Holiday Gift Giving

During the holidays, what we at Magnificent U call the Holy-Days since so many traditions have celebrations, the malls are jammed with people and there is a santa on every corner. We are reminded to let those we love and care about know it. But that doesn’t have to be done by purchasing a gift.

Most people have more than enough “stuff.” And they are quickly running out of room to store all the “stuff” they have.

In this season of giving, let us look to those less fortunate. Instead of (or at least in addition to) the gifts you purchase for friends and family, send money where it can really make a difference.

There are starving children everywhere. There are people …

living with war, disease, and poverty where a little money can go a very long way. I think one of the greatest programs I’ve ever heard of gives a goat to a family in need. It provides them with much needed nutrition and allows them to sell the milk to earn an income. Such a tiny little thing can make a gigantic difference.

Our world is full of imbalance. If you are reading this, it means you know how to read and have access to a computer. You are one of the fortunate few. You are privileged. You probably didn’t wake up hungry. You probably have a warm dry place to sleep. You most likely have indoor plumbing. And you very likely have a little extra cash that could be used in a good way.

This year, in addition to gifts, support organizations that you feel are making a positive difference in the world. You can visit and learn about numerous organizations providing assistance in practically any area you feel is important.

If every town and every household in North America took the money they usually spend on fancy lights and electricity during the holiday season and gave that money to house and feed the homeless – even in their own cities – just think of the positive impact it would have.

Bestselling author Debbie Takara Shelor signature
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Takara Shelor
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