
You are on a hero’s journey. Your life is your quest. The events that make up your daily life experience are the hurdles and obstacles you have to climb, conquer, and find a way to overcome to reach your desired destination. No hero starts out that way. They begin as some ordinary, unassuming person from a village somewhere. Then something horrible happens. There is a big issue or situation that has been suddenly thrust upon them.

So the hero in the making sets off into “zones unknown” as Dean Black puts it. He/she has to decide the quest is worth it, often facing a fairly high level of fear and trepidation along the way. They have to leave the comfort and security of what they know and understand and head out to see and experience people and situations that they never even knew existed when they were back in the village.

The hero has to do things they never thought they could. They have to reach deep down inside themselves and find the strength and courage to deal with whatever comes their way.  It’s not for the faint of heart. And yet, you are already on such a quest even if you don’t realize that you are.

If you are unhealthy, unhappy, or unsuccessful, then those are the obstacles on your path right now. Most things like that don’t just jump up and surprise you. They were a long time in the making. In fact, it might have been several generations in the making.

Nothing of any consequence is achieved overnight. It takes considerable time and effort and it often requires help.

If you are one of those people who thinks you can do it all on your own, then listen up:  If you had the tools, confidence, and knowledge necessary to fix the problem on your own, you would have done so already! Would you not?

You can be healthy.

You can be happy.

You can be successful – however you define success.

The only thing you have to change is the one thing that you truly can . . . and that is you!

Sin is wrong thinking. Thinking that sickness, poverty, disappointment, and struggle are “normal” or inevitable is wrong thinking.

There is an idea that says you are the sum total of the 5 people you hang out with the most. Think about it. Who are they? What is their life like? What do they think about? How kind are they? What do they feel is important? What do they judge? What do their income level, education, and dreams about the future look like? And is that what you want for yourself?

You don’t have to replace all your friends to shift this. You can begin the process by feeding your mind new information through books, articles, audios, videos, and workshops. Make nature one of your friends. Spend time each day in quiet contemplation, in silence, in meditation. Journal your thoughts, your insights, the new things you are learning.

If you want to change, then you have to step out of the comfort zone of the people you hang out with and do something different. I prefer the radical approach. I liken it to jumping into the deep end of the pool without first sticking your toe in to see how cold the water is. You move across the country or even the world. You marry a foreigner. You leave the corporate world and strike out on your own. That’s my way.


Because the idea of being anything less than my full potential is just not O.K. with me.

Most people can’t handle the insecurity of such a radical lifestyle. I happen to thrive on it. It proves to me that if I can do those things, then there is no reason I can’t also achieve all of my dreams. If I can muster up the courage to start my own business, then becoming a bestselling author is also within reach. If I can jump on a plane to live aboard a million dollar yacht in Fiji, then manifesting a more luxurious lifestyle has to also be possible for me.

When I made the bestseller list, it was both exciting and surprising. Surprising because this is not the book that I thought would be the “big one.” I was convinced that the big one was one of the books in the 5-book New Dance series that I’m currently penning. So, I wasn’t attached to this book being a bestseller. And that is probably why it became one. I was not all wrapped up emotionally in its success. Even though it was a bit exciting, it was also fairly anticlimactic. O.K. I now have the title. What now?

Even though I wasn’t emotionally attached to the outcome, I knew I had to do whatever I felt Divinely guided to do in order to get it out there. What it required of me was definitely outside of my comfort zone. I had to muster up the courage to do things I was uncomfortable with. But that’s what it took to achieve the thing. So that’s what I did. It was definitely not easy. And most people would never be willing to get that uncomfortable to achieve their dreams. That’s why most people never achieve them.

Often the Universe forces you to be the hero of your own life. You lose your job, you get cancer, your spouse cheats. You know . . . the typical disasters that make you sit up and take notice . . . and finally agree that your life needs to change and it is you that must change it.

