Conscious language, power of words, words matter, law of attraction

Conscious Language Matters for Manifesting!

How many times have you set goals, visualized your desired outcome, created and repeated positive affirmations, and yet still not achieved what you had hoped? There are numerous potential causes for this.

Sometimes it’s simply a matter of WORDS.

Every sound you utter sends out an energy wave (or prayer) that aids in creating the world you experience. With every sentence you speak, you are literally improving or destroying your health, relationships, finances, and more.

The most powerful example I have ever heard about the use of conscious language – or actually the misuse of conscious language – was a story told to me directly by the woman who had the experience. This woman had developed an incurable disease of the eyes. She was quickly going blind, and it had gotten to the point where she could no longer read. Her physicians said there was nothing they could do.

Being very determined and not liking what she heard from the doctors, she turned to alternative therapies for a possible cure – something she would never have done had she not been in this desperate situation. A friend recommended she see someone that did crystal healing. She thought that sounded ridiculous but decided to give it a try.

During her appointment, the crystal healing therapist asked her to describe herself, her life, etc. and the therapist let her talk for about 10 minutes.

Suddenly, the therapist stopped her and said: “Did you know that in the last 10 minutes you said the words ‘I hate to see’ 15 times?”

The woman was shocked.

She used the words “I hate to see” before many things. “I hate to see the way the world is going.” “I hate to see how they are treating the children in schools.” On and on she made reference to “I hate to see” this or that.

This was literally an eye opening experience. She switched her words and improvements started almost immediately. She now has good vision.

How Many Words Do You Use that Destroy Your Ability to Achieve Your Desires?

NEVER NEVER NEVER say “I’m Sorry.”

Two of the most powerful words in the English language are the words:


These words tell every part of you – your personality, your subconscious, your ego, your spirit – who you are. They define WHO YOU ARE. Be very careful what you place behind those words.

When you say “I’m sorry,” you are saying that WHO YOU ARE is a sorry individual, someone who is worthless, despicable, and bad. Replace the words “I’m sorry” with “I apologize.”

Anyone who eliminates the words “I’m sorry” from their vocabulary will increase their self-esteem almost immediately!

The same goes for “I’m sick.” “I’m tired.” “I’m stupid.” – you get the idea. Replace those with “I feel ___” and eliminate the stupid comment altogether.

Conscious Language I AM the two most important words in the English language
“I Am” are the two most important words in the English language. What you place after them tells the Universe who and what you proclaim that you are on every level … and your subconscious mind will make it true.
NEVER let it be negative!

Words TO USE:

  • Divine
  • a child of God
  • love
  • loved
  • joy
  • at peace
  • happy
  • creative
  • fun
  • funny
  • healthy
  • kind
  • successful
Never use words that you don’t actually believe – then you become a liar and that causes internal conflict on a grand scale

Words NOT to use:

  • bad
  • worthless
  • sorry
  • sick
  • ugly
  • terrible
  • stupid
  • too young, old, fat, thin, etc.
  • poor
  • helpless
  • not good enough
… you get the idea
As you say various words, feel how you feel … get in tune with the benefit or detriment of the words you say every day. It can make a MASSIVE difference in your life.
Choose wisely my friends!

What Does Conscious Language Have to Do With Goal Achievement?

Another very important aspect of conscious language is the LAW OF FOCUS. What ever we place our attention on is what we create. It’s important to focus on the positive thing we desire rather than the negative thing we want to avoid. For example, never focus on NOT AGING. Focusing on not aging ensures that you will age . . . and quickly. Instead focus on being healthy, vibrant, and youthful.

An interesting and often overlooked part of all this is the need to avoid words that are negating a negative.

What the heck do I mean by that?

A word like LIMITLESS is actually drawing the subconscious mind to focus on LIMITS. This is NOT what we want. So saying something like LIMITLESS ABUNDANCE is placing limits on the abundance.

An example from my own life is the word EFFORTLESS.

