All Spiritual Paths Lead to Love, Awareness, Consciousness
For the true seeker, rising in consciousness and awareness, eventually all spiritual paths lead to love. 
People like Hildegard von Bingam and St. Francis were both mystics who remained within the church while continuing to evolve and grow consciously.
Some of us are inspired (in spirit) / led / guided to experience and know various paths / teachings / belief systems … while others stay on a single road and, over time, keep rising higher and higher in consciousness and awareness.

I believe it all starts with the true desire, the deep commitment, that arises from within to seek truth and enlightenment. Once the conscious mind has embraced that concept, the Higher Self (I Am Presence) of the individual leads to ideas and experiences that soul wishes to have in order to grow and evolve as it intended before it incarnated.

Sadly, many get stuck in the dogma and fear taught by various religions and belief systems, which prevents them from evolving. They get stuck in their own issues of shame, blame, and victimhood, which again keeps them from evolving.

A true mystic (seeker of truth and enlightenment), will never allow a particular belief system, or self-imposed limitation, stymie them from evolving or rising in vibration, consciousness, and awareness, achieving a state of perpetual peace, joy, and love in the process.
It takes commitment and courage though, and the willingness to break away from the crowd, potentially alienating friends and family in the process. Those who “arrive,” regardless of the path, always speak of love as the key to everything.
Jesus taught that.
Self Realized spiritual guru’s like Yogananada and Satchidananda taught that.
My metaphysical mentor, Stuart Wilde, taught that.

I’m not saying Stuart was an Avatar or Self Realized individual. Although he very well could have been considering his truly extraordinary abilities and insight. Deciding if another is enlightened is definitely not my job. Stuart often said, “If they say they are, they aren’t.” LOL. But Stuart had definitely achieved a high level in vibration and awareness and his teachings helped me break free from a great many things.

Each of these individuals came to “truth” from very different paths. Yet they all reach the same conclusion. Eventually all spiritual paths lead to love.

Jesus arrived at his teachings and beliefs through the Jewish tradition. Yogananada and Satchidananda were raised and trained in eastern philosophy. Stuart was a modern-day Taoist and studied a great deal of Druid and Celtic mysticism. Regardless, all these paths led to the same place.

Love is the thing: to love self, God (by whatever name), others, the earth and all her creatures.
It begins within.
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