Flower: Morning Glory growing on the north shore of Lake Ontario.
So many people live in a perpetual state of stress, activity, and emotional volatility. This Calm morning glory flower essence helps you to achieve piece within, a lovely state of calm, balance, and harmony. To not be so affected by outside circumstance. To flow a little easier through life.
Blue sky, all hues of blue, isness, sky and ocean, serenity
This essence helps you answer the question: « How can I find peace and tranquility? »
Major focus of this essence: ease, grace, relaxation, soothing
Use this affirmation when using the essence: “I release my concerns into the flow becoming unattached to the outcome. I yield to ease. I allow the outcome to manifest with ease.”
Ahhhhh. Straight to the heart. « Find the calm in your heart. It is always there. »
A tonic for the nervous system, those who have obsessive/compulsive tendencies, aids in breaking nervous habits, calming the nerves, relieves depression, worry, and anxiety, heightens senses, reduces fatigue, soothes aching joints, reduces inflammation.
 As you continue to evolve – can assist the nervous system to integrate higher vibrations into the physical body
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – surrender into God consciousness, the Light and love of the Divine, a place of no anxiety or worry, all bodies (physical and subtle) in alignment.
If there is much stress in your life, this calming essence of Morning Glory will infuse an element of calmness into the chaos mist. It works on the emotional and physical levels to reduce stress reactions and adrenal stress. It assists with meditation and helps induce deep breathing and lung function. Works on the mental level to reduce worries, increase a sense of safety, and know your place in a world of peace and serenity. If used at night will assist with deep sleep and waking refreshed in the morning with a renewed sense of drive and purpose for the new day.Â
For more information about Dancing Dolphin Alchemical Synergy Aromatherapy Flower Essence Sacred Healing Oils
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