Bear Your Soul fro the Whole World to See

Singing for some is literally bearing the soul. Its obvious that this is one of those cases.

To hear him sing means seeing all of who he is. Its extremely vulnerable and if you’ve been pushed around, made fun of, or watched others go through that, its safer to stay quiet and let people wonder what’s up with you. 

This young man stood there, pulled open his jacket and bared his chest – metaphorically – saying here I am, take your best shot. Wow did that take courage. For many, they will never muster up the courage to make such a bold statement about who they are. Instead they will remain small, less than they could be, bending to the conformity thrust upon them by others.

His soul cried out to be heard until he could no longer ignore it. The more people who find that courage, the more others will feel they can do it also. Its a great act by a very courageous soul. 

The truth is, in the wrong environment, it would have been misunderstood and probably ridiculed. 

His talent is very personal and he didn’t know how to let it out until the right time came. Thankfully the time did come and he was up for the challenge. I can only imagine what he must have been feeling before going on stage.

Daniel Jacob had this to say: “This is the very heart of the current transformation . . . men getting in touch with their feminine . . . and this man is choosing to bring that into form GRAPHICALLY and WHOLISTICALLY. Very much like the Shamans in many indigenous cultures who wear skirts to honor their feminine side. This man is doing it with make-up and with his voice. The fact that he is so embraced and so honored is a great sign for the planet! We’re more “on time” than we’ve acknowledged!”

To which I replied, “its not just the men needing to get in touch with their feminine side. The ladies are doing it big time as well. This morning I spent a couple of hours discussing this very thing. Even though many of us have embraced our feminine in some ways, in others we are just beginning. To be a vessel for the Divine Feminine requires learning an entirely new way of “being.” So much fun to understand and explore. I LOVE what this guy is doing and the things it is bringing up. So thank you, Daniel, for getting this particular conversation started by posting the video. Much love Dear One!”

People spend their whole lives comparing themselves with others and often feeling they come up short. They feel they are somehow less than, inferior, not as good, pretty, intelligent, rich, confident, or skilled, as someone else.

Magazines, television, families, churches, friends and co-workers all convince you that you should be a certain way, dress a certain way, and think a certain way. 

You need to learn to love, honor, accept, appreciate, and acknowledge the gifts and talents you’ve been given, as well as your uniqueness, your body, mind, and emotions, all the quirks and delights of your personality. 

If you could for one moment see yourself through God’s eyes, you would know – finally – the delight you bring to the Universe. You are a blessing. You are a gift. You came here with a mission and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be in every now moment.

No matter who you are, what you’ve been through, or even what you’ve done,  you have a special role to play here. And you are loved.

When you can really “get” that. When you can feel it and know it to the depths of you, then and only then will your life change. 

If you are like most people, you are your own worst enemy – constantly criticizing and ridiculing yourself. 

Stop the judgment and ridicule. Give yourself a break. Realize that even though you are not perfect, its totally O.K. You are doing the best you can and it is absolutely, positively O.K. to screw it up sometimes. 

You need to become your own best friend. Instead of ridicule, why not pat yourself on the back and say “good job.” Allow yourself to be proud and excited when you find the courage to try something new. Because that is what its going to take to ever muster up the courage to truly be yourself and let your unique light shine forth for all the world to see. 

You are Magnificent! 

Live it. Experience it. Be it!

Support for Self Esteem and Expressing Your Uniqueness

To help you recognize and appreciate your own Magnificence, I’ve created a deLightful healing oil – Diamond Brilliance by Dancing Dolphin. It helps you discover and confidently shine your unique light, gifts, and talents. It’s like a turbo-booster for self-esteem. Get yours here in the Personal Transformation section of this page.


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  1. Just love this “No matter who you are, what you’ve been through, or even what you’ve done, you have a special role to play here. And you are loved.”…There is always some good and bad in all of us :)

  2. Thanks for sharing Anita. There is good and bad or a little light and dark in each of us. There is also brilliance, very special gifts, and skills that others could benefit from knowing about that people truly need to find the courage to let shine. I like to say to people, the people you want on your inner circle are those who truly see you for who you are and love, honor, appreciate, and accept you – warts and all.

  3. It is very hard for many people to get in tune with the real self, while they are tying so hard to be perfect under the standards our society sets. We are taught to behave a certain way, so we can stay “in line” and other people have a hard time accepting us if we don’t have the label they can recognise stapled on out foreheads.
    We need to learn to get in tune with ourselves. And that’s why we need people like you, Debbie.

