Love is the greatest power in the Universe. It heals all things. It forgives all things. Divine Love is unconditional. It loves, honors, accepts, and appreciates you with no hidden agenda, no judgment, no manipulation, and no expectations. Divine Love just is. This sacred healing oil uplifts you into that Divine level of consciousness where you can experience Divine Love and learn to love yourself and others without conditions. You feel embraced, honored, and accepted for the magnificent, unique and interesting individual that you are.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This essence creates unconditional love that will show up in your heart chakra. It clears the heart, lets go of old beliefs about what love is and creates a new experience of the manifestation of love in your life and emotions. It comes with the frequencies of compassion, observation, kindness and gentleness.  It enables you to see others in a different light.”
When you put some on your energy centers (chakras) and the back of your neck, you will experience the most peaceful wonderful feeling. I also highly recommend that you put it on the bottoms of your feet in the arch and on all chakras after a shower.
Contains Quiet Place Within, Carnelian, 5th Chakra, Essence of Camelot, Chakra #4, Blue Sapphire as well as the alchemical frequencies I channel into it.
Spice blend aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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