The Joy of Crystal Healing

The Joy of Crystal Healing and Finding Crystals

I used to get most of my crystal healing gems, crystals, and minerals at lapidary shows and shops. They often had far better prices and unusual things not typically found at crystal or new age stores. 
How about you?

Do you love crystals, gems, crystal healing, crystal layouts, and/or jewelry with gems and semi-precious stones?

Over the years, I’ve learned so many ways you can work with and do crystal healing.
You can:
  • wear them as jewelry,
  • place them around your home and/or office,
  • hold them in your hands or carry them in your pockets,
  • lie down, place one on your third eye, and meditate,
  • use them to build a medicine wheel either inside or outside your home,
  • lay them on yourself or a client as part of an energy healing session,
  • build crystal grids with them,
  • grid your home with them (placing matching crystals in all 4 corners of your home),
  • rub on essences made from crystals and/or gems on various parts of your body, or
  • put some crystal or gem essence in your bath.
For me, it all began with the 9-month Women’s Wisdom course I took at Heart of the Goddess in Philly. Sue King and Hemitra Crecraft introduced us to crystals. They had a huge collection in the store at the center. We meditated with them, held them while tuning in, did crystal layouts on one another, and much more. I attended that course back in 1995 and have worked with crystals ever since.
When they taught us to do crystal layouts on people, I instantly KNEW what crystal to place and where on the person I was partnered up with for the exercise. I was very excited at how much I already instinctively knew about working with crystals. Clearly I’d done it before … probably in many lifetimes. Like so many spiritual or energy-related gifts, if you’ve done it before, it’s fairly easy to awaken the ability again. Doing the 9-month course was what awakened it again within me. (Sue King and I have been talking about teaching a crystal healing class together online. If you are interested in participating, send me an email [email protected] to let me know.)
When I created my first medicine wheel, the instructions called for 36 unique crystals. It took months for me to find all of them so I could create the wheel. It was LONG before you could buy them online. The experience was so much fun because it allowed me to visit a bunch of crystal shops and lapidary shows and learn all about the various crystals I was acquiring.
When I go to lapidary or gem and mineral shows, crystals typically call to me from across the room.
One of my favorite crystal shopping adventures happened with my dear friends Diane and Loren Mickelson. We first met when they were in Philadelphia for a weekend doing crystal energy work at Heart of the Goddess. How we met and my experience with them doing crystal implant removal is a fascinating story for another day.
It was 10 or more years after we met that I suddenly thought of them. I’d moved to California, then Toronto, then Santa Fe and had married and had a child since our first meeting.
I had no idea why I was suddenly being reminded of them. But I’d learned just how important it is to do something when such thoughts occur. So I went searching online.
The only thing I could find about them was an article about a talk Diane gave at a conference with an image showing Diane on stage. I could find no information about when the conference had occurred … maybe last week, maybe 10 years ago.  I used the email on the conference site for Diane to try to connect with she and Loren.
I received a phone call from them within an hour of sending the email. It turns out that Diane and Loren were living in Albuquerque. I was “just up the road” north of Santa Fe. I was surprised they even remembered me since I’d only been with them briefly for a session when they were in Philly.
I discovered that they came to Santa Fe once a week to see a famous massage therapist who specialized in Rolfing. We met at a local bookshop on their next visit and quickly became close friends.
Diane was also fascinated with crystals. So she invited me to the big gem, mineral, and jewelry show held at the state fairgrounds in Albuquerque each year. It was a cornucopia of cool things to see, feel, and purchase. Being there with another crystal lover made it doubly fun. We were like two little kids in a candy store … “look at this,” “wow, have you ever seen anything like this before?”, “amazing,” and on and on it went as we made our way through the various expo booths. We had a marvelous time and came home with many treasures.
The Joy of Crystal Healing, crystals, gems, jewelry,

People communicate with crystals for crystal healing in various ways.