Everything I offer is designed to help you along your spiritual journey, your personal quest for the Magnificence of self:

  • Meditation keeps you sane, balanced, and able to hear the still small voice of Divine wisdom,
  • Dowsing helps you fine tune your intuition and send a neon sign to the Universe saying you want answers and Divine assistance,
  • Private Long Distance Energy Sessions help to clear out the energies you have not been successful at clearing and to activate and “turn on” the various codes lying latent within you,
  • Dancing Dolphin Energy Healing Products and Healing Technologies lift you up significantly in vibration and offer every possible type of support you could need anywhere along your way – from something to just help you calm down to things that act like dynamite clearing out and releasing you from the past,
  • The various books offer insights and wisdom to help you understand more about yourself, the spiritual journey, how life really works, and the quest you are on,
  • The new workshop series will offer an opportunity for you to learn the best ways to work with the Dancing Dolphin products and the techniques for yourself or with clients and groups. If you have a center or a group and would like to host a workshop, please let me know: [email protected].

Much love to you Dear One. What you make of your life is up to you. I send you blessings and Light for a prosperous, healthy, and magnificent new life.

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  1. anon36

    Very well written Takara – a gift with words! You’ve mentioned so many important points, but the 2 that really stand out for me are: Feeding your mind new information, and anything less than full potential is just not O.K. I believe we need to embrace these fully to be able to move forward in our journey. Also, as long as we are self aware and act, we’ll be able to recognize our own journey successfully. Have an amazing 2013.

  2. photo

    Hi Gary:

    Thanks for stopping by. I agree with you. Those are definitely very important points.

    Sending you blessings for a fabulous 2013,

  3. anon36

    What a fantastic post! The good news was when you said: “The only thing you have to change is the one thing that you truly can . . . and that is you!”

  4. photo

    Hi Susan: I spend most of my time helping people with that piece. So often people look outside themselves, judging and condemning other people, organizations, or situations. That typically is a pointless waste of time and energy. When a person can change themselves, their whole life miraculously shifts and the outer begins to reflect the inner. Everything works much more smoothly. Fun!

  5. 262502 10150251891354247 573279246 7448946 1312580 n

    Wishing you a wonderful 2013, as well! Great post! It’s amazing what can happen when we dig deep and move out of our comfort zone. : D

  6. photo

    Hi Sherie: Thanks for sharing. It is fabulous what can happen outside the comfort zone. I wish it was easier for everyone to see how dramatically things can change when they learn to “trust” that the Universe has their best interest in mind.

  7. October%25252B2 2012%25252B011

    Such a beautiful article, Takara. Liked this: “The only thing you have to change is the one thing that you truly can . . . and that is you!” It sounds so simple and powerful! Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

  8. photo

    Hi: Thanks for visiting and commenting. It is extremely powerful and fairly simple. Sadly, most people are terrified of looking at the limiting beliefs, fears, judgments, and expectations that are holding them back. And even worse, most people don’t have the tools necessary to “fix” an issue even if they are willing to look at it. Thank heavens I, and many others, have developed and discovered tools that truly do help.

  9. anon36

    Love starting off my year with all these motivating and inspiring posts. It really is a matter of deciding you can and then giving yourself the permission and the tools to achieve your own magnificence. Thanks, Debbie.

  10. photo

    Thanks for visiting Marie: Most people just need 1 other person to truly believe in their potential for them to begin believing they can achieve their dreams.

  11. photo

    Thanks for a wonderful post Takara. You brought up so many good points. I really appreciate your point that to create your best life you have to dig deep and find strength and courage to deal with whatever comes.

  12. photo

    Thanks for stopping by Jean. I love that quote by Einstein about the definition of insanity “Doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.” Yet most people refuse to do something new, step out of their comfort zone, learn from someone else, or try something different. It takes a significant amount of courage. But the more you do it, the more you see the fantastic results because you did so. It helps build the trust you need to take uncomfortable actions next time. I’m pretty freakin’ courageous. I’ve walked on fire. I’ve ridden horses bareback and blindfolded. I’ve run at top speed downhill toward a cliff dropping off into the raging ocean below while blindfolded. I’ve pushed past a lot of fears. I married a foreigner. I left the comfort and security of a high paying engineer’s job to move to an island and start a non-profit for dolphins and whales.

