Assists in answering the question, “How can I create intimacy with myself and with another?” Helps to create deeper intimacy with yourself as well as with another. Taps into the sensuality and savoring of life. It’s a beautiful feeling of the creative force and of love. Helps to be much more sensual, being much more in tune with self. Enhances intimate moments. Helps bring out passion for life, for self, for another, for living, for savoring every delicious moment this life has to offer. Being in this energy brings in love, prosperity, joy, and manifestation.
Practitioner Advice – “You can take this essence with Creativity, especially within an intimate relationship.”
As you continue to evolve – Creating your life out of the feeling of sensuality. Being sensuality.
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – Deepening the sensuality that you are.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This essence works with the root chakra to open it up and allow you to enjoy and enhance your skin’s ability to feel. It can create a deep and loving enjoyment of all of your senses. One of the greatest gift of being in the physical is the ability to feel, smell, taste, and enjoy the gifts that this body has to offer. It is a part of self-love. Use with luxury and Self love to truly heal and block any energy that prohibits you being fully awake and alive to all the beauty and physical sensation that the gift of our bodies and us being in embodiment has to offer.”
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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