What does freedom mean, freedom, wholeness, become free, true freedom

True Freedom (& Joy) Happens When You Are Free From:

  • Illusion (false beliefs, judgments, etc.)
  • Emotional pain
  • Energetic blocks
  • Fear
  • Self Doubt
  • Regret
  • Assumptions and presuppositions
  • Caring what others think
  • Worry and stress
  • Vows that no longer serve you
  • Negative effects of trauma
  • Energy cords with others (people, locations, etc.)
  • Resistance (from within or without)
  • Interference or manipulation (by energies or people near or far)
  • Curses
  • Disharmonious, noxious, negative, disempowering energies and entities

Wholeness Happens When You:

  • Have repaired the tears, rips, shreds and/or shattering of your energy field
  • Have brought back, healed, and integrated any aspects of self or soul parts that were missing
  • Have turned on, activated, repaired, aligned, balanced, and harmonized all major in body chakras
  • Take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing
  • Have removed/transformed all ancestral/inherited negative, harmful, or detrimental traits that impact your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual wellbeing or your finances and relationships
  • Cultivate/accentuate chi or life force

Ascension & Enlightenment Begins & Continues When You:

  • Have turned on, activated, repaired, aligned, balanced, and harmonized higher chakras
  • Care for and treat your body like sacred space (a temple or vessel for the Divine)
  • Are aligned with the Divine
  • Do things that raise your vibration
  • Eliminate the things that lower your vibration
  • Cross the magical line in the sand in consciousness (at ~525 on the consciousness scale) where you move from Earth Mind into Divine Mind
  • Step into a bigger role of service becoming aware and empathetic to the plight of humanity (animals, etc.) and care as much about the starving child in Africa as you do about the pain and suffering of someone you hold dear. However, you don’t let the love and concern for these things impact your level of joy, lower your vibration, or cause you to go into negative emotion
  • Access and integrate higher aspects of self into your 3D body/mind/spirit system and daily life
  • Activate/turn on latent codes, skills, talents, Divine gifts, mastery from previous/alternate lifetimes
  • Access and learn to utilize the positive qualities and skills of your ancestors and various lineages throughout time
  • Have a powerful ongoing relationship with your guides
  • Live your life by intuitive knowing
  • Radiate from within the Divine being that you are (Divine love that uplifts and transforms others)

For Harmonics, it means turning on some or all of the 144 Harmonic Centers in and around the body.

For Starseeds and others, it means remembering your true heritage.

As I was guided to put these lists about freedom, wholeness, and ascension together for you, it became obvious that certain things could go in more than one list. Rather than worry about how exact it is or what category something would best fit in, the point is to share with you the things we do to achieve greater joy, a deeper connection with your own I Am Presence (your Higher Self), and the Divine. And to move along the spiritual journey from wherever you are to your highest potential and level of freedom.

We address all of these things and more in private sessions, The Sacred Circle, and my newest program (that I’ve been downloading from the Universe and developing over the past few years), Harmonic Restoration: The Divine Alchemy of HealingTM. I’ll keep you posted about when that training program will be available.

I’m already using the knowledge and technologies in private sessions. I don’t yet have the lessons fully developed in order to teach the entire system to others. However, I am teaching some of it over the next 2 months in the Sacred Circle.

Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature

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