Assists in falling asleep and having a more peaceful rest and relaxing the body. Releases physical tensions. Good for relieving stress. Helps with anxiety, insomnia, and stress. Calm and Inner Peace are also very helpful with stress.
As you continue to evolve – It helps you go into other dimensions and tap into other realities while you are sleeping. If you take this and ask to recall where you have been, the information will be available to you.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “If you have nightmares or night terrors, this is the essence for you. It works on the mind to heal and create fun sweet dreams and a restful night’s sleep. Especially useful for your inner child or your children.”
Lavender aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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