“Thank you for your encouragement this year. I have been taking the Fear Drops (Dolphin Formula for fear) as well as Soul’s Purpose. Maybe it is them as well as the last session we had, and other things, but I am just a much happier person.” – Suki |
Cyndie Lepori says, «If you feel you are confused as to your soul’s purpose this is the essence for you. It will bring your divine mission to the forefront and show you the next steps in order for you to fulfill your mission. It clears the pathways for your success and clears the air for your guides to assist in this mission. You can repeat this essence anytime you feel you are getting off track, distracted or you are unsure of the next steps to take or when. Brings your soul’s goals and missions to the front and center to create your divine success. »
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: Am I on my path?
- Keywords: recognition, commitment, Orange vibration, Holy Pathway
- Affirmation: “I unite my Highest Self with who I am at this moment. I have the knowingness and courage to walk my path.”
Assists in answering the question, “Who am I and what am I here to do? Helps to explore and discover more about your purpose and mission. Gets to the essence of what your mission is, how to bring it forth, where to go with it. Helps to calm the overwhelm one feels when their True mission is revealed to them. Helps you to discover the next step to take and then the next and then the next. You can take this repeatedly over time as you feel it is needed.
Practitioner Advice – “Can take this with Highest Potential which will help to reveal and heal any resistance you experience in relation to fulfilling your mission.”
As you continue to evolve – Helps to reveal the higher dimensional aspects of your mission. Helps to integrate higher aspects of self for fulfilling the mission. Can take with Integration to assist with this.
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – Helps to expand and become even more of your true mission – walking, breathing, embodying who you are and what you came here to do.
Made from Nasturtium.
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