Hold Onto Your Dreams

Over the years I’ve watched so many people give up on their dreams and never discover and then work to protect their true gifts and talents. They grow up, get an education, get a “real” job, marry, start a family, and often lose sight of the things they once held dear.

You were born with certain skills and talents. When you express those “gifts” you thrive in life. You have energy. You have joy. You feel fulfilled. It doesn’t matter if your gift is to be the world’s greatest musician, or working in the garden with plants, or being a good listener to friends who are in need. Whatever your gift(s), it is your job to hone them, make them even better, and express them to the world. Otherwise, you will begin to wither up and die.

Your need for expressing your special gifts and talents is as important to your health and happiness as the tree’s need for sunlight. It is your fuel.

The same is true of your dreams. If you have a dream or goal, don’t give up on it. Know that if it is truly your heart’s desire, there is a way to achieve it.

People who give up on their dreams and don’t express their gifts are literally drying up and dying inside. Creative expression and having goals keeps you young.

Find your passion and live it!

To go even deeper into living your dreams, sign up for Magnificent U Manifesting Mastery to Discover How the Law of Attraction Really Works and to Achieve Your Dreams. 

Have a deLightful day,

Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature

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