Cyndie Lepori says, «If you need to rise above your present circumstances and overcome challenges to get the life you want then this Datura Indian Apple essence can assist with showing you the way. Unlocks the pineal and pituitary glands to allow more light to come in that will overcome the ego and circumstances that you are dealing with your limiting beliefs. Infuses your life with a calmness from your soul that can completely change how you address life’s challenges and enable you to change them quickly and easily. Change your thoughts and you change your world and experiences. This essence will gently infuse enlightenment into your life.»
From famous Oracle Shikiah Kaylor:
- “Question: I long to transform into a higher vibrational person. How can I do this?
- Keywords: infinity, pillar of light, overcoming illusions, immortality
- Affirmation: “I am now connected to the source of my Being which manifests in all that I do.”
- Hierophant – Ace”
Assists in answering the question: “How can I transcend (rise above) this situation? Associated with 7th chakra. Good for transcending circumstances, fear, ego. Helps open the 7th chakra to let more light in and assists the body in being open to receiving the light. Enhances the pineal and pituitary glands so they secrete what is necessary to allow the light to infuse within it. Helps a person in their willingness to learn the lessons that circumstances have to offer. (Sacred Mountain Essence)
As you continue to evolve – A symbol of purity and oneness with Creator. Helps to transform dense or old vibrations into higher vibrations. You come back into purity of state.
As you evolve to an even higher vibration – The entire pranic tube is activated and you are living, breathing love and light.
Made with indian apple (datura)
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