A powerful translucent blue to blue-green gemstone considered deeply calming and stress relieving. Courage, compassion, and fearlessness are also associated with this stone. It offers assistance to the throat chakra and is used to improve communication. Many associate it with water, intuition, and the subconscious mind.
What Cyndie Lepori has to say about Dancing Dolphin Aquamarine gem essence:
The frequencies of the ocean lay in this aquamarine gem essence, with dolphins and mermaids creating flow for emotions, travel, and unraveling blocks in your life and emotions. Great for working with projects that have many moving parts to create positive flow. It is vast and deep with wisdom that is grounded in planning your next moves to create quickly and easily on a physical level to manifest the things you want in your life. Movement is the key here. Where energy is stagnant, it will get it flowing into a positive direction. Ask for assistance from the dolphins and mermaids working with this essence. Use the wisdom of the octopus beings that work with these ocean energies. Creates a direct link with travel angels to manifest safety while traveling from one place to another via air, car or boat.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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