For those who need quiet time alone to recharge, but aren’t getting enough. Perfect for moms and others who rarely get time alone.
Assists in answering the question: “How can I access that place within myself of inner silence and knowing? Extremely helpful for meditation. Good for focusing and calming the mind. Good for anyone who has trouble meditating. It helps calm the mind to make meditation easier. It slows down the nervous system and the brainwaves enough that you can access a deeper level of meditation – a slower brainwave. Aids in listening and receiving clear information, which allows you to make better decisions.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “There is an ebb and flow of energies that come in and out of our lives. Solitude can be lonely or an opportunity for self-reflection and self-love. This essence adds a depth of love, peace and enjoyment to the experience of solitude. Just as a seed is planted deep in the ground, only to burst up into an intense period of growth, both are necessary for us to reach our highest balanced potential. It also contains the frequency of peace.”
Rose aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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