Uniqueness – petunia. Assists in answering the question: “Am I willing to accept who I am and my uniqueness?”
Cyndie Lepori says, «We each bring into this life our own uniqueness and special gifts into this lifetime and timeline and each gift is very important to create our soul mission and joy at experiencing your life and reaching your highest joy and potential in this life. If you are unsure what your gifts and uniqueness are then this petunia will gently show you who you are on a soul level and bring to you the true gifts that makeup who you really are. It allows you to not only know what these gifts are but to accept them and incorporate the skills into your life in joy and play. It assists you in bringing forth an energy of acceptance of your gifts that will allow others also to find and embrace their gifts. It brings the gift of loving allowance for our differences not only to yourself but to the other beings on the planet. It assists in rising above judgment of others and celebrating our unique journeys in joy and healing.»
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: Who am I? How can I become all that I am?
- Keywords: choice, righteous decisions, illumination
- Affirmation: “I am becoming the person I have always dreamed I would be. I am that I am.”
Really accepting yourself as the unique being that you are. Assists those that feel they don’t fit into truly accept themselves for who they are. Helps bring in true friendships, acceptance of others.
Assists in understanding the other kingdoms of the world. Possibly stabilizing for blood sugar. (Great Lakes Essence)
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