In the past when I made affirmations, I would typically end them with the words “easy, effortless, and fun.” An example might be “Having a wonderful relationship is easy, effortless, and fun.”

This was actually drawing EFFORT into my life. Since I have eliminated that word and now only use “easy and fun” EVERYTHING has shifted. We sold our house in 2 weeks because it was “easy and fun.” – and there was no EFFORT involved. My former husband’s immigration process to the U.S. was taken care of in less than 2 months. There are many, many other examples of how this change in language has made things move very quickly and easily for me.

How Being Clairaudient and Clairsentient Can Greatly Assist You With Conscious Language

As I’ve said many times, every person has a gift, talent, or skill. We also all have the ability to see, hear, and/or sense subtle energy. When it comes to conscious language, two of these spiritual gifts or skills come in mighty handy.

The first is the ability to hear clairaudiently. When creating positive affirmations, the ability to hear your Higher Self and guides give you the “power words” you need to say out loud or even chant as a mantra is a very empowering thing. In fact, when words “come in” that way, they are often the most powerful words and insights you will ever encounter.

The other powerful skill, one of my super powers, is being clairsentient. The more you develop you inner knowing and your ability to feel energy, the easier it is to feel (knowing instantly) if a certain word or phrase is beneficial or detrimental. The second someone else says a word or phrase, I have instantaneous feedback in my own body about how it feels. Some words and phrases make me smile and think “wow, that’s empowering.”I can literally feel the energy (or power) rise up in the person when they state the phrase. Others make me want to recoil and run away at the level of detriment they cause.

The whole discussion above about “I’m sorry” comes from that place. I can literally feel how detrimental it is for so many people when they say that. It’s like they are standing there, maybe somewhat empowered, and then they say those words. I can feel their energy (power) instantly drop a whole lot of notches. It is a particularly bad phrase to say for someone having confidence, worthiness, or self-esteem issues. Women, in particular, tend to face that. There are a lot of reasons why that I won’t cover in this article.

I know that discussion flies in the face of a very popular set of words people say all day every day. Don’t get me wrong, Joe Vitale is a great guy. But those words are definitely not what I recommend. In fact, when I used to hear people talk about Honopono, I would immediately follow it up with “oh no!” It was my own little joke to diffuse the disharmonious energy I was feeling in my body.

Try this instead:
“Thank you for blessing this person (or situation) with Divine love, light, and healing energy. May they (or it) be uplifted physically and metaphysically and come into alignment with their (its) Divine blueprint and remember their Divine nature.”

From a conscious language perspective, those are infinitely better. Instead of “God bless you,” I would probably say “Bless you” which gives you the power to bless. That in itself is a great way to become more empowered.

Being able to feel (in your own body) the benefit or detriment of something is imperative when you are on a conscious spiritual path or just trying to live life. It is how you know which teachers and teachings to follow, what things to believe, what things to avoid (including food, alternative healing methods, supplements, people, situations), and so much more. That’s the reason I so highly recommend people learn pendulum dowsing. It is the fastest way I’ve ever come across to fine-tune and enhance your intuition, your ability to “know,” and to get in tune with the feeling body that is one of your greatest spiritual instruments.

Review your own affirmations and the words you say out loud or just to yourself and see how positive you are actually being.

It definitely makes a difference!


Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature

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3 replies
  1. Blue Vanderzyden
    Blue Vanderzyden says:

    From – Blue Vanderzyden ·
    Journals assistant in Library at Bucks New University

    Thanks for that beloved xx

    Apr 27, 2017 10:23am
    This article was originally posted on my other site – – where this comment was posted.


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  1. […] of the most important things you can “clean up” in your life is the words you say to yourself and others. It can make an incredible difference in how you feel about yourself and in […]

  2. […] Thoughts aren’t the only culprit where negativity creeps in. In fact, negative thoughts have one level of “power.” Speaking those negative thoughts amplifies that power enormously! I talk about that in my article called The Power of Words. […]

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