Energy Healing, Psychic Readings, Akashic Records, Seed of Divine Restoration

A client recently sent me a series of questions. These are my response: 

Question: How does the Seed of Divine Restoration compare to an Akashic Record Reading

Hello Dear One:

DeLightful to hear from you.

“Readings” and “healing” are definitely not the same. The Seed of Divine Restoration offers profound energies for a complete life transformation.

I consider most “readings” mindless entertainment and some are even potentially harmful. However, if you are facing a serious issue that you have tried everything in the world to fix with no result, sometimes in a private session with a gifted healer, a past life regression is called for. In that case, understanding the memory (or metaphor) of the experience can often shed light on the current issue and allow it be healed more easily. Readings address none of this.

A reading is typically done by a person with some psychic skill reading into the psychic realm as it relates to you. The reading is often tainted by the beliefs, fears, judgments, and expectations of the “reader.” A reader’s level of consciousness and awareness greatly influences what they can and cannot read about another. And, if they are having an “off” day – meaning they are upset or out of balance in some way – it will definitely affect their ability to “read.” The same is true of healer’s abilities as well. Those who can get out of the way completely, and let higher wisdom come through, are truly a gift to humanity.

Don’t get me wrong . . . there are definitely individuals who are truly gifted, clear, and at a high level of consciousness and awareness. A reading with a person like that can have profound beneficial influence on your life. Sadly, not everyone is “reading” from that place.

Also, any “reading” that relates to what is happening with you right now is subject to change if even one new decision is made or new event happens in your life. So as soon as the reading is finished, its already quickly becoming obsolete.

I mentioned that they can be dangerous. The human mind is a very powerful thing. If a reader tells you that something “negative” is going to happen, even if that isn’t the truth, your worry about the thing can indeed cause it to happen. Because a reader is able to get information that you can not, it is human nature to believe them and give their words more value – even if what they said was not the truth. Even if you consciously discard the words thinking they don’t sound right or “feel” right, your subconscious mind has already heard them. It is for that reason that I avoid readings – and always have.

On very rare occasion, if I am specifically Divinely guided to do so, I will have a reading done. I have had maybe 3 to 5 my entire life. And truthfully, I barely remember them at the moment. Typically its one word or one concept that I needed to hear and that’s it.

You specifically asked about akashic readings. The akashic records are about earth’s past. If you are feeling “inspired” to have one done, then definitely do so. You can read more about them here:

That is not what the “Seed” is all about. The Seed of Divine Restoration is one of my spiritual gifts. It was revealed to me “directly” while on a vision quest high in the mountains of New Mexico. I did not learn it from someone else. Nor can I teach it to another.

Question: I was wondering about vibrational energy. Specifically about everything having its own vibration.

We are all unique in the Universe. Just as our thumb print is unique, the very specific vibration we have is also unique. Different species have their own unique vibration (tone). Within each species, each individual has a unique vibration that falls within the range of that particular species overall tone.

Question: I believe that if someone truly wants to heal themselves that that can.

I believe in miracles and I have seen them happen. Its a tricky area however. What a person believes, or what they say they believe, is coming from their conscious mind – which science has now proven is less than 20% of the mind and therefore less than 20% of what matters. When we read something and think about it and then say, “Yes, I believe that,” we are doing that with our conscious mind. We have not taken into account the subconscious mind which has fears, beliefs, judgments, and expectations that our conscious mind is not even aware of. Some of those fears and  false beliefs are passed down from our ancestors through DNA. Some we pick up as small children as we experience this new world we find ourselves in. Others actually come from previous incarnations. So, saying “I believe this” is not actually true in most cases. We may have embraced it with our conscious mind, but the subconscious mind may believe something else entirely. That is where the real work is – addressing those hidden “truths” about who we are and what we truly believe – deep down in the shadows of our subconscious mind. That is much of what I help people address.

If we truly believed and understood who we are in relation to being human and in relation to our Divine heritage, then we would not be sick, we would not die, we would not experience poverty or disharmonious relationships or any of the nonsense we all experience here. Our only limitations are our beliefs. Sin is “wrong thinking” and that is what we are learning here in the classroom called earth.

It is a rare individual that can believe on all levels that they can heal themselves. I have done it. But I was not “healing myself.” I had been Divinely inspired to visualize golden orbs of light and to place them on a particular part of my body. And I in no way felt “I” was healing myself. I felt I had the help of the entire Universe.

Jesus made a statement about “Where 2 or more are gathered.” Most miracles seem to happen when a person has asked for help from another, they believe the person truly can help them, and the person they have asked trusts their Divine inspiration (intuitive hunches) when it comes to healing.  Most of the healing I have seen and heard about has happened in this way.

Question: Most people feel the need to look outside of themselves.

If you consider the consciousness of most people on this planet, few have reached 500 on the consciousness scale. We have determined that until a person reaches at least about 450 on the consciousness scale, they really do need outside assistance. I have not looked at why. But I would say it has to do with the subconscious mind that I mentioned previously. A person can only rise in consciousness if they have healed, or at least neutralized, some of those limiting beliefs and fears held subconsciously.

I have found personally that there are things I can address effectively by myself and there are things that I end up needing help from someone else in order to resolve.

Question: I am curious about everything having its own vibration that you have to align with. I assume that includes healthy livers, hearts, bones . . .

What you are really trying to align with is your true Self – what I call the Magnificent Self. The YOU that knows on all levels that you are perfect, healthy, happy, prosperous, etc.

Question: Reiki is one way to heal with energy, but you have no idea how deficient the organ or person is.

Reiki is one system of energy for bringing in Divine Healing Light. It is a great introduction to energy work, but I feel it is lacking in many ways. I often refer to it as “energetic kindergarten.” There is so much more to learn about energy and healing than a person can possibly take in during a workshop for 1 or 2 weekends with a Reiki master.

What Reiki, Chi Kung, and other forms of hands-on healing are doing is bringing in enough healing energy that the person can better align with health. It is not about “adding more energy” to a particular organ as if energy were a supplement. It is about energetically raising up the body – and hopefully the mind – of the individual so that it can access the Truth about itself and let go of the false beliefs and negative energies that keep it stuck in sickness and disease.

Question: Do you have any knowledge of something current or in the works to measure vibration?

There was a device created that measures energy. The designer is dead and the family refuses to give out the technology. I have been unable to ascertain what really happened.

One of my friends has an energy healing product line and she sends everything to europe for testing. I’ve sent her an email to see what the technology is and how to find out more about it. I’ll let you know if I find out anything more.

Have a deLightful day,



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