streets in Cities all over the world and proclaimed this loudly. It was wonderful to behold. Yes, there were those who came onto the streets to protest the actions of particular countries or governments, and some of these people had no Peace within their own Hearts and tarnished their message with their own violence. But most of the People called out for Peace … that does not simply mean the cessation of the particular hostilities of the moment, but real and genuine Peace across the world. Peace built on Love and respect one for another.
We had asked you in our ‘Call to the Heart’ for the Marine Meditation in 2003 to be an ‘Active, vocal proponent of Peace’ … the street marches answered that call. But that is only the beginning ! one conflict may have ended, but many more remain, not least of which are the conflicts within your own Hearts ! it is there … IN YOUR HEART .. that Peace really begins !! We ask you once again to LIVE THAT PEACE … BREATHE THAT PEACE …. SOUND THAT PEACE.
DO NOT STOP !! Do not put away your Baton of Peace until the next bout of hostilities or armed conflict hits your TV screens, THE TIME IS NOW TO SPEAK AND WORK FOR PEACE !!!! Yes, Beloved Ones, we know how daunting the task may seem, we know the frustration of feeling helpless in the face of powerful forces that feed on conflict … BUT YOU ARE LOVE !! REMEMBER THAT IN EACH MOMENT, AND FEEL IT’S POWER … LOVE WILL CREATE PEACE !!!
All journeys have a beginning, and that beginning is THE FIRST STEP ! Let us start the JOURNEY OF PEACE together ! Reach into your Heart and TAKE THE FIRST STEP ! … LOVE ALL ! not just those you agree with, or those you are comfortable with, but LOVE ALL !!
Blessings be with each of you,
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
March 2003:
Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Peace
“Can you FEEL the shift of energies within yourself? .. this past year has seen the Earth Planet rejoin the Galactic Family of Love and Peace … Dimensional veils have been drastically thinned … we are no longer at a distance from you, WE WALK TOGETHER ON THE SAME PATHWAY OF PEACE …. Spirit is no longer ‘on the other side’ as you have perceived it in the past .. it is on the SAME side as yourself …we walk in unison, we breathe in unison, we CREATE in unison … the NEW WORLD of GOLDEN LOVE and LIGHT is the hallowed Mansion in which we ALL now live.
We thank you for the magnificent work you have done in accessing Pyramids of JOY, Pyramids of LOVE and Pyramids of ENLIGHTENMENT across the Earth, and breathing those sacred energies out into the world and out into the Cosmos …YOU HAVE CHANGED THE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY OF THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE. Now there is to be a period of consolidating those new frequencies, adjusting your bodies . your hearts and your minds. Some of you have been working for many years …indeed, many lifetimes … . to ‘SOUND DOWN’ these new frequencies into ‘MATTER’ …THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU … you have prepared the way most magnificently …ALL is now in readiness …The PURE VIBRATION OF PEACE has manifested in the heart of mankind …LISTEN to its beautiful Harmonic resonance in YOUR heart, then, SOUND FORTH YOUR PEACE!
Blessings be with each and every one of you,
Germain, Hilarion and Djwahl Khul”
NOTE – Global positioning of the crystals is as follows:
Southern Hemisphere
Crystal 1, Ocean adjacent to Island of Tahiti … Brilliant Sapphire Blue radiance
Crystal 2, Ocean adjacent to Island of Madagascar … Brilliant Amethyst Purple radiance
Crystal 3, Ocean adjacent Serra do Ma (Brazil) … Brilliant Gold radiance
Area of Arltunga (Central Australia) … Brilliant Gold radiance
Northern Hemisphere
Crystal 1, Ocean North of Hawaii … Brilliant Emerald Green radiance
Crystal 2, Area SE of Ryadh, Saudi Arabia … Brilliant Rose Pink radiance
Crystal 3, Ocean SE of Okinawa, Japan … Brilliant Silver radiance
Ocean NE of Antigua and Barbuda … Brilliant Silver radiance
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Copyright (c) David J. Adams