Re-member who you are. It is also the essence of Soul Retrieval – collecting the missing aspects of self and bringing them back in, healed, and integrated back into the whole of you.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This essence primarily works on the mental level and physical level with memory connections. It is great with mental issues such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. For people whose brain just doesn’t work like it used to, it helps to reconnect and balance the brain chemistry to enable memories to come back clearer and easier. For those who have to remember a great amount of information, this essence will assist with that process. If you have blocked memories, this essence will allow those blocks to be healed and removed so that they can be accessed again.”
Contains Essence of Faerie, Quan Yin, Water Healing, and Jade.
Sandalwood aromatherapy.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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