Gratitude and Forgiveness
These are the necessary ingredients to get back to a place of happiness. And it is only when you are happy and at peace that you can manifest in a positive way. It is only from a place of peace that you can re-establish hope, faith, and trust that all will be O.K.
- Without hope, your future looks bleak.
- Without faith, your life is miserable
- Without trust, it feels like you are all alone.
There are people in your life that you have loved and lost. There are careers, situations, friends, businesses, homes, pets, activities, income levels, and places you’ve lived that you greatly enjoyed and no longer have.
The loss of the things you care about cause you great sorrow. And from your current state of misery, you create a future that will also be full of misery.
I don’t care how many “secrets” you know, if you are unhappy you will never be able to create your life the way you want it to be – full of love, laughter, friends, and a lifestyle that you prefer.
As long as you have people sucking your energy and draining you, you will never be happy.
- As long as you have people sucking your energy and draining you, you will never be happy.
- As long as you have people in your life that criticize, belittle, and treat you unkindly, you will never be happy.
- As long as you blame yourself or others for anything, you will never be happy.
It is time to complete the mourning process and let all that go.
With that in mind, I have created these two elixirs that have been so desperately needed for so long – Forgiveness & Gratitude.
The energies and aromas present in the magnificent blend Forgiveness allows you to access and release those things you have not been able to until now. Assists in the forgiveness of self and others – an extremely powerful essence. Forgiveness is often a key ingredient in healing any issues you have whether in health, finance, relationships, career, or something else.
From famous Oracle Cyndie Lepori, “This gentle essence works with releasing anger and other emotions to heal and lead to the wisdom of forgiveness. It releases the mental body from going over and over situations that, while in reality are truly unforgivable, shows you the wisdom of releasing and healing situations that will hold you back in the long run. It adds clarity to situations and can open up your eyes so as to look at forgiveness with spiritual eyes. It releases the ego from the need to be right and shifts the frequency to the need to be free. It works well with finely free essence. Forgiveness essence works with healing the mental and emotional body and prevents blocks from forming in the body that will lead to illnesses. It can work on forgiveness of yourself in your own mistakes, and forgiveness of others for theirs. When used long enough, it can lead to the wisdom that really there is no need for forgiveness at all, because it is all an illusion. This essence is one of the ascension essences that will smooth your way into the new realities of the new earth.”
Contains Harmony, Golden Balance, Healing, Citrine, Opalescent Moonstone, Diamond, Carnelian, Development as well as the alchemical frequencies I channel into it.
Frankincense aromatherapy.
I recommend that everyone go through an entire bottle of Forgiveness at least once. The same goes for Gratitude.
Share them abundantly with those you love.
I encourage you to choose one and put it on all of your energy centers (chakras) every day for an entire month. Then do the same with the other. It really doesn’t matter which one you choose first. They are both very important and they work well hand in hand like this.
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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