For some of us, they make themselves known from across the room. I can glance at a table (sometimes from a whole different aisle) and a specific stone or piece of jewelry will grab my attention. That’s how I’ve found most of the ones that I purchase myself. For me, it’s a combination of feeling and knowing. The feeling draws me to the stone. Then I know it’s the one for me.
I remember the first time this happened. I had only recently had a spiritual awakening. Energy healing, mysticism, shamanism, Taoism, and so many of the other things I was learning were completely new to me at the time.
Working with an intuitive counselor / energy healer every week was helping me make massive shifts in my health, stress level, confidence, level of clarity and much more.
One day during our session she said, “You need a talisman.” That was a new word for me. I asked her to explain what that meant. She said, “It’s a piece of jewelry or other object that represents your spiritual journey.” Excitedly I shared that there was a juried art show coming up that weekend that I had planned to attend.
The seed had been planted that I was on the lookout for a special talisman.
It was a beautiful sunny day when I went to the outdoor art show. I love art. So seeing all the beautiful paintings, statues, pottery, jewelry and other art pieces was a lot of fun. I was going down one aisle of booths and happened to look through one of the booths to the next aisle. There was a magnificent blue stone sparkling in the sun.
Quickly I made my way there. I knew the second I saw it, this was my talisman. The stone was a beautiful blue topaz. The necklace itself was sterling silver with groups of big dolphins leaping around the neck. The master healer dolphins had already made themselves known to me in meditation. I often call them dolphin-angels, but recently I’ve been guided to call them Master Healer dolphins. I’m sure they are the ones who guided me to this booth and this beautiful blue topaz necklace. You can see me wearing it in the image above.
When I was at the crystal show with Diane Mickelson, another sterling silver necklace caught my eye. This one was very Egyptian looking made of sugilite and onyx.
Some people can touch a stone and they can receive a whole “download” of information. The stone literally speaks to them. Because crystals have been around for eons, they are storehouses for vast amounts of information.
A lovely exercise is to take a crystal and your journal and pen to a quiet spot. Hold the stone in your non-dominant hand (your receptive hand). For those who are right handed, that means your left hand. For those who are left handed, that means your right hand is your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes and see what comes. You may feel energy – hot, cool, a sense of buzzing, possibly even a jolt of energy. Tune in to how you feel holding the stone – calm, agitated, balanced, empowered, protected, you get the idea. You may receive words or images in your mind. Jot down the experience in your journal.
Just be careful when choosing your stones. Not all crystals are cleared or fully activated.

Gems and Crystals for Crystal Healing Come Many Ways

We’ve already mentioned that you can buy them yourself. When purchasing stones, you can get them raw or polished, set in jewelry, faceted (gems), carved into spheres, wands, animal totems, pyramids, etc.
Two of the biggest gem and mineral shows are at Tucson and Quartzsite in Arizona. But you can find nice selections at any gem and mineral show. This website lists crystal shows all over the world. This website lists shows for crystal healing stones throughout the U.S.
For energy healing, I typically work with polished or tumbled stones. I have clients hold one in each hand while putting others on various parts of the body. I follow intuition about what stone needs to go where. That varies depending on the person or the situation they are facing.
I have strands of semi-precious stone beads and sometimes place those on people in various locations.
If I’m “bringing in” energy or information and often when I’m working with private clients, I typically hold a crystal in my receptive hand (non-dominant hand). It helps me tune in. I have various crystals that serve this purpose. I tune in about which one to use for each situation. The size I like for this is about 3 inches long and 3/4″ to 1″ wide. I lay it across my hand and wrap my fingers around it.
You can even find crystals on the ground.
When I lived in New Mexico, I had several favorite spots where I picked up stones. We got lava rock near Abiquiu, NM. There was a place along the river on the way to Taos where I loved to pick up these little pink rocks with sparkles all over them. They were full of mica. I don’t know what type of stone they were, but they always made me smile. They held a lot of faerie energy.
If you live somewhere or visit a location where you can dig for your own crystals, it can be a lot of fun.
My big Lemurian Star Seed came from a drum maker who was camping on my property in New Mexico. He came in one day with a giant suitcase full of them wanting me to “tune in” and offer insight into each one. I didn’t even know that he worked with crystals.
When people know you like crystals, you might receive some as gifts.
No matter where you get your crystals, be sure to clear your crystals before working with them.
When I taught Advanced Energy Healing classes in the Roanoke/Salem, Virginia area, I often brought boxes full of them for students to work with and experience. The title image above is a layout they did on me.
Another way to work with crystals is to use crystal and gem essences. Essences are infusions (often created through sunlight) of the energy of the item (flower/gem) into water. These can be rubbed into the skin in oil form (like most Dancing Dolphin Essences are), taken via mouth, or sprayed/misted onto the body or into a space.
There are now over 80 gem and crystal essences as part of the Dancing Dolphin Essence line. The new book coming out VERY soon about Dancing Dolphin Essences goes into depth about each one. You’ll learn about the crystal healing benefits of all 80+ stones and how the energies of the Dancing Dolphin Essences offer even more transformational vibrations to benefit you.  
Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature

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