Amethyst comes in shades from the lightest violet to the deepest purple. Of all the stones sold in New Age bookstores, amethyst is reported to be purchased the most.
Things that have been said about this essence: « Works with the pituitary and the pineal glands. Gently works with and opens the crown chakra. Helps in brain function, particularly areas currently lying dormant. Helps to activate synapses. Assists the endocrine system. The violet ray has the natural ability to transform. Great calming essence for the bath. Helps the cells stay within their integrity and strength from their original divine blueprint instead of morphing into something else – if that is for the highest good of the individual. The vibration of this essence is very high. »
It is considered a deeply calming and spiritual stone. Some wear it or hold it for purification and as a protection. Its calming nature makes it great for stress. It is associated with the third eye, crown, and higher chakras. People wear it who want peace, protection, calm, serenity, healing, cleansing, sobriety, and love of the Divine.
What Cyndie Lepori has to say about Dancing Dolphin Amethyst gem essence:
The amethyst gem essence stimulates the brain and the mind to clear old thinking, patterns and beliefs, it is associated with the crown chakra and aids in assessing higher frequencies and opens up channels to higher vibrations. It clears blocks to your guides and angels and can facilitate a real and working connection with the higher frequencies. It acts to assist with calmness and meditation. Can assist with learning to channel higher frequencies and receive spiritual messages.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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