Feelings – Morning Glory Essence
Cyndie Lepori says, «This gentle essence allows repressed feelings to come to the surface for healing. It works both on the mental and emotional bodies to allow the safety and freedom to release repressed emotional trauma to come to the surface and be released from the emotional body. Any areas of blocks and injury from emotional trauma are gently and safely healed and transformed into much more positive energy for your journey to emotional freedom. Finish this release with Finally Free to enhance this experience of sweet release of repressed and stuck emotional baggage. »
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: How do I truly feel at this moment about ____ (you fill in the blank)?
- Keywords: identify, acknowledgement, acceptance
- Affirmation: “I embrace all my feelings, transitioning them through laughter, surrendering them into love.”
Deals with the emotional body. Also deals with the mental body because the ego makes decisions based on the past. Opens up your feelings. Makes you aware of negative emotions that you are holding on to and not expressing. Aids you in expressing your feelings where in the past you have shut your feelings down. Helps in the release of long-held negative emotions such as anger and fear. Provides a safe place for deep-seated emotions to surface.
(High Desert Essence)
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