These powerful grounding stones are very dark in color. They are considered helpful for emotional pain and sorrow. Some people carry them as a protection. These crystals are sometimes used to connect with ancestral wisdom.
What Cyndie Lepori has to say about Dancing Dolphin Apache Tear gem essence:
This beautiful Apache Tear gem essence will assist primarily in the emotional body to transmute grief and depression. It cleanses and protects the aura. If there are any holes in your emotional body, it will repair them. The Apache Tear gem essence also brings any sadness, grief or depression to the surface and to your awareness for release and healing. It calms you when there is a need for confrontation and brings in soothing space to speak your truth. The essence creates flow for stuck negative emotions and triggers. Very useful to clear PTSD and keep you from getting lost in emphatic emotions when dealing with others. It raises your vibrations from stuck in the emotional body to mental observation which allows spiritual healing within your own matrix.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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