  4. Love the being “in tune” part of your message. Being in tune with who you are, and with the Universe, is so important. The more we compromise, bending and becoming small, in order to fit in, the more our Soul screams from suffocation. Conformity to societal expectations feels like a straight jacket which some are able to wear more easily than others. I had to leave the corporate world and move to the West Coast in order to breathe freely. Now that I’m back on the East Coast, staying true to who I am has been challenging as much of who I am just doesn’t fit into the normal box of people’s expectations. I homeschool. I’m a writer. I use alternative and complementary medicine before rushing to the doctor. I eat organic. I don’t drink soft drinks or beer. I teach personal and spiritual growth. I changed my name to something many don’t even know how to say. Oh my, I am definitely “weird” – and loving it! LOL Life is too short to spend all your time trying to please everyone else. Find the joy within, then people want to know what you are doing and they find you interesting. There will always be those who criticize and belittle others making them wrong. That’s their problem, not yours. Shine your light and have a great day!

  5. Sometime ago I became my own best friend, and started re-gain my self-esteem, I felt so much better. I realized that I needed to be wonderful for taking care of others, and things went to their places. Thanks for the post, it is always good to re-affirm our uniqueness!


  6. And wouldn’t the world be a horribly boring place if we were all truly the same! Thanks for sharing Meire Weishaupt.


  7. Ditto Anita’s comment … “No matter who you are, what you’ve been through, or even what you’ve done, you have a special role to play here. And you are loved.” Many people need to hear this …

  8. So true. People do need to hear this. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read the post.

  9. I agree that being able to see ourselves through God’s eyes would make a huge difference, however, I believe it is important to note that this is where the role of parents is crucial. Recognizing that children receive approximately 90% of their information about themselves and the world around them from their parents…they are the conduit through which our perception of ourselves is initially formulated…we, as parents, can also make a huge difference in their level of confidence, esteem and self-image. Thanks for sharing your insights!

  10. I completely agree Denny. That’s one of the main reasons I, and many of my friends, homeschool. I just can’t bring myself to expose my child to the level of bullying I experienced in high school. Self esteem is critical to success in every area of life. Self image also has a great deal to do with a person’s level of happiness and feelings of fulfillment. Yes, parents play a vital role in how a child views him or herself. Great insights Denny. Thanks for sharing. Here is an article where I share my thoughts on homeschooling and self esteem: Scroll down the home page to read the article.

  11. I watched that episode and season of America’s Got Talent…Andrew was a shock to everyone, judges and audience alike. It goes to show that we are the only ones who hold ourselves back. We place judgements on ourselves that we think others perceive…quite the opposite can be true. What a life lesson about our self esteem he taught this fiery grandma.

  12. I love these moments when someone you wouldn’t expect to do something grand, does something grand. It always brings tears to my eyes. Reminds me a great deal of Susan Boyle and how she brought down the house on Britain’s Got Talent. – just watched it again and yep, there were the tears. What a great inspiration.

  13. If you could for one moment see yourself through God’s eyes, you would know – finally – the delight you bring to the Universe. You are a blessing. You are a gift. You came here with a mission and you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be….LOVE this!! Reminds of Eshesian 2:10…We are His workmanship…his poetry, his masterpiece, a priceless work of art….getting that through my thick head has not been easy though..that i not the message i receieved for many years….

  14. Thanks for stopping by Carl. You are not alone in “getting it.” As I’ve worked with people, and observed myself, over the past 18 or so years, I can say with great confidence that seeing who you really are, your special gifts, and feeling good about yourself and those gifts is the greatest challenge most people face. We learn from a young age to compare ourselves with others – and we feel we fall short. There is always someone who is smarter, more attracted, more wealthy, more successful, etc. Whether it is our parents, peers, and teachers who point out our faults, or us doing it to ourselves, the result is the same – very low self image. Amazing things happen when a person can finally see their own magnificence – not from an ego place, but from a confident and joy-filled place.

  15. I adore the guy on this video, as he came out to decide that his days of being shy and being an outcast has ended. He showed the world what he can do. Thanks for sharing this inspirational video.

  16. Hi Lori:

    Thanks for stopping by. It is quite inspirational.

    Have a deLightful evening,

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