In Pursuit of the Spiritual
I decided to watch the Ironman event televised from Hawaii. Thanks to a former boyfriend, I know a great deal about professional cycling and events like the Tour de France. I had never watched the Ironman before, but it definitely brought back memories. What is it about these events that hold so much appeal for me?
They are noble. And they are very much like the pursuit of a spiritual quest.
The men and women who participate in these events are absolutely the epitome of physical strength and endurance. They are dedicated. What was it the announcer said about why they participate?
“They come to find out what they are made of. It takes passion, courage, and determination.”
And he is right. They are warrior athletes. Their life is dedicated to the perfection of their body and their skill. And in the race, it often comes down to what’s in their mind. Mental strength wins every time.
Have you ever watched the Tour de France?
Hour after hour, day after day, they ride. It doesn’t matter what the weather is. It doesn’t matter what the other racers are doing. They each have to do it on their own. Sure they have support from people in a van with food, water, spare tires and encouragement. But no one is out there riding for them.
They see the ridiculously challenging mountain ahead of them and they have a choice. Do they continue with “their journey,” riding their best, trusting that they have what it takes to finish, or do they quit?
If they continue, do they do it at less than their best, letting the physical pain and exhaustion overshadow their desire to succeed? Or do they ignore what’s happening in their body, in their surroundings, and stay in a centered place looking always at the goal and going after it with everything they’ve got?
Those are questions I will also ask of you?
What is a spiritual journey about anyway?
There are a million different spiritual paths and spiritual journeys to take in order to get there.
Where is a Spiritual Journey leading to?
Each path is leading to freedom and joy.
What kind of freedom?
The freedom to be who you truly are – a Divine being without limitations of any kind. A person walking around completely in union in every moment with Spirit.
In that space there is only love, there is only joy, there is only compassion, there is only perfect health, there is only peace, there is only abundance, and there is only the desire to assist other humans in achieving the same.
There is no room for lack, for fear, for worry, for war, or for strife.
If that is the end result you are attempting to attain, then . . .
What is required to get there?
Can you just sit at home, read a few books, take a few seminars, pray, hold a few crystals and experience instant enlightenment?
The answer is a very big NO!
It requires dedication. It means finding out what you are made of. It takes passion, courage, and determination.
It is a quest well worth the effort. But, just like the Ironman or the Tour de France, few athletes ever even get to participate in those events. Most people don’t have what it takes.
How dedicated are you to your spiritual quest?
What have you done that proves you are totally dedicated?
For me, the greatest metaphor for the spiritual journey is the quest for the holy grail which includes knights slaying dragons and facing numerous other perils. When the going gets tough, the best still persist.
The truth is, I LOVE dragons and work with dragons and dragon energy a lot. So … rather than dragons, I’m going to continue this discussion using the metaphor of slaying demons.
How many demons have you slain lately?
During the course of my conscious spiritual journey, I’ve done what I consider to be some pretty amazing and scary things.
For two and a half years, without exception, I arose at 4 a.m. and meditated, did yoga, and prepared for my day. I no longer get up at 4 a.m., but I’ve been meditating daily, without exception, for 30 years.
I felt inner prompting to do things and go places that felt very uncomfortable. Yet I followed the inner promptings and was exhilarated by each one.
I rode horses bareback and blindfolded. I walked on fire. I ran at top speed blindfolded down a hill that ended at a huge cliff that dropped into the raging ocean below. And I gave birth at home in water with only the baby’s father present.
I left a perfectly good job with very high pay to travel across the country to live in a place I’d never visited before and to start a nonprofit for dolphins and whales.
And if that isn’t enough insanity, after seeing a guy only 4 times I asked him to move in with me. I didn’t even know his last name. Yes, he later became my husband and later former husband.
O.K. so I’m daring. I follow my intuition. And I’ve done some physical things that prove I’ve got some spiritual dedication.
But what about the REALLY hard stuff?
The things I’ve already mentioned are actually quite easy compared to facing the real demons.
What Are The Real Demons You Must Face?
What about looking at every facet of yourself and seeing the truth. What do you fear deep down inside? What beliefs do you hold, false beliefs, which are holding you back at every turn? Who and what do you judge as wrong or bad or it shouldn’t be that way? What happened in your childhood, or even a past life, that you haven’t REALLY gotten over?
You can’t just face these demons. You have to slay them.
This is where you get to discover if you are truly dedicated to the spiritual quest and will actually achieve freedom and joy. Or are you just another weekend athlete with a dream you’ll never actually pursue?
People often call to ask me questions about my various products. When we start discussing Dancing Dolphin Formula #28 for Fear and Core Issues, I explain that these essences help those demons come fully to the surface. At this point the person usually laughs, you can sense their tension, and they say they aren’t sure they want to look at those things.
Ah, but isn’t that the real challenge of the quest?
What the Spiritual Journey Requires of You
Without looking at the shadow, the fear, the thing you are sorry and ashamed that you did or said, you are only pretending to be spiritual.
The spiritual journey requires that you face those things head on, that you discover your weaknesses, that you heal the wounds, that you forgive even what or whom may seem unforgiveable – including yourself.
It requires that you take responsibility for the part you have played in every thing and event that has ever happened in your life. It requires that you learn to rise above circumstances and even your own weaknesses to do what you know is right – even when that is downright and sometimes paralyzingly uncomfortable.
It requires a great deal of maturity, responsibility, compassion, and over and over again forgiveness.
As long as there are dragons, they have to be slain (looked at, learned from, and dismissed forever). Otherwise the end result can never be attained.
Are You Truly a Spiritual Warrior or Are You Just Pretending?
Who have you refused to forgive?
In which event from your past do you still feel like you were a victim?
What issues, situations, or people can instantly press your sadness or anger buttons?
If you give up when having to face those situations, then you are just pretending that you are dedicated to your spiritual journey. You are simply being an armchair observer instead of a full out warrior participant.
The demons show up as the things that aren’t working in your everyday life.
Make the commitment to yourself and to Spirit to face them head on.
Ask for help – it is there in every moment.
And never ever ever give up.
Here’s to your journey,
Helping others face their demons is one of the primary roles I am here to play during this time of personal and planetary evolution. If you need help, book a session with me.
My life has truly been one of a spiritual seeker. Even though I wasn’t quite aware of it until in my 30’s, I have continued to explore and transform through the inner knowing I hold of what is possible. My greatest spiritual quest was through Arsura – School for Living Art, as most people had already written me off, my health issues were so great. My inner belief and the guidance of the school’s facilitator (who was an angel sent to me to help with my healing) I slowly had the opportunity to look at who I had been and how to transform it. My deep gratitude in is that I “found” her and the work and how my perseverance and persistence carried me through as I faced my double and made friends with it. Great post, Takara, and something others do need to understand. The spiritual journey, however that looks to you, requires commitment to the process. That is my biggest lesson and I still struggle with process. Without the process, there is really no journey.
This is beautiful. It is nice to have you explain some of your personality traits this way. You are Magnificent U, and don’t you forget it!
Takara – I love the analogy – Spiritual Warrior and Holy Grail. My biggest tests began when I got involved in 12 Step Recovery and began working the steps. Step 4 is writing a searching and fearless moral inventory and then Step 5 is giving it away. As a newbie, I couldn’t imagine I’d ever do that – I was so busy appearing to be in control and perfect, how could I ever admit my faults to myself? And to another person too – yikes, that felt impossible. That was about 35 years ago and completing Steps 4 and 5 marked a turning point – a beginning of my path towards personal development and spiritual growth.
Just as an FYI: I should say that dragons are actually beings beyond the veil that I strongly resonate with and would never wish them harm.