This came in as an email question. The writer expressed noticing that twin flames were meeting all over the world and that she believed there was a grand plan happening.
Here are my thoughts:
I haven’t ever contemplated what you are noticing so I will just give you my first impression and personal experience after reading about it.
I only know of a hand full of twin flame relationships. My marriage seemed to be one at first, but apparently was not. I believe that true twin flames are an exact energetic match and have been together many times on and off planet. Every other relationship I am aware of – whether it be lovers, friends, employee and employer, etc. typically involves an energetic tug of war between the individuals and the other person represents a mirror for the individual. It is their opportunity to see what they believe subconsciously in order to make changes internally if they desire to cause changes in their outer reality.
Most NON twin-flame romantic relationships involve people seeking something outside themselves to fulfill their desire for happiness and wholeness. Of course wholeness must happen within the individual, so these relationships are less than optimal. We’ve all had them of course. They help us make decisions about what we do and don’t want in relationship.
Twin flames, on the other hand, play a different role with one another. The ones I know of involve people who have already healed most of their romantic relationship issues. They are people dedicated to their missions and their own spiritual unfoldment above all other things. They do not depend on the other to complete them. They are there as companions of heart and spirit. When one is going through a healing process, the other is always in a very clear, centered, peaceful place. One holds center while the other gets to wander way off center in order to heal. There is no judgment, only the loving allowance and support of the other. Having someone always there in loving support I believe allows for quantum shifts in consciousness. I believe it helps the person to step more fully into their true power and wisdom and recognize who they are and why they have come to this plane.
There is also a merging of consciousness and energy that continues even out of the bedroom. The two are truly one in many circumstances. How far this can go I have no idea.
Romantic love, savoring, honoring, and relishing the other continues to deepen over the years. Gratitude becomes a pervasive feeling. Perhaps if all twin flames can come to that place within themselves and then reverberate it out (where 2 or more are gathered) into their world, the energy of the planet will shift into one of more harmony, balance, gratitude, love, and joy.
What are you thoughts about this topic? We look forward to hearing from you.
Supposedly you spiral out in blue, the colour of electricity when reunited with your twin, and back to were you came from, back to the source, to Love, to God.
It sure felt very special, beyond space and time. Meeting him. Perhaps the meeting of the twin flames here on earth make us remember the real.
I feel there is something “contagious” about the twins and that they can speed up ascension in others.
In the real we are not separated from our twin. Jesus said: don’t you know that in the Kingdom of Heaven man and woman are One?? God created us as One.
Than there was the dream of the separation, caused by the devil. We got separated from our twins to acquired knowledge of Good and Evil: Judgement and we fell from grace/paradise. This is the karma we are dealing with still, the original sin. Remember we were bought free by the blood of Jesus Christ.
To wake up from this dream we have to leave judgement aside so Paradise can be regained. In the real we will wake up and realise we were never separated from our twin flames.
Being completely without judgement is easier said than done. Leave your ego-self, your life and pick up your cross. And follow the path of Jesus.
With help of the Violet Flame and prayer to Jesus Christ I have managed to clear a lot of karma. I am sooo ready for grace. I just cannot wait for the three knocks!! Because when Christ consiousness sets in I will be the way i want to be effortlessly and i will have found my way home.
Love and Light