  13. anon36

    “Because the idea of being anything less than my full potential is just not O.K. with me”.

    This is an awesome statement!

  14. photo

    Hi and thanks for visiting. It reminds me of my favorite quote: “Life is either a daring adventure . . . or it is nothing.” ~ Helen Keller.

  15. anon36

    Powerful article. I agree with Gary, feeding your mind new information, and anything less than full potential is just not O.K. And it is a process, this journey we travel on. Learning more day to day and implementing more. Getting it bit by bit and living the way our Creator originally intended for us to live. Thanks!

  16. photo

    Thanks Norma. I love the personal journey toward what I call magnificence. I also LOVE helping others as they learn to navigate theirs. Fun!

  17. photo

    Excellent article with a powerful message, our life can and will be what we choose it to be! We have all we need within, all we have to do is believe in ourselves and ACT!

  18. photo

    Thanks for stopping by Denny. And once we start the action it is so much easier. The act of getting started, taking that breath and daring to do whatever, seems to be the hardest part. Once you are doing the thing, you realize how easy it is and how silly it was to resist it in the first place.

  19. 047%25252B%252525282%25252529

    Acheiving dreams is definitely not a matter of comfort! But it is so worth it as we attain another nugget of our dream! :-) Step out and make it happen!

  20. photo

    Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by Carl.

  21. b36 rounded

    So many wonderful mentions in your post; I loved it! The part about you are the sum total of the 5 people you hang out the most was told to me in a similar way in the past by a friend of mine. She said to try not to be around negative people since that can bring you down. However, if they are people that you really do want to keep in your circle of friends or they are close family members and they are negative, then, as you pointed out too, you don’t have to replace them but find other outlets to learn and not be around that negativity so much.

  22. photo

    Hi Allison. Thanks for your comments. Monitoring the amount of negativity you let in is not always easy. It is definitely worth it though. Have a great day, Takara

  23. anon36

    So many points that resonate in here with me, thank you. This one struck a special chord ~ “Often the Universe forces you to be the hero of your own life.” I find that to be so true. You can either take these experiences that come your way and allow them to break you or make you. For those of us who choose to be the heros, they are the most extraordinary and strengthening experiences of a lifetime. Thanks for a great article. I also will never settle for less than my full potential!

  24. photo

    Hi Jennifer – thanks for stopping by. Seeing the lesson or silver lining in a tough situation is a skill well worth developing. Many blessings to your continued success, Takara

  25. photo

    Wonderful article. Great things can happen when you step out of your comfort zone… so I’ve heard, LOL. It’s not something that comes easy for me! I prefer to dip a toe in, think about it and see how it goes, rather than jump right in (or out?), but I know I should really jump! I don’t know why the comfort zone is so comfortable–it’s often boring and/or unhappy.

  26. anon36

    Debbie…thanks for the great post, we think alike! I agree that you are who you hang around and that is the first step in evaluating where you are and where you want to be.

    Happiness is a choice, because we all will get hit with uncomfortable circumstances in life…it’s what we do with them that matters!


  27. anon36

    Very inspiring post here Takara! You are absolutely right about stepping out of my comfort zone to achieve my dreams and goals. “You are on a hero’s journey. Your life is your quest.” I love the way you point this out.


3 replies
  1. Wendy@TheNomadicVegan
    Wendy@TheNomadicVegan says:

    Thank you for this very empowering message. So many people go through life being unhappy, without realizing that their lives need to change and that they are the ones who have to change it. I hope that with the positive work you are doing you will inspire people to fulfill their potential and share with the world the important gifts that they are here to share!

  2. Courtney Jones
    Courtney Jones says:

    What an inspiring post!
    Being the hero of your own life takes a lot of courage and determination.
    The ability to filter out others negativity as you’re moving forward can be a tremendous help as well. It’s a beautiful journey will you’re willing to take the first step.

    “Because the idea of being anything less than my full potential is just not O.K. with me.”

    A lovely thought to carry through the day.

    Thanks again for the inspiration.


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