From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: How do I overcome the pain from my past?
- Keywords: rejection, abandonment, embracing the past, forgiveness
- Affirmation: “I forgive the old. I now rebirth my self into my new Being. I live fully in the now.”
Assists in answering the question: “How can I overcome the pain from my past?” This is a very powerful blend for trauma. Helps in letting go of, and resolving, issues from the past – including current and past lives. Helps to access the core origination of an issue, pattern, trauma, point of pain. Assists in healing karmic issues and repatterning.
As you continue to evolve – Stepping into your divine calling, purpose, and mission. Helps heal fears of stepping into power. Helps to embrace who you are and your power.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “Healing the past essence changes the focus of your healing journey to clear out and shift mental, physical and emotions for this lifetime that are causing blocks, chaos, and illnesses in your present life. It unravels and unwinds harm done to you or interference patterns that prevent you from healing in the present. Works with your guides to clear your physical body all the way down to the DNA. Use with the essence of Forgiveness to really speed up the process